SIFT: Scale Invariant Feature Transform ======================================= What's SIFT? ------------ SIFT paper refers to: Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints, David G. Lowe The current implementation in ccv was largely influenced by VLFeat: How to run the sample program? ------------------------------ There is a sample program under bin/siftmatch that at your disposal, to run it, just simply type: ./siftmatch ../samples/book.png ../samples/scene.png The output may not be most interesting thing for you, want to see some images? There is siftdraw.rb script to do that, pipe the command: ./siftmatch ../samples/book.png ../samples/scene.png | ./siftdraw.rb ../samples/book.png ../samples/scene.png output.png Check out output.png, there are interesting lines between the book and the scene. There is a way to show more amazing result, but with a little external help, a program called homest (, it may requires levmar program ( as well. compile homest until you get the homest_demo binary somewhere, and pipe the command like this: ./siftmatch ../samples/book.png ../samples/scene.png | ./siftdraw.rb ../samples/book.png ../samples/scene.png output.png /homest_demo You see, somehow, SIFT recognized the book in the scene, amazing, ah? I haven't decided yet that if I need to include some functions like ccv_find_homography in the future release, homest is a good research package but for industrial use, I have some doubts.