#!/usr/bin/env bqn # Modified version of https://github.com/mlochbaum/BQN/blob/master/src/cjs.bqn args ← •args "Usage: ./cc.bqn path/to/mlochbaum/BQN [-i] [-n name] <(r|r0|r1|r1x|c|cc|f|e|p) or an expression>"!2≤≠args NextArg ← {𝕊: (args↓˜↩1) ⊢ ⊑args} TryArg ← {𝕩≡⊑args? 1 ⊣ NextArg@; 0} return ← TryArg 1 bqnpath ← (NextArg@) •file.At "src" srcmap ← TryArg "-i" name ← TryArg◶"(precompiled)"‿NextArg "-n" Import ← {𝕨 •Import bqnpath •file.At 𝕩} FChars ← {𝕨 •FChars bqnpath •file.At 𝕩} FLines ← {𝕨 •FLines bqnpath •file.At 𝕩} F ← •Repr # Format number Join ← {(-≠𝕨)↓ ∾∾⟜𝕨¨ 𝕩} FmtComp ← { # Escape the special characters that appear in BQN sources. Esc ← { in ← (@+0‿9‿10‿13)∾"'""" # Null, Tab, LF, CR, and quotes out ← "0tnr" # Whitespace characters changed to letters i ← in⊐𝕩 𝕩 ↩ i ⊏⟜out⌾((i<≠out)⊸/) 𝕩 # Replace ∾(i<≠in) /⟜"\"⊸∾¨ 𝕩 # Insert \ } U32Len ← (≠ - ·+´ ≥⟜55296 ∧ ≤⟜56319)-⟜@ # for dzaima/BQN; shouldn't break things in proper BQN impls, as surrogate values don't map to valid codepoints CStr ← {"""" (∾∾⊣) Esc 𝕩} List ← (0<≠)◶⟨"",1↓·∾","⊸∾¨⟩ lf ← ⥊@+10 Cache ← { tag ← 𝕩 values ← ⟨⟩ Add ⇐ {(values∾↩ <𝕩) ⊢ tag⋈≠values} Done ⇐ { 𝕊: unq ← ⊐values uncomp ⇐ {(⍋≠¨ 𝕩/values) ⊏ /𝕩} ∊unq # compressed index → canonical original index; sort by length to make length predictable comp ⇐ (uncomp⊏unq)⊐unq # original index → compressed index counts ⇐ /⁼comp # compressed index → count of such compvals ⇐ uncomp⊏values # compressed index → data n ⇐ ≠uncomp } } intarrCache ← Cache 1 Li ← intarrCache.Add _Lo ← {{∾⟨"m_lvB_", F≠𝕩, "(", List 𝕩, ")"⟩} 𝔽¨𝕩} OStr2C ← { # A BQN string a←∧´𝕩<128+@ ∾⟨a⊑"m_c32vec"‿"m_c8vec","(",a¬⊸⥊"U","",CStr𝕩,",",•Repr U32Len 𝕩,")"⟩ } OChr2C ← {"m_c32(U'"∾(Esc⥊𝕩)∾"')"} # A BQN character ONum2C ← {s←"-"/˜𝕩<0 ⋄ ∞⊸=∘|◶⟨"m_f64("∾")"∾˜s∾F∘| ⋄ "m_f64("∾s∾"1.0/0.0)"⟩𝕩} # Format number OAny2C ← ≡◶⟨@⊸≤◶ONum2C‿OChr2C, OStr2C, ⊑⟩ TmpNum ← 0⊸⋈ # 0‿123: number # 1‿n: int arr ref # ⟨a,b,c⟩: obj arr # "foo": literal code a ← ((≠𝕩)↑⟨Li ⋄ OAny2C¨ ⋄ {0=⌈´=¨𝕩? Li 𝕩; =◶⟨TmpNum,Li¨⟩¨ 𝕩}¨ ⋄ (Li 2⊸↑)¨ ⋄ Li¨ ⋄ OStr2C⟩) {𝕎𝕩}¨ 𝕩 iarrs ← intarrCache.Done@ ⋄ Li↩! hasEmpty ← ⟨⟩ ≡ ⊑iarrs.compvals init ← ⟨⟩ a { 1‿i: n ← i⊑iarrs.comp ⋄ (hasEmpty∧0=n) ⊑ ⟨∾⟨"iarrs[",F n,"]"⟩, "iarrs0"⟩; # special-case first array (i.e. empty array) as there isn't enough aliasing info for the compiler to deduplicate loads 2=•Type⊑𝕩? 𝕩; 0‿n: ONum2C n; ⟨0‿a, 0‿b, ⟨c, d⟩⟩: cs≡⌊cs←a‿b? ∧´cs≥0? ∧´cs<4? ∾⟨"m_blockinfo(", F a+b×4, ", ", 𝕊 c, ", ", 𝕊 d, ")"⟩; 4≥≠𝕩? 𝕊_Lo 𝕩; n ← "a" ∾ F ≠init np ← n∾"p" init∾↩< ∾⟨lf "B ", n, "; B* ", np, " = m_lvBn(&", n, ", ", F ≠𝕩, ");", lf "assume_separate_storage(", np, ", ", "iarrs", ");", lf # allow the compiler to vectorize copying from iarrs to np if so beneficial ⟩ ∾ (⍋{⊑'('∊𝕩}¨)⊸⊏ {∾⟨np,"[", F 𝕩, "] = ", 𝕨, ";", lf⟩}¨⟜↕⟜≠ 𝕊¨ 𝕩 n }¨↩ ∾⟨ "B iarrs[", F iarrs.n, "];", lf "static const i32 iarrs_data[] = {", lf ∾ ∾⟜lf¨ {∾⟨∾∾⟜','¨ F¨ 𝕨, " // ", F 𝕩⟩}¨⟜↕⟜≠ iarrs.compvals "};", lf "static const u32 iarrs_lens[] = {", ','Join F∘≠¨ iarrs.compvals, "};", lf "init_intarrs(iarrs, iarrs_data, iarrs_lens, ", F iarrs.n, ");", lf hasEmpty / "B iarrs0 = iarrs[0];", lf ∾{0𝕊𝕩: ""; ∾⟨"incByG(iarrs[", F 𝕩, "], ", F 𝕨, ");", lf⟩}¨⟜↕⟜≠ iarrs.counts-1 ∾init "load_importBlock", srcmap/"_src", "(", CStr name, ",", lf (','∾lf) Join " "⊸∾¨ a lf ");" ⟩ } primN ← ⟨ "add", "sub", "mul", "div", "pow", "root", "floor", "ceil", "stile", "not" "and", "or", "lt", "gt", "ne", "eq", "le", "ge", "feq", "fne" "ltack", "rtack", "shape", "join", "couple", "pair", "take", "drop", "ud", "shifta" "shiftb", "reverse", "transp", "slash", "gradeUp", "gradeDown", "select", "pick", "indexOf", "count" "memberOf", "find", "group", "asrt", "const", "swap", "cell", "each", "tbl", "undo" "fold", "insert", "scan", "atop", "over", "before", "after", "under", "val", "cond" "rank", "depth", "repeat", "catch" ⟩ primC ← "+-×÷⋆√⌊⌈|¬∧∨<>≠=≤≥≡≢⊣⊢⥊∾≍⋈↑↓↕«»⌽⍉/⍋⍒⊏⊑⊐⊒∊⍷⊔!˙˜˘¨⌜⁼´˝`∘○⊸⟜⌾⊘◶⎉⚇⍟⎊" pre ← "+-=×↕≢≤⊑⊘⌊⌜⥊!<>`|¨´÷˙˜↑↓∘∾≠≥⊢⊣⊸⋆⋈⌈⍟⎊○◶⟜" isFull ← ¬ primC ∊ "⁼⊏/⊔⌾⍷⚇˝" fullC ← isFull/primC extraC ← pre (¬∘∊˜/⊢) fullC # •Out List "bi_"⊸∾¨ (primC∊extraC) / primN glyphs ← Import "glyphs.bqn" _getComp ← { (4+2×srcmap)↑ <∘⊢∾˜ 5↑ (𝕗 Import "c.bqn"){𝔽} } Comp ← ((<"incG(runtime["∾F∾"])"˙)¨↕≠∾glyphs) glyphs _getComp ⊢ RT ← { ext ← 2=≠𝕩 𝕩 ↩ ⊑𝕩 src‿need‿inputs←((ext⊑𝕩‿1) ∾ ext/⟨fullC, extraC⟩) Import "pr.bqn" pr←"runtime_0"‿"provide"{(∾𝕨<⊸(<∘{∾"incG("‿𝕨‿"["‿𝕩‿"])"}⟜F¨)⟜(↕≠)¨𝕩)⊏˜(∾𝕩)⊐∾need}○((-1+1=𝕩)⊸↑)inputs FmtComp pr need _getComp src } CArg ← {(@+10) Join (¯5⊸↓∾𝕩˙)⌾⊑ FLines "c.bqn"} SVG ← {∾⟨"Modify←GetHighlights←⊢⋄"⟩∾ FChars∘∾⟜".bqn"¨ "../svg"‿𝕩} LFC ← FmtComp∘Comp (@+10)∾˜ •Out⍟(¬return) (⊑"r"‿"r0"‿"r1"‿"r1x"‿"c"‿"cc"‿"f"‿"e"‿"eu"‿"p"⊐⊏)◶⟨ RT∘2, RT∘0, RT∘1, RT∘1‿'x' {𝕩⋄LFC CArg "⟨"∾"⟩"«∾","⊸∾¨'"'(⊣∾∾˜)¨glyphs} {𝕩⋄LFC "{"∾"}"∾˜CArg"𝕩"} {𝕩⋄LFC FChars "f.bqn"} {𝕩⋄LFC SVG "e"} {𝕩⋄LFC FChars "eu.bqn"} {𝕩⋄LFC SVG "p"} ∾LFC¨ ⟩ args