PKG_NAME=$(shell grep name Cargo.toml | head -n 1 | awk -F \" '{print $$2}') DOCS_DEFAULT_MODULE=$(PKG_NAME) ifeq (, $(shell which cargo-check 2> /dev/null)) DEFAULT_TARGET=build else DEFAULT_TARGET=build endif default: $(DEFAULT_TARGET) ALL_TARGETS += build $(EXAMPLES) test doc ifneq ($(RELEASE),) $(info RELEASE BUILD: $(PKG_NAME)) CARGO_FLAGS += --release ALL_TARGETS += bench else $(info DEBUG BUILD: $(PKG_NAME); use `RELEASE=true make [args]` for release build) endif EXAMPLES = $(shell cd examples 2>/dev/null && ls *.rs 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/.rs$$//g' ) all: $(ALL_TARGETS) .PHONY: run test build doc clean clippy run test build clean: cargo $@ $(CARGO_FLAGS) check: $(info Running check; use `make build` to actually build) cargo $@ $(CARGO_FLAGS) clippy: cargo build --features clippy .PHONY: bench bench: cargo $@ $(filter-out --release,$(CARGO_FLAGS)) .PHONY: travistest travistest: for i in `seq 3`; do make test || exit 1 ; done .PHONY: longtest longtest: @echo "Running longtest. Press Ctrl+C to stop at any time" @sleep 2 @i=0; while i=$$((i + 1)) && echo "Iteration $$i" && make test ; do :; done .PHONY: $(EXAMPLES) $(EXAMPLES): cargo build --example $@ $(CARGO_FLAGS) .PHONY: doc doc: FORCE rm -rf target/doc cargo doc .PHONY: publishdoc publishdoc: doc echo '' > target/doc/index.html ghp-import -n target/doc git push -f origin gh-pages .PHONY: docview docview: doc xdg-open target/doc/$(PKG_NAME)/index.html .PHONY: FORCE FORCE: