use cdg_api::response_models::{ parse_response, serialize_response, BillsResponse, GenericResponse, }; use cdg_api::unwrap_option_string; const RAW_BILL_DATA: &str = r#"{ "bills": [ { "congress": 117, "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2022-04-06", "text": "Became Public Law No: 117-108." }, "number": "3076", "originChamber": "House", "originChamberCode": "H", "title": "Postal Service Reform Act of 2022", "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2022-09-29", "updateDateIncludingText": "2022-09-29T03:27:05Z", "url": "" }, { "congress": 117, "latestAction": { "actionDate": "2022-04-06", "text": "Read twice. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 343." }, "number": "3599", "originChamber": "House", "originChamberCode": "H", "title": "Federal Rotational Cyber Workforce Program Act of 2021", "type": "HR", "updateDate": "2022-09-29", "updateDateIncludingText": "2022-09-29", "url": "" } ] }"#; fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let bills: BillsResponse = serde_json::from_str(RAW_BILL_DATA)?; for bill in bills.bills[..].iter() { println!( "{}, {}, {} -- {}\n", unwrap_option_string(bill.title.clone()), unwrap_option_string(bill.bill_type.clone()), unwrap_option_string(bill.number.clone()), unwrap_option_string(bill.url.clone()) ); } println!("Total bills: {}", bills.bills.len()); println!("==============================="); let bills: GenericResponse = serde_json::from_str(RAW_BILL_DATA)?; let bills: BillsResponse = match parse_response(&bills) { Ok(bills) => bills, Err(e) => { eprintln!("Error parsing generic response: {}", e); println!("{}", serialize_response(&bills, true)?); return Ok(()); } }; for bill in bills.bills[..].iter() { println!( "{}, {}, {} -- {}\n", unwrap_option_string(bill.title.clone()), unwrap_option_string(bill.bill_type.clone()), unwrap_option_string(bill.number.clone()), unwrap_option_string(bill.url.clone()) ); } println!("Total bills: {}", bills.bills.len()); Ok(()) }