NextIdx ← {i←/𝕩 ⋄ (i∾≠𝕩)⊏˜i⍋𝕨} # for each index 𝕨, find the index of the next 1 in mask 𝕩 UM ← {(≠𝕨)↑/⁼𝕩} Fail ← {•Out 𝕩 ⋄ •Exit 1} Trim ← {((∨`⌾⌽∧∨`)𝕩≠' ')/𝕩} { 𝕊: •Out "Usage: test/run.bqn [options | files]" •Out "Options:" •Out " lint Check that every test either is expected to return a specific value, error, or contains a '!'" •Out " slow Enable slow tests" •Out " noerr Disable erroring tests (ones expected to, or which contain ⎊)" •Out " heapverify Disable tests that aren't runnable in heapverify" •Out " debug Disable tests that aren't runnable in debug" •Out " no-catch Disable catching errors in tests not expected to error" •Out " update-messages Auto-update error messages in tests" •Out " ignore-messages Don't warn about incorrect error messages" •Out " bin-search Binary search for some property. Next argument should be /[01]*/, with a 1 appended every time the property is matched, and a 0 otherwise" •Exit 0 }⍟⊢ (0=≠•args) ∨´ "help"‿"h"‿"?"∊'-'⊸≠⊸/¨•args o ← { args ← •args search ⇐ @ { n←»𝕩 search ↩ '0'-˜⊑(n/args)∾<"" ! ∧´search∊0‿1 search ↩ search∾1 args ↩ (¬n∨𝕩)/args }⍟(∨´) "bin-search"⊸≡¨ args named ← "run"‿"lint"‿"update-messages"‿"slow"‿"ignore-messages"‿"noerr"‿"heapverify"‿"debug"‿"no-catch" i ← named⊐args run ⇐ ∨´i=0 lint ⇐ ∨´i=1 update ⇐ ∨´i=2 slow ⇐ ∨´i=3 errm ⇐¬∨´i=4 noerr ⇐ ∨´i=5 heapverify ⇐ ∨´i=6 debug ⇐ ∨´i=7 noCatch ⇐ ∨´i=8 noerr∨↩ heapverify update∧↩ ¬heapverify files ⇐ (i=≠named)/args run ↩ update ∨ ¬∨´lint‿update } _catch_ ← {o.noCatch? 𝔽; 𝔽⎊𝔾} searchRefine ← { searchI ← 0 {≡@? 𝕩; searchI≡≠ 𝕩; 1≡≠𝕩? 𝕩; SearchRefine (⌊2÷˜≠𝕩) ((searchI+↩1) ⊢ searchI⊑◶↓‿↑ 𝕩 } } exitCode ← 0 Run ← { 𝕊 testname: lns ← •FLines fullfile ← "cases"•file.At filename ← testname∾".bqn" defk‿defv ← ⟨"IS_HEAPVERIFY"⟩‿⟨"heapverify←"∾•Repr o.heapverify⟩ i ← 0 Pos ← {∾⟨filename, ":", •Repr 1+𝕩⟩} Next ← {𝕊: (i+↩1) ⊢ i⊑lns} Process ← { "%DEF "≡5↑𝕩? defk‿defv∾¨↩<¨ {(Process 1↓𝕩).str}⌾(1⊸⊑) ⊑∘⊐⟜' '⊸(↑⋈↓) 5↓𝕩 @ ; "":@ ; '#'≡⊑𝕩? @ ; "("≡𝕩? Process ∾ ∾⟜(@+10)¨ ¯1↓ ∾⟜<⟜Next•_while_{")"≢¯1⊑𝕩} ⟨Next@⟩ ; # insert defs si ← /(≠𝕩)↑"%USE"⍷𝕩 mi ← si+5 ei ← mi NextIdx ¬𝕩∊'_'∾∾"0aA"+⟜↕¨10‿26‿26 g ← (+`+´ 𝕩⊸UM¨ si‿mi‿ei) ⊔ 𝕩 pre ← ⊑g [·,uk,post] ← ⍉↑‿3⥊1↓g {Fail (Pos i)∾": Unknown def "∾⊑𝕩⊏uk}⍟≠ /¬uk∊defk str ← pre ∾ ∾((defk⊐uk)⊏defv) ∾¨ post Flag ← { m ← (≠str)↑ 𝕩⍷str str /˜↩ ¬ ∨⟜»⍟(¯1+≠𝕩) m ∨´m } {ln⇐i-1 ⋄ fast⇐¬Flag"%SLOW" ⋄ debug⇐¬Flag"%NDEBUG" ⋄ heapverify⇐¬Flag"%NHEAPVERIFY" ⋄ str⇐str} } tests ← SearchRefine @⊸≢¨⊸/ ∾⟜<⟜(Process∘Next)•_while_{𝕊: i≠≠lns} ⟨⟩ {𝕊: •Out "Narrowed down to test "∾Pos (⊑tests).ln}⍟⊢ (≢@)∧1=≠tests tests { 𝕊ns: ⟨ln,str⟩←ns idx ← ⊑str⊐'%' { idx ≡ ≠str? ⟨ns, "eval", str⟩; (i2←idx+1)<≠str? '%'≡i2⊑str? ⟨ns, "equal", idx↑str, (2+idx)↓str⟩; {𝕊: Fail (Pos ln)∾": Unknown test format"}⍟⊢ '!'≢⊑str ⟨ns, "error", (idx+1)↓str, 1↓idx↑str⟩ } }¨↩ { 𝕊 d: ln←(⊑d).ln ty←1⊑d Lint ← {𝕊: •Out ∾⟨"Lint: ", Pos ln, ": ", 𝕨⟩}⍟(¬⊢) { "eval"≡ty? "No check or assert" Lint ∨´'!'=2⊑d; @ } }¨⍟o.lint tests { 𝕊: badCount ← 0 badMessage ← 0 currLn ← 0 skipped ← 0 dir ← •file.At "testDir" •file.CreateDir⍟(¬•file.Exists) dir Bad ← { ""𝕊𝕩; •Out ∾⟨Pos currLn, ": ", 𝕩⟩ •Out¨ " "⊸∾¨ 𝕨 badCount+↩ 1 } ErrMsg ← {𝕊: m←•CurrentError@ ⋄ {1==m? ∧´2=•Type¨m? m; •Repr⎊"(unrepresentable)" m}} Eval ← {⟨dir, ∾⟨testname,"_line_",•Repr currLn+1,".bqn"⟩, ⟨"arg0",1⟩⟩ •BQN 𝕩} EvalS ← •BQN⎊{𝕊: Bad "Bad comparison value" ⋄ "(bad)"} toRun ← tests toRun {{𝕩.fast }∘⊑¨⊸/𝕩}⍟(¬o.slow)↩ toRun {{𝕩.debug }∘⊑¨⊸/𝕩}⍟o.debug↩ toRun {{𝕩.heapverify}∘⊑¨⊸/𝕩}⍟o.heapverify↩ skipped+↩ (≠tests)-≠toRun results ← { "eval"‿str: { o.noerr? ⊑'⎊'∊str? skipped+↩1; Eval _catch_ {𝕊: Bad "Expected success, got error: "∾ErrMsg@} str @ }; "error"‿str‿exp: { o.noerr? skipped+↩1; ok‿got ← (1⋈Eval)⎊(0⋈ErrMsg) str exp ↩ EvalS⍟{×≠Trim𝕩} exp { (got≡exp) ∧ ¬ok? @; ok? Bad "Expected error, but didn't get one" ⋄ @; ⟨"Expected: "∾exp ⋄ "Got: "∾got⟩ Bad⍟o.errm "Wrong error message" badMessage+↩ 1 got } }; "equal"‿str‿exp: { o.noerr? ⊑'⎊'∊str? skipped+↩1; ok‿got ← (1⋈Eval)_catch_(0⋈ErrMsg) str exp ↩ EvalS exp { ¬ok? Bad "Expected value, but got error: "∾got; got •internal.EEqual exp? @; ⟨"Expected: "∾•Repr exp ⋄ "Got: "∾•Repr⎊•Show got⟩ Bad "Wrong value" @ } @ } }∘{currLn↩(⊑𝕩).ln ⋄ 1↓𝕩}¨ toRun {𝕊: res‿desc ← ({@≡𝕩? 0; (¬⊑(@+10)∊𝕩) ∧ ¬∨´"TEST FAIL"⍷𝕩}¨ results)⊸/¨ results‿toRun 0≠≠res? •Out ∾⟨"Update ", •Repr≠res, " entr", (1<≠res)⊑"y"‿"ies", " in ", filename, "?"⟩ { ¬⊑"yY"∊˜⊑'n'∾˜•GetLine@? •Out "Not updating."; [idxs, upd] ← ⍉>res {new𝕊⟨⟨ln⟩, "error", str, ·⟩: ln ⋈ ∾⟨"!", •Repr new, " ", ⊑∘⊐⟜'%'⊸↓ ln⊑lns⟩}¨ desc "Refusing to write over changed file" ! lns ≡ •FLines fullfile fullfile •FLines lns {×≠𝕩? ⋈⁼𝕩; 𝕨}¨ (≠lns)↑idxs⊔upd •Out "Updated." } ;@ }⍟⊢ o.update skipm ← (×skipped)/∾⟨" (", •Repr skipped, " skipped)"⟩ ran ← (≠tests)-skipped { 0=badCount? •Out filename∾": "∾(•Repr ran)∾" passed!"∾skipm; •Out ∾⟨•Repr ran-badCount, '/', •Repr ran, skipm⟩ ∾ ((¬o.errm)∧×badMessage)/∾⟨"; ", •Repr badMessage, " mismatched error message", (1≠badMessage)/"s"⟩∾skipm exitCode ↩ 1 } }⍟ @ } Run¨ SearchRefine o.files •Exit⍟(0⊸≠)⍟(¬o.heapverify) exitCode