# ![logo](https://github.com/Clomance/CatEngine/raw/master/cat_audio/logo_400x400.png) # CatAudio [![Crate badge]][crates.io] [![Doc badge]][doc.rs] [Crate badge]:http://meritbadge.herokuapp.com/cat_audio [crates.io]:https://crates.io/crates/cat_audio [Doc badge]:https://img.shields.io/badge/documentation-doc.rs-green [doc.rs]:https://docs.rs/cat_audio/ A multichannel audio engine for CatEngine. ## [Release notes](../RELEASE-NOTES.MD) #### Supported platforms - Windows, Linux - MacOS, iOS, Android might work anyway #### Rust features - `extended` - enables the audio output engine with direct command acces to the core as an addition, standard functions remain - `raw` - enables the audio output engine only with direct command acces to the core, standard functions are removed #### Dependencies - [cpal](https://github.com/RustAudio/cpal) and [minimp3](https://github.com/germangb/minimp3-rs) Alsa delevopment libraries are required for Linux: `libasound2-dev` for Debian and Ubuntu, `alsa-lib-devel` for Fedora (see [cpal](https://github.com/RustAudio/cpal)).