Why yet another JSON package in Rust ? ====================================== [![Rustdoc](https://img.shields.io/badge/rustdoc-hosted-blue.svg)](https://docs.rs/cbordata) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/bnclabs/cbordata.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/bnclabs/cbordata) This crate makes several trade-offs that are tuned for big-data and document database. What is CBOR ============ * Concise Binary Object Representation, also called CBOR, RFC-7049link. * Machine friendly, designed for IoT, inter-networking of light weight devices, and easy to implement in many languages. * Can be used for more than data exchange, left to user imagination :) ... * [x] Serialization from Rust native type to CBOR binary. * [x] De-serialization from CBOR binary to Rust native type. * [ ] Streaming CBOR parser. * [ ] Sorted keys in property object. Useful links ============ * **[API Documentation](https://docs.rs/jsondata)** * [CBOR][https://cbor.io/] specification * [RFC specification][cbor-rfc] for CBOR. * [Release notes](./RELEASE.md). Contribution ------------ * Simple workflow. Fork - Modify - Pull request. * Before creating a PR, * Run `make build` to confirm all versions of build is passing with 0 warnings and 0 errors. * Run `check.sh` with 0 warnings, 0 errors and all testcases passing. * Run `perf.sh` with 0 warnings, 0 errors and all testcases passing. * [Install][spellcheck] and run `cargo spellcheck` to remove common spelling mistakes. * [Developer certificate of origin][dco] is preferred. [spellcheck]: https://github.com/drahnr/cargo-spellcheck [dco]: https://developercertificate.org/ [cbor-rfc]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7049