0.6.0 ===== * **Breaking Change** * Rename `bytes_into_cbor()` to `from_bytes()`, confirms to rust convention. * new API `get_cborize_id()` confirms with Cborize. * To run on rust stable * Fix compilation issue with missing Arc support in CBOR * Use a stub for `total_cmp` until it is stabalized in rust * clippy fixes * rust doc 0.5.4 ===== * Remove edition2021 dependency. 0.5.1 & 0.5.2 & 0.5.3 ===================== * Clippy fixes. * Add TagNum for clean handling of cbor-tags. * TagNum::Any uses 65535 as the discriminant value. * pretty-printing * cargo: enable extra-traits for `syn` package. * make: add build/test/bench/doc/clippy for cbordata-derive in Makefile. * make: clippy fixes for cbordata-derive. * cbordata-derive: bugfixes. 0.5.0 ===== * **Breaking change**: This package is moved out of [mkit][mkit] _ver:0.4.0_ * refactor IntoCbor and FromCbor implementations into `types.rs`. * Key: convertion trait implementation for Key type. * add benchmark suite. * clippy fixes. [mkit]: https://github.com/bnclabs/mkit