# Environment variables and arguments Catapulte can be configured using CLI arguments or environment variables. Those arguments/variables can be seen by running catapulte with `--help`. ## Server relative - `LOG` is the level of log used to trace the application, default to `INFO`. - `HOST` is where the server will listen to, default to `` in container otherwise `localhost` - `PORT` is the port on white the server will listen to, default to `3000` ## Template relative - `TEMPLATE__TYPE` defines the type of provider used by this instance. `local` is the only option for now. When the provider `local` is used - `TEMPLATE__PATH` is the path where the templates will be loaded. In the container, the default is `/templates` otherwise it's `./templates`. ## MRML relative - `RENDER__KEEP_COMMENTS` is a flag defining if MRML should keep the comments. - `RENDER__SOCIAL_ICON_ORIGIN` is the base URL to load the social icons for `mj-social-element`. It's the default MRML value (`https://www.mailjet.com/images/theme/v1/icons/ico-social/`). ## SMTP relative - `SMTP__HOSTNAME` is the hostname of the SMTP server (default `localhost`) - `SMTP__PORT` is the port of the SMTP server (default `25`) - `SMTP__USERNAME` is the username used to authenticate with the SMTP server - `SMTP__PASSWORD` is the password used to authenticate with the SMTP server - `SMTP__MAX_POOL_SIZE` is the max number of connection to the SMTP server (default `10`) - `SMTP__TLS_ENABLED` enables TLS secure connection to the SMTP server (default `false`) - `SMTP__ACCEPT_INVALID_CERT` allow the smtp client to accept invalid certificates (default `false`)