#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import os import sys import time from celery import Celery from celery.bin.celery import main as _main my_app = Celery("celery", broker=os.environ.get("AMQP_ADDR", "amqp://")) my_app.conf.update( result_backend=None, task_ignore_result=True, task_routes=( [("buggy_task", {"queue": "buggy-queue"})], [("*", {"queue": "celery"})], ), ) # NOTE: we have to set the name for tasks manually in order to match the names # of the Rust tasks. Otherwise the task names here would be prefixed with 'celery.'. @my_app.task(name="add") def add(x, y): return x + y @my_app.task( name="buggy_task", max_retries=3, autoretry_for=(RuntimeError,), retry_backoff=True, ) def buggy_task(): raise RuntimeError("This error is part of the example: it is used to showcase error handling") @my_app.task(name="long_running_task", max_retries=2) def long_running_task(secs: int = 10): time.sleep(secs) @my_app.task(name="bound_task", bind=True) def bound_task(task): # Print some info about the request for debugging. print(task.request.origin) print(task.request.hostname) def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( "celery_app", description="Run a Python Celery producer or consumer" ) parser.add_argument("mode", choices=["consume", "produce"]) parser.add_argument( "task", nargs="*", choices=["add", "buggy_task", "long_running_task", "bound_task"] ) return parser.parse_args() def main(): opts = parse_args() if opts.mode == "consume": sys.argv = [ "celery", "--app=celery_app.my_app", "worker", "-Q=celery,buggy-queue", "-Ofair", "--loglevel=info", ] _main() else: if opts.task: for task in opts.task: if task == "add": add.apply_async(args=(1, 0)) elif task == "buggy_task": buggy_task.apply_async() elif task == "long_running_task": long_running_task.apply_async() else: buggy_task.apply_async() else: # Basic task sending. add.apply_async(args=(1, 0)) bound_task.apply_async() # Send with additional options like `countdown`. add.apply_async(args=(1, 3), countdown=3) # Send the buggy task that will fail and be retried a few times. buggy_task.apply_async() # Send the long running task that will fail with a timeout error. long_running_task.apply_async(args=(3,), time_limit=2) if __name__ == "__main__": main()