use cdrs_tokio::cluster::connection_pool::ConnectionPoolConfig; use cdrs_tokio::cluster::session::{ NodeDistanceEvaluatorWrapper, ReconnectionPolicyWrapper, RetryPolicyWrapper, DEFAULT_TRANSPORT_BUFFER_SIZE, }; use cdrs_tokio::cluster::{ConnectionManager, KeyspaceHolder}; use cdrs_tokio::compression::Compression; use cdrs_tokio::frame::{Envelope, Version}; use cdrs_tokio::frame_encoding::ProtocolFrameEncodingFactory; use cdrs_tokio::future::BoxFuture; use cdrs_tokio::load_balancing::node_distance_evaluator::AllLocalNodeDistanceEvaluator; use cdrs_tokio::retry::ConstantReconnectionPolicy; use cdrs_tokio::IntoCdrsValue; use cdrs_tokio::{ authenticators::{SaslAuthenticatorProvider, StaticPasswordAuthenticatorProvider}, cluster::session::Session, cluster::{GenericClusterConfig, TcpConnectionManager}, error::Result, load_balancing::RoundRobinLoadBalancingStrategy, query::*, query_values, retry::DefaultRetryPolicy, transport::TransportTcp, types::prelude::*, TryFromRow, TryFromUdt, }; use futures::FutureExt; use maplit::hashmap; use std::{ collections::HashMap, net::IpAddr, net::{Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr}, sync::Arc, }; use tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender; type CurrentSession = Session< TransportTcp, VirtualConnectionManager, RoundRobinLoadBalancingStrategy, >; /// Implements a cluster configuration where the addresses to /// connect to are different from the ones configured by replacing /// the masked part of the address with a different subnet. /// /// This would allow running your connection through a proxy /// or mock server while also using a production configuration /// and having your load balancing configuration be aware of the /// 'real' addresses. /// /// This is just a simple use for the generic configuration. By /// replacing the transport itself you can do much more. struct VirtualClusterConfig { authenticator: Arc, mask: Ipv4Addr, actual: Ipv4Addr, version: Version, } fn rewrite(addr: SocketAddr, mask: &Ipv4Addr, actual: &Ipv4Addr) -> SocketAddr { match addr { SocketAddr::V4(addr) => { let virt = addr.ip().octets(); let mask = mask.octets(); let actual = actual.octets(); SocketAddr::new( IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new( (virt[0] & !mask[0]) | (actual[0] & mask[0]), (virt[1] & !mask[1]) | (actual[1] & mask[1]), (virt[2] & !mask[2]) | (actual[2] & mask[2]), (virt[3] & !mask[3]) | (actual[3] & mask[3]), )), addr.port(), ) } SocketAddr::V6(_) => { panic!("IpV6 is unsupported!"); } } } struct VirtualConnectionManager { inner: TcpConnectionManager, mask: Ipv4Addr, actual: Ipv4Addr, } impl ConnectionManager for VirtualConnectionManager { fn connection( &self, event_handler: Option>, error_handler: Option>, addr: SocketAddr, ) -> BoxFuture> { self.inner.connection( event_handler, error_handler, rewrite(addr, &self.mask, &self.actual), ) } } impl VirtualConnectionManager { async fn new( config: &VirtualClusterConfig, keyspace_holder: Arc, ) -> Result { Ok(VirtualConnectionManager { inner: TcpConnectionManager::new( config.authenticator.clone(), keyspace_holder, Box::::default(), Compression::None, DEFAULT_TRANSPORT_BUFFER_SIZE, true, config.version, #[cfg(feature = "http-proxy")] None, ), mask: config.mask, actual: config.actual, }) } } impl GenericClusterConfig for VirtualClusterConfig { fn create_manager( &self, keyspace_holder: Arc, ) -> BoxFuture> { // create a connection manager that points at the rewritten address so that's where it connects, but // then return a manager with the 'virtual' address for internal purposes. VirtualConnectionManager::new(self, keyspace_holder).boxed() } fn event_channel_capacity(&self) -> usize { 32 } fn version(&self) -> Version { self.version } fn connection_pool_config(&self) -> ConnectionPoolConfig { Default::default() } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let user = "user"; let password = "password"; let authenticator = Arc::new(StaticPasswordAuthenticatorProvider::new(&user, &password)); let mask = Ipv4Addr::new(255, 255, 255, 0); let actual = Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 0); let reconnection_policy = Arc::new(ConstantReconnectionPolicy::default()); let cluster_config = VirtualClusterConfig { authenticator, mask, actual, version: Version::V5, }; let nodes = [ SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(192, 168, 1, 1)), 9042), SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(192, 168, 1, 1)), 9043), ]; let load_balancing = RoundRobinLoadBalancingStrategy::new(); let mut session = cdrs_tokio::cluster::connect_generic( &cluster_config, nodes, load_balancing, RetryPolicyWrapper(Box::::default()), ReconnectionPolicyWrapper(reconnection_policy), NodeDistanceEvaluatorWrapper(Box::::default()), None, ) .await .expect("session should be created"); create_keyspace(&mut session).await; create_udt(&mut session).await; create_table(&mut session).await; insert_struct(&mut session).await; select_struct(&mut session).await; update_struct(&mut session).await; delete_struct(&mut session).await; } #[derive(Clone, Debug, IntoCdrsValue, TryFromRow, PartialEq)] struct RowStruct { key: i32, user: User, map: HashMap, list: Vec, } impl RowStruct { fn into_query_values(self) -> QueryValues { query_values!("key" => self.key, "user" => self.user, "map" =>, "list" => self.list) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, IntoCdrsValue, TryFromUdt)] struct User { username: String, } async fn create_keyspace(session: &mut CurrentSession) { let create_ks: &'static str = "CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS test_ks WITH REPLICATION = { \ 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 };"; session .query(create_ks) .await .expect("Keyspace creation error"); } async fn create_udt(session: &mut CurrentSession) { let create_type_cql = "CREATE TYPE IF NOT EXISTS test_ks.user (username text)"; session .query(create_type_cql) .await .expect("Keyspace creation error"); } async fn create_table(session: &mut CurrentSession) { let create_table_cql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_ks.my_test_table (key int PRIMARY KEY, \ user frozen, map map>, list list>);"; session .query(create_table_cql) .await .expect("Table creation error"); } //noinspection DuplicatedCode async fn insert_struct(session: &mut CurrentSession) { let row = RowStruct { key: 3i32, user: User { username: "John".to_string(), }, map: hashmap! { "John".to_string() => User { username: "John".to_string() } }, list: vec![User { username: "John".to_string(), }], }; let insert_struct_cql = "INSERT INTO test_ks.my_test_table \ (key, user, map, list) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"; session .query_with_values(insert_struct_cql, row.into_query_values()) .await .expect("insert"); } //noinspection DuplicatedCode async fn select_struct(session: &mut CurrentSession) { let select_struct_cql = "SELECT * FROM test_ks.my_test_table"; let rows = session .query(select_struct_cql) .await .expect("query") .response_body() .expect("get body") .into_rows() .expect("into rows"); for row in rows { let my_row: RowStruct = RowStruct::try_from_row(row).expect("into RowStruct"); println!("struct got: {my_row:?}"); } } //noinspection DuplicatedCode async fn update_struct(session: &mut CurrentSession) { let update_struct_cql = "UPDATE test_ks.my_test_table SET user = ? WHERE key = ?"; let upd_user = User { username: "Marry".to_string(), }; let user_key = 1i32; session .query_with_values(update_struct_cql, query_values!(upd_user, user_key)) .await .expect("update"); } async fn delete_struct(session: &mut CurrentSession) { let delete_struct_cql = "DELETE FROM test_ks.my_test_table WHERE key = ?"; let user_key = 1i32; session .query_with_values(delete_struct_cql, query_values!(user_key)) .await .expect("delete"); }