# Catapulte
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## What is catapulte?
Catapulte is an open source mailer you can host yourself.
You can use it to quickly catapult your transactionnal emails to destination.
## Why did we build catapulte?
Catapulte comes from the frustration of using several email providers.
We used to work with products like [sendgrid](https://sendgrid.com/),
[mailgun](https://www.mailgun.com/), [mailchimp](https://mailchimp.com/), [sendinblue](https://www.sendinblue.com/), etc.
But they have many disadvantages :
- Most of them are not really transactionnal oriented, and users complain that their login emails take a long time to arrive.
- You cannot host it nor use it on premise
- It's American, with the patriot act, they are able to access your users data.
- They usually don't have templating tools for our non tech coworkers that ask us to change a wording every 2 days.
And when they do, the editors are like html online editors, so it ends up being our job to make the template anyway.
## How to use it?
Catapulte is a simple service that renders your mjml template, interpolates the data and then sends it to a SMTP server.
If you want to see how to create your own template, take a look at the `/template` folder in this repository.
You then have several options for starting catapulte. We recommend using Docker if you are on a amd64, i386 or arm64v8 architecture.
By doing the following, you'll be able to have a running server that will render and send your email.
docker run -d \
--name catapulte \
-e SMTP__HOSTNAME=localhost \
-e SMTP__PORT=25 \
-e SMTP__USERNAME=optional \
-e SMTP__PASSWORD=optional \
-e TEMPLATE__TYPE=local \
-e TEMPLATE__PATH=/templates \
-p 3000:3000 \
-v /path/to/your/templates:/templates:ro \
Once your server started, you can simply send an email using an `HTTP` request.
curl -X POST -v \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"from":"alice@example.com","to":"bob@example.com","params":{"some":"data"}}' \
You can also send attachments using a multipart request.
curl -X POST -v \
-F attachments=@asset/cat.jpg \
-F from=alice@example.com \
-F to=bob@example.com \
-F params='{"some":"data"}' \
You can configure it with [some environment variable](./wiki/environment-variables.md) and can find more information in [this wiki](./wiki/template-provider.md).
If you some API specification, the Open API specification is also available on `/openapi.json` when Catapulte is running.
To use it in production, we prepared a documentation on how to use Catapulte with [Amazon Simple Email Service](./wiki/with-aws-ses.md).
### Sending to multiple recipients
You can send the same email to multiple recipients just by using an array in the `to` field, like this:
curl -X POST -v \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"from":"alice@example.com","to":["bob@example.com","jon@example.com"],"params":{"some":"data"}}' \
## Should you use it?
If, like us, you didn't find any good way of doing transactionnal emails, then YES!
## Why you should use it :
- You work in a startup
- You don't have shit loads of money to spend on the mailing tools, so use something opensource, send your emails from your own SMTP (or from Amazon SES, it's cheap)
- You don't have time to change the email template everyday, so let your Product Owner do it
- You wanna be able to add this little feature, just do a pull request...
- You work in a big company
- You cannot use those external services because you're not allowed to put your user's data on an external service.
- You cannot access external services because it's blocked by the proxy
- You want to customise the way you authenticate to your SMTP
- You want something user friendly enough that your manager can write the emails
## Thank you!