Doukutsu Monogatari - Profile.dat format (aka Cave Story) by Kapow - 2006 April 13 email: kapow % the above site Note: All multi-byte values (not text) are stored low-byte first Ex. 1234 = hex 4D2 = bytes D2 04 Ex. 256 = hex 100 = bytes 00 01 BYTES (% = appears outside box on menu screen, @ = glitches, may crash) ===== 000-007 "Do041220" 008 Current map (see MAPS) 00C Current song (see SONGS) 010 [unknown] 011-012 Horiz. position - distance from left of map (20 00 = 1 tile) (00 01 = 8 tiles) 014 [unknown] 015-016 Vert. position - distance from top of map (20 00 = 1 tile) (00 01 = 8 tiles) 018 Facing direction (00 left, 02 right) 01C-01D Max HP 01E Whimsical Stars (00-03) 020-021 Current HP 024 Current weapon (00-04 = weapon slot 1-5) 028 [unknown] 02C-02D Equipped items, low byte first (see EQUIP) 034-036 Time 038 Slot 1 Weapon Type (see WEAPONS) 03C Slot 1 Weapon Level 040 Slot 1 Weapon Energy 044 Slot 1 Weapon Max Ammo 048 Slot 1 Weapon Current Ammo 04C Slot 2 Weapon Type 050 Slot 2 Weapon Level 054 Slot 2 Weapon Energy 058 Slot 2 Weapon Max Ammo 05C Slot 2 Weapon Current Ammo 060 Slot 3 Weapon Type 064 Slot 3 Weapon Level 068 Slot 3 Weapon Energy 06C Slot 3 Weapon Max Ammo 070 Slot 3 Weapon Current Ammo 074 Slot 4 Weapon Type 078 Slot 4 Weapon Level 07C Slot 4 Weapon Energy 080 Slot 4 Weapon Max Ammo 084 Slot 4 Weapon Current Ammo 088 Slot 5 Weapon Type 08C Slot 5 Weapon Level 090 Slot 5 Weapon Energy 094 Slot 5 Weapon Max Ammo 098 Slot 5 Weapon Current Ammo 09C % Slot 6 Weapon Type 0A0 % Slot 6 Weapon Level 0A4 % Slot 6 Weapon Energy 0A8 % Slot 6 Weapon Max Ammo 0AC % Slot 6 Weapon Current Ammo 0B0 % Slot 7 Weapon Type 0B4 % Slot 7 Weapon Level 0B8 % Slot 7 Weapon Energy 0BC % Slot 7 Weapon Max Ammo 0C0 % Slot 7 Weapon Current Ammo 0C4 @ Slot 8 Weapon Type (GLITCH: reads garbage up to Slots 11) 0C8 @ Slot 8 Weapon Level 0CC @ Slot 8 Weapon Energy 0D0 @ Slot 8 Weapon Max Ammo 0D4 @ Slot 8 Weapon Current Ammo 0D8 Inventory R1C1 (see ITEMS) 0DC Inventory R1C2 0E0 Inventory R1C3 0E4 Inventory R1C4 0E8 Inventory R1C5 0EC Inventory R1C6 0F0 Inventory R2C1 0F4 Inventory R2C2 0F8 Inventory R2C3 0FC Inventory R2C4 100 Inventory R2C5 104 Inventory R2C6 108 Inventory R3C1 10C Inventory R3C2 110 Inventory R3C3 114 Inventory R3C4 118 Inventory R3C5 11C Inventory R3C6 120 Inventory R4C1 124 Inventory R4C2 128 Inventory R4C3 12C Inventory R4C4 130 Inventory R4C5 134 Inventory R4C6 138 Inventory R5C1 13C Inventory R5C2 140 Inventory R5C3 144 Inventory R5C4 148 Inventory R5C5 14C Inventory R5C6 150 % Inventory R6C1 154 @ Inventory R6C2 (GLITCH: reads garbage up to R7C1) 158 Slot 1 Teleporter Menu (see T. MENU) 15C-15D Slot 1 Teleporter Location (see T. LOCATIONS) 160 Slot 2 Teleporter Menu 164-165 Slot 2 Teleporter Location 168 Slot 3 Teleporter Menu 16C-16D Slot 3 Teleporter Location 170 Slot 4 Teleporter Menu 174-175 Slot 4 Teleporter Location 178 Slot 5 Teleporter Menu 17C-17D Slot 5 Teleporter Location 180 Slot 6 Teleporter Menu 184-185 Slot 6 Teleporter Location 188 Slot 7 Teleporter Menu 18C-18D Slot 7 Teleporter Location 190 @ Slot 8 Teleporter Menu (GLITCH: reads garbage up to Slot 10) 194-195 @ Slot 8 Teleporter Location 218-21B "FLAG" 21C-603 Flags (see flags.txt) Notes: Inventory slots are listed by row and column Max Ammo 00 = infinite ammo Lists are not read past the first 00 in the first byte of a slot: Weapon - Weapon Type Teleporter - Teleporter Menu Inventory - Inventory Very high HP values act strangely - need confirmation on safe maximum If you pick up a weapon or item you already have, it will be ignored Whimsical Star notes: 0-3 stars orbit your character and damage enemies slightly Stars are gained when your weapon is at maximum and you pick up energy Stars are lost each time damage is taken (any amount) Charging the Spur to maximum instantly brings the star count to 3 If the number of stars is higher than 3 (by editing profile.dat), only 3 stars will appear, but taking damage will decrease the real number Ex. byte set to 13 - have 3 stars damaged 16 times - byte 03 - have 3 stars damaged 1 time - byte 02 - have 2 stars MAPS (small rooms have the general area in parentheses) ==== 00 0 Credits 01 Pens1 Arthur's House - normal 02 Eggs Egg Corridor 03 EggX Egg No. 00 - normal 04 Egg6 Egg No. 06 05 EggR Egg Observation Room 06 Weed Grasstown 07 Santa Santa's House 08 Chako Chaco's House 09 MazeI Labyrinth I (- ertical starting room 0A Sand Sand Zone - normal 0B Mimi Mimiga Village 0C Cave First Cave 0D Start Start Point 0E Barr Shack (Mimiga Village) 0F Pool Reservoir 10 Cemet Graveyard 11 Plant Yamashita Farm 12 Shelt Shelter (Grasstown) 13 Comu Assembly Hall (Mimiga Village) 14 MiBox Save Point (Mimiga Village) 15 EgEnd1 Side Room (Egg Corridor) 16 Cthu Cthulhu's Abode (Egg Corridor) 17 Egg1 Egg No. 01 18 Pens2 Arthur's House - sue using computer 19 Malco Power Room (Grasstown) 1A WeedS Save Point (Grasstown) 1B WeedD Execution Chamber (Grasstown) 1C Frog Gum (Grasstown) 1D Curly Sand Zone Residence 1E WeedB Grasstown Hut 1F Stream Main Artery (Waterway) 20 CurlyS Small Room (Sand Zone) 21 Jenka1 Jenka's House - before Balrog attack 22 Dark Deserted House (Sand Zone) 23 Gard Sand Zone Storehouse 24 Jenka2 Jenka's House - after Balrog attack 25 SandE Sand Zone - after boss fight 26 MazeH Labyrinth H - sliding block room 27 MazeW Labyrinth W - main area with shop, camp 28 MazeO Camp (Labyrinth) 29 MazeD Clinic Ruins (Labyrinth) 2A MazeA Labyrinth Shop 2B MazeB Labyrinth B - room with booster 2C MazeS Boulder Chamber (Labyrinth) 2D MazeM Labyrinth M - last area, gaudi eggs 2E Drain Dark Place (Labyrinth) 2F Almond Core (Labyrinth) 30 River Waterway 31 Eggs2 Egg Corridor? 32 Cthu2 Cthulhu's Abode? (Egg Corridor?) 33 EggR2 Egg Observation Room? 34 EggX2 Egg No. 00 - hatched 35 Oside Outer Wall 36 EgEnd2 Side Room (Egg Corridor?) 37 Itoh Storehouse (Outer Wall) 38 Cent Plantation 39 Jail1 Jail No. 1 (Plantation) 3A Momo Hideout (Plantation) 3B Lounge Rest Area (Plantation) 3C CentW Teleporter (Plantation) 3D Jail2 Jail No. 2 (Plantation) 3E Blcny1 Balcony - normal 3F Priso1 Last Cave 40 Ring1 Throne Room (Balcony) 41 Ring2 The King's Table (Balcony) 42 Prefa1 Prefab House (Balcony) - normal 43 Priso2 Last Cave Hidden 44 Ring3 Black Space (Balcony) 45 Little Little House (Outer Wall) 46 Blcny2 Balcony - escaping 47 Fall Ending 48 Kings Intro 49 Pixel Waterway Cabin 4A e_Maze Credits - Labyrinth 4B e_Jenk Credits - Jenka's House 4C e_Malc Credits - Power Room 4D e_Ceme Credits - Graveyard 4E e_Sky Credits - Sky 4F Prefa2 Prefab House (Balcony) - entrance to hell 50 Hell1 Sacred Ground B1 51 Hell2 Sacred Ground B2 52 Hell3 Sacred Ground B3 53 Mapi Storage (Graveyard) 54 Hell4 Passage? - normal 55 Hell42 Passage? - from Sacred Ground B3 56 Statue Statue Chamber (Plantation/Sacred Grounds) 57 Ballo1 Seal Chamber (Sacred Grounds) - normal 58 Ostep Corridor (Sacred Grounds) 59 e_Labo Credits - Laboratory 5A Pole Hermit Gunsmith 5B Island [map is empty - script loaded right before good/best endings] 5C Ballo2 Seal Chamber (Sacred Grounds) - after fight 5D e_Blcn Credits - Balcony 5E Clock Clock Room (Outer Wall) SONGS (official name unless in parentheses) ===== 00 (nothing) 01 Mischievous Robot 02 Safety 03 (game over) 04 Gravity 05 On to Grasstown 06 Meltdown 2 07 Eyes of Flame 08 Gestation 09 Mimiga Village 0A (get item) 0B Balrog's Theme 0C Cemetary 0D Plant 0E Pulse 0F (boss defeated) 10 (get life capsule) 11 Tyrant 12 Run! 13 Jenka 1 14 Labyrinth Fight 15 Access 16 Oppression 17 Geothermal 18 Cave Story 19 Moonsong 1A Hero's End 1B Scorching Back 1C Quiet 1D Final Cave 1E Balcony 1F Charge 20 Last Battle 21 The Way Back Home 22 Zombie 23 Break Down 24 Running Hell 25 Jenka 2 26 Living Waterway 27 Seal Chamber 28 Toroko's Theme 29 (King's Theme) ITEMS ===== 00 (nothing) 01 Arthur's Key 02 Map System 03 Santa's Key 04 Silver Locket 05 Beast Fang (unused) 06 Life Capsule (unused) 07 ID Card 08 Jellyfish Juice 09 Rusty Key 0A Gum Key 0B Gum Base 0C Charcoal 0D Explosive 0E Puppy 0F Life Pot 10 Cure-All 11 Clinic Key 12 Booster 0.8 13 Arms Barrier 14 Turbocharge 15 Curly's Air Tank 16 Nikumaru Counter 17 Booster v2.0 18 Mimiga Mask 19 Teleporter Room Key 1A Sue's Letter 1B Controller 1C Broken Sprinkler 1D Sprinkler 1E Tow Rope 1F Clay Figure Medal 20 Little Man 21 Mushroom Badge 22 Ma Pignon 23 Curly's Underwear 24 Alien Medal 25 Chaco's Lipstick 26 Whimsical Star 27 Iron Bond WEAPONS ======= 00 (nothing) 01 Snake 02 Polar Star 03 Fireball 04 Machine Gun 05 Missile Launcher 06 Missiles (can't fire) 07 Bubbler 08 (blank) (can't fire) 09 Blade 0A Super Missile Launcher 0B Super Missiles (can't fire) 0C Nemesis 0D Spur EQUIP (decimal used with EQ+/EQ- in scripts) ===== Bytes Decimal 01 00 0001 Booster v0.8 (ignored if v2.0 equipped) 02 00 0002 Map System 04 00 0004 Arms Barrier 08 00 0008 Turbocharge 10 00 0016 Curly's Air Tank 20 00 0032 Booster v2.0 40 00 0064 Ma Pignon 80 00 0128 Whimsical Star 00 01 0256 Nikumaru Counter T. MENU ======= 00 (nothing) 01 Egg Corridor 02 Grasstown 03 Sand Zone 04 Labyrinth 05 Plantation T. LOCATIONS ============ 71 17 Egg Corridor 72 17 Grasstown 73 17 Sand Zone 74 17 Labyrinth 75 17 Plantation Note: more testing required for unused locations