// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. /*jslint browser: true, es5: true */ /*globals $: true, rootPath: true */ (function() { "use strict"; // This mapping table should match the discriminants of // `rustdoc::html::item_type::ItemType` type in Rust. var itemTypes = ["mod", "externcrate", "import", "struct", "enum", "fn", "type", "static", "trait", "impl", "tymethod", "method", "structfield", "variant", "macro", "primitive", "associatedtype", "constant", "associatedconstant", "union"]; function hasClass(elem, className) { if (elem && className && elem.className) { var elemClass = elem.className; var start = elemClass.indexOf(className); if (start == -1) { return false; } else if (elemClass.length == className.length) { return true; } else { if (start > 0 && elemClass[start - 1] != ' ') { return false; } var end = start + className.length; if (end < elemClass.length && elemClass[end] != ' ') { return false; } return true; } } return false; } function addClass(elem, className) { if (elem && className && !hasClass(elem, className)) { if (elem.className && elem.className.length > 0) { elem.className += ' ' + className; } else { elem.className = className; } } } function removeClass(elem, className) { if (elem && className && elem.className) { elem.className = (" " + elem.className + " ").replace(" " + className + " ", " ") .trim(); } } function onEach(arr, func) { if (arr && arr.length > 0 && func) { for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { func(arr[i]); } } } function isHidden(elem) { return (elem.offsetParent === null) } // used for special search precedence var TY_PRIMITIVE = itemTypes.indexOf("primitive"); onEach(document.getElementsByClassName('js-only'), function(e) { removeClass(e, 'js-only'); }); function getQueryStringParams() { var params = {}; window.location.search.substring(1).split("&"). map(function(s) { var pair = s.split("="); params[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = typeof pair[1] === "undefined" ? null : decodeURIComponent(pair[1]); }); return params; } function browserSupportsHistoryApi() { return document.location.protocol != "file:" && window.history && typeof window.history.pushState === "function"; } function highlightSourceLines(ev) { var i, from, to, match = window.location.hash.match(/^#?(\d+)(?:-(\d+))?$/); if (match) { from = parseInt(match[1], 10); to = Math.min(50000, parseInt(match[2] || match[1], 10)); from = Math.min(from, to); var elem = document.getElementById(from); if (!elem) { return; } if (ev === null) { var x = document.getElementById(from); if (x) { x.scrollIntoView(); } }; onEach(document.getElementsByClassName('line-numbers'), function(e) { onEach(e.getElementsByTagName('span'), function(i_e) { removeClass(i_e, 'line-highlighted'); }); }) for (i = from; i <= to; ++i) { addClass(document.getElementById(i), 'line-highlighted'); } } } highlightSourceLines(null); window.onhashchange = highlightSourceLines; // Gets the human-readable string for the virtual-key code of the // given KeyboardEvent, ev. // // This function is meant as a polyfill for KeyboardEvent#key, // since it is not supported in Trident. We also test for // KeyboardEvent#keyCode because the handleShortcut handler is // also registered for the keydown event, because Blink doesn't fire // keypress on hitting the Escape key. // // So I guess you could say things are getting pretty interoperable. function getVirtualKey(ev) { if ("key" in ev && typeof ev.key != "undefined") return ev.key; var c = ev.charCode || ev.keyCode; if (c == 27) return "Escape"; return String.fromCharCode(c); } function handleShortcut(ev) { if (document.activeElement.tagName === "INPUT") return; // Don't interfere with browser shortcuts if (ev.ctrlKey || ev.altKey || ev.metaKey) return; var help = document.getElementById("help"); switch (getVirtualKey(ev)) { case "Escape": var search = document.getElementById("search"); if (!hasClass(help, "hidden")) { ev.preventDefault(); addClass(help, "hidden"); removeClass(document.body, "blur"); } else if (!hasClass(search, "hidden")) { ev.preventDefault(); addClass(search, "hidden"); removeClass(document.getElementById("main"), "hidden"); } break; case "s": case "S": ev.preventDefault(); focusSearchBar(); break; case "+": ev.preventDefault(); toggleAllDocs(); break; case "?": if (ev.shiftKey && hasClass(help, "hidden")) { ev.preventDefault(); removeClass(help, "hidden"); addClass(document.body, "blur"); } break; } } document.onkeypress = handleShortcut; document.onkeydown = handleShortcut; document.onclick = function(ev) { if (hasClass(ev.target, 'collapse-toggle')) { collapseDocs(ev.target); } else if (hasClass(ev.target.parentNode, 'collapse-toggle')) { collapseDocs(ev.target.parentNode); } else if (ev.target.tagName === 'SPAN' && hasClass(ev.target.parentNode, 'line-numbers')) { var prev_id = 0; var set_fragment = function (name) { if (browserSupportsHistoryApi()) { history.replaceState(null, null, '#' + name); window.hashchange(); } else { location.replace('#' + name); } }; var cur_id = parseInt(ev.target.id, 10); if (ev.shiftKey && prev_id) { if (prev_id > cur_id) { var tmp = prev_id; prev_id = cur_id; cur_id = tmp; } set_fragment(prev_id + '-' + cur_id); } else { prev_id = cur_id; set_fragment(cur_id); } } else if (!hasClass(document.getElementById("help"), "hidden")) { addClass(document.getElementById("help"), "hidden"); removeClass(document.body, "blur"); } }; var x = document.getElementsByClassName('version-selector'); if (x.length > 0) { x[0].onchange = function() { var i, match, url = document.location.href, stripped = '', len = rootPath.match(/\.\.\//g).length + 1; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { match = url.match(/\/[^\/]*$/); if (i < len - 1) { stripped = match[0] + stripped; } url = url.substring(0, url.length - match[0].length); } url += '/' + document.getElementsByClassName('version-selector')[0].value + stripped; document.location.href = url; }; } /** * A function to compute the Levenshtein distance between two strings * Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported * Full License can be found at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode * This code is an unmodified version of the code written by Marco de Wit * and was found at http://stackoverflow.com/a/18514751/745719 */ var levenshtein = (function() { var row2 = []; return function(s1, s2) { if (s1 === s2) { return 0; } var s1_len = s1.length, s2_len = s2.length; if (s1_len && s2_len) { var i1 = 0, i2 = 0, a, b, c, c2, row = row2; while (i1 < s1_len) { row[i1] = ++i1; } while (i2 < s2_len) { c2 = s2.charCodeAt(i2); a = i2; ++i2; b = i2; for (i1 = 0; i1 < s1_len; ++i1) { c = a + (s1.charCodeAt(i1) !== c2 ? 1 : 0); a = row[i1]; b = b < a ? (b < c ? b + 1 : c) : (a < c ? a + 1 : c); row[i1] = b; } } return b; } return s1_len + s2_len; }; })(); function initSearch(rawSearchIndex) { var currentResults, index, searchIndex; var MAX_LEV_DISTANCE = 3; var params = getQueryStringParams(); // Populate search bar with query string search term when provided, // but only if the input bar is empty. This avoid the obnoxious issue // where you start trying to do a search, and the index loads, and // suddenly your search is gone! if (document.getElementsByClassName("search-input")[0].value === "") { document.getElementsByClassName("search-input")[0].value = params.search || ''; } /** * Executes the query and builds an index of results * @param {[Object]} query [The user query] * @param {[type]} max [The maximum results returned] * @param {[type]} searchWords [The list of search words to query * against] * @return {[type]} [A search index of results] */ function execQuery(query, max, searchWords) { var valLower = query.query.toLowerCase(), val = valLower, typeFilter = itemTypeFromName(query.type), results = [], split = valLower.split("::"); // remove empty keywords for (var j = 0; j < split.length; ++j) { split[j].toLowerCase(); if (split[j] === "") { split.splice(j, 1); } } function typePassesFilter(filter, type) { // No filter if (filter < 0) return true; // Exact match if (filter === type) return true; // Match related items var name = itemTypes[type]; switch (itemTypes[filter]) { case "constant": return (name == "associatedconstant"); case "fn": return (name == "method" || name == "tymethod"); case "type": return (name == "primitive"); } // No match return false; } // quoted values mean literal search var nSearchWords = searchWords.length; if ((val.charAt(0) === "\"" || val.charAt(0) === "'") && val.charAt(val.length - 1) === val.charAt(0)) { val = val.substr(1, val.length - 2); for (var i = 0; i < nSearchWords; ++i) { if (searchWords[i] === val) { // filter type: ... queries if (typePassesFilter(typeFilter, searchIndex[i].ty)) { results.push({id: i, index: -1}); } } if (results.length === max) { break; } } // searching by type } else if (val.search("->") > -1) { var trimmer = function (s) { return s.trim(); }; var parts = val.split("->").map(trimmer); var input = parts[0]; // sort inputs so that order does not matter var inputs = input.split(",").map(trimmer).sort().toString(); var output = parts[1]; for (var i = 0; i < nSearchWords; ++i) { var type = searchIndex[i].type; if (!type) { continue; } // sort index inputs so that order does not matter var typeInputs = type.inputs.map(function (input) { return input.name; }).sort(); // allow searching for void (no output) functions as well var typeOutput = type.output ? type.output.name : ""; if ((inputs === "*" || inputs === typeInputs.toString()) && (output === "*" || output == typeOutput)) { results.push({id: i, index: -1, dontValidate: true}); } } } else { // gather matching search results up to a certain maximum val = val.replace(/\_/g, ""); for (var i = 0; i < split.length; ++i) { for (var j = 0; j < nSearchWords; ++j) { var lev_distance; if (searchWords[j].indexOf(split[i]) > -1 || searchWords[j].indexOf(val) > -1 || searchWords[j].replace(/_/g, "").indexOf(val) > -1) { // filter type: ... queries if (typePassesFilter(typeFilter, searchIndex[j].ty)) { results.push({ id: j, index: searchWords[j].replace(/_/g, "").indexOf(val), lev: 0, }); } } else if ( (lev_distance = levenshtein(searchWords[j], val)) <= MAX_LEV_DISTANCE) { if (typePassesFilter(typeFilter, searchIndex[j].ty)) { results.push({ id: j, index: 0, // we want lev results to go lower than others lev: lev_distance, }); } } if (results.length === max) { break; } } } } var nresults = results.length; for (var i = 0; i < nresults; ++i) { results[i].word = searchWords[results[i].id]; results[i].item = searchIndex[results[i].id] || {}; } // if there are no results then return to default and fail if (results.length === 0) { return []; } results.sort(function sortResults(aaa, bbb) { var a, b; // Sort by non levenshtein results and then levenshtein results by the distance // (less changes required to match means higher rankings) a = (aaa.lev); b = (bbb.lev); if (a !== b) { return a - b; } // sort by crate (non-current crate goes later) a = (aaa.item.crate !== window.currentCrate); b = (bbb.item.crate !== window.currentCrate); if (a !== b) { return a - b; } // sort by exact match (mismatch goes later) a = (aaa.word !== valLower); b = (bbb.word !== valLower); if (a !== b) { return a - b; } // sort by item name length (longer goes later) a = aaa.word.length; b = bbb.word.length; if (a !== b) { return a - b; } // sort by item name (lexicographically larger goes later) a = aaa.word; b = bbb.word; if (a !== b) { return (a > b ? +1 : -1); } // sort by index of keyword in item name (no literal occurrence goes later) a = (aaa.index < 0); b = (bbb.index < 0); if (a !== b) { return a - b; } // (later literal occurrence, if any, goes later) a = aaa.index; b = bbb.index; if (a !== b) { return a - b; } // special precedence for primitive pages if ((aaa.item.ty === TY_PRIMITIVE) && (bbb.item.ty !== TY_PRIMITIVE)) { return -1; } if ((bbb.item.ty === TY_PRIMITIVE) && (aaa.item.ty !== TY_PRIMITIVE)) { return 1; } // sort by description (no description goes later) a = (aaa.item.desc === ''); b = (bbb.item.desc === ''); if (a !== b) { return a - b; } // sort by type (later occurrence in `itemTypes` goes later) a = aaa.item.ty; b = bbb.item.ty; if (a !== b) { return a - b; } // sort by path (lexicographically larger goes later) a = aaa.item.path; b = bbb.item.path; if (a !== b) { return (a > b ? +1 : -1); } // que sera, sera return 0; }); // remove duplicates, according to the data provided for (var i = results.length - 1; i > 0; i -= 1) { if (results[i].word === results[i - 1].word && results[i].item.ty === results[i - 1].item.ty && results[i].item.path === results[i - 1].item.path && (results[i].item.parent || {}).name === (results[i - 1].item.parent || {}).name) { results[i].id = -1; } } for (var i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) { var result = results[i], name = result.item.name.toLowerCase(), path = result.item.path.toLowerCase(), parent = result.item.parent; // this validation does not make sense when searching by types if (result.dontValidate) { continue; } var valid = validateResult(name, path, split, parent); if (!valid) { result.id = -1; } } return results; } /** * Validate performs the following boolean logic. For example: * "File::open" will give IF A PARENT EXISTS => ("file" && "open") * exists in (name || path || parent) OR => ("file" && "open") exists in * (name || path ) * * This could be written functionally, but I wanted to minimise * functions on stack. * * @param {[string]} name [The name of the result] * @param {[string]} path [The path of the result] * @param {[string]} keys [The keys to be used (["file", "open"])] * @param {[object]} parent [The parent of the result] * @return {[boolean]} [Whether the result is valid or not] */ function validateResult(name, path, keys, parent) { for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { // each check is for validation so we negate the conditions and invalidate if (!( // check for an exact name match name.toLowerCase().indexOf(keys[i]) > -1 || // then an exact path match path.toLowerCase().indexOf(keys[i]) > -1 || // next if there is a parent, check for exact parent match (parent !== undefined && parent.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(keys[i]) > -1) || // lastly check to see if the name was a levenshtein match levenshtein(name.toLowerCase(), keys[i]) <= MAX_LEV_DISTANCE)) { return false; } } return true; } function getQuery() { var matches, type, query, raw = document.getElementsByClassName('search-input')[0].value; query = raw; matches = query.match(/^(fn|mod|struct|enum|trait|type|const|macro)\s*:\s*/i); if (matches) { type = matches[1].replace(/^const$/, 'constant'); query = query.substring(matches[0].length); } return { raw: raw, query: query, type: type, id: query + type }; } function initSearchNav() { var hoverTimeout; var click_func = function(e) { var el = e.target; // to retrieve the real "owner" of the event. while (el.tagName !== 'TR') { el = el.parentNode; } var dst = e.target.getElementsByTagName('a'); if (dst.length < 1) { return; } dst = dst[0]; if (window.location.pathname === dst.pathname) { addClass(document.getElementById('search'), 'hidden'); removeClass(document.getElementById('main'), 'hidden'); document.location.href = dst.href; } }; var mouseover_func = function(e) { var el = e.target; // to retrieve the real "owner" of the event. while (el.tagName !== 'TR') { el = el.parentNode; } clearTimeout(hoverTimeout); hoverTimeout = setTimeout(function() { onEach(document.getElementsByClassName('search-results'), function(e) { onEach(e.getElementsByClassName('result'), function(i_e) { removeClass(i_e, 'highlighted'); }); }); addClass(el, 'highlighted'); }, 20); }; onEach(document.getElementsByClassName('search-results'), function(e) { onEach(e.getElementsByClassName('result'), function(i_e) { i_e.onclick = click_func; i_e.onmouseover = mouseover_func; }); }); var search_input = document.getElementsByClassName('search-input')[0]; search_input.onkeydown = null; search_input.onkeydown = function(e) { var actives = []; onEach(document.getElementsByClassName('search-results'), function(e) { onEach(document.getElementsByClassName('highlighted'), function(e) { actives.push(e); }); }); if (e.which === 38) { // up if (!actives.length || !actives[0].previousElementSibling) { return; } addClass(actives[0].previousElementSibling, 'highlighted'); removeClass(actives[0], 'highlighted'); } else if (e.which === 40) { // down if (!actives.length) { var results = document.getElementsByClassName('search-results'); if (results.length > 0) { var res = results[0].getElementsByClassName('result'); if (res.length > 0) { addClass(res[0], 'highlighted'); } } } else if (actives[0].nextElementSibling) { addClass(actives[0].nextElementSibling, 'highlighted'); removeClass(actives[0], 'highlighted'); } } else if (e.which === 13) { // return if (actives.length) { document.location.href = actives[0].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href; } } else if (actives.length > 0) { removeClass(actives[0], 'highlighted'); } }; } function escape(content) { var h1 = document.createElement('h1'); h1.textContent = content; return h1.innerHTML; } function showResults(results) { var output, shown, query = getQuery(); currentResults = query.id; output = '

Results for ' + escape(query.query) + (query.type ? ' (type: ' + escape(query.type) + ')' : '') + '

'; output += ''; if (results.length > 0) { shown = []; results.forEach(function(item) { var name, type, href, displayPath; if (shown.indexOf(item) !== -1) { return; } shown.push(item); name = item.name; type = itemTypes[item.ty]; if (type === 'mod') { displayPath = item.path + '::'; href = rootPath + item.path.replace(/::/g, '/') + '/' + name + '/index.html'; } else if (type === "primitive") { displayPath = ""; href = rootPath + item.path.replace(/::/g, '/') + '/' + type + '.' + name + '.html'; } else if (type === "externcrate") { displayPath = ""; href = rootPath + name + '/index.html'; } else if (item.parent !== undefined) { var myparent = item.parent; var anchor = '#' + type + '.' + name; var parentType = itemTypes[myparent.ty]; if (parentType === "primitive") { displayPath = myparent.name + '::'; } else { displayPath = item.path + '::' + myparent.name + '::'; } href = rootPath + item.path.replace(/::/g, '/') + '/' + parentType + '.' + myparent.name + '.html' + anchor; } else { displayPath = item.path + '::'; href = rootPath + item.path.replace(/::/g, '/') + '/' + type + '.' + name + '.html'; } output += ''; }); } else { output += 'No results :( Try on DuckDuckGo?'; } output += "

"; addClass(document.getElementById('main'), 'hidden'); var search = document.getElementById('search'); removeClass(search, 'hidden'); search.innerHTML = output; var tds = search.getElementsByTagName('td'); var td_width = 0; if (tds.length > 0) { td_width = tds[0].offsetWidth; } var width = search.offsetWidth - 40 - td_width; onEach(search.getElementsByClassName('desc'), function(e) { e.style.width = width + 'px'; }); initSearchNav(); } function search(e) { var query, filterdata = [], obj, i, len, results = [], maxResults = 200, resultIndex; var params = getQueryStringParams(); query = getQuery(); if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } if (!query.query || query.id === currentResults) { return; } // Update document title to maintain a meaningful browser history document.title = "Results for " + query.query + " - Rust"; // Because searching is incremental by character, only the most // recent search query is added to the browser history. if (browserSupportsHistoryApi()) { if (!history.state && !params.search) { history.pushState(query, "", "?search=" + encodeURIComponent(query.raw)); } else { history.replaceState(query, "", "?search=" + encodeURIComponent(query.raw)); } } resultIndex = execQuery(query, 20000, index); len = resultIndex.length; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (resultIndex[i].id > -1) { obj = searchIndex[resultIndex[i].id]; filterdata.push([obj.name, obj.ty, obj.path, obj.desc]); results.push(obj); } if (results.length >= maxResults) { break; } } showResults(results); } function itemTypeFromName(typename) { for (var i = 0; i < itemTypes.length; ++i) { if (itemTypes[i] === typename) { return i; } } return -1; } function buildIndex(rawSearchIndex) { searchIndex = []; var searchWords = []; for (var crate in rawSearchIndex) { if (!rawSearchIndex.hasOwnProperty(crate)) { continue; } searchWords.push(crate); searchIndex.push({ crate: crate, ty: 1, // == ExternCrate name: crate, path: "", desc: rawSearchIndex[crate].doc, type: null, }); // an array of [(Number) item type, // (String) name, // (String) full path or empty string for previous path, // (String) description, // (Number | null) the parent path index to `paths`] // (Object | null) the type of the function (if any) var items = rawSearchIndex[crate].items; // an array of [(Number) item type, // (String) name] var paths = rawSearchIndex[crate].paths; // convert `paths` into an object form var len = paths.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { paths[i] = {ty: paths[i][0], name: paths[i][1]}; } // convert `items` into an object form, and construct word indices. // // before any analysis is performed lets gather the search terms to // search against apart from the rest of the data. This is a quick // operation that is cached for the life of the page state so that // all other search operations have access to this cached data for // faster analysis operations var len = items.length; var lastPath = ""; for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { var rawRow = items[i]; var row = {crate: crate, ty: rawRow[0], name: rawRow[1], path: rawRow[2] || lastPath, desc: rawRow[3], parent: paths[rawRow[4]], type: rawRow[5]}; searchIndex.push(row); if (typeof row.name === "string") { var word = row.name.toLowerCase(); searchWords.push(word); } else { searchWords.push(""); } lastPath = row.path; } } return searchWords; } function startSearch() { var searchTimeout; var callback = function() { var search_input = document.getElementsByClassName('search-input'); if (search_input.length < 1) { return; } search_input = search_input[0]; clearTimeout(searchTimeout); if (search_input.value.length === 0) { if (browserSupportsHistoryApi()) { history.replaceState("", "std - Rust", "?search="); } var main = document.getElementById('main'); if (hasClass(main, 'content')) { removeClass(main, 'hidden'); } var search_c = document.getElementById('search'); if (hasClass(search_c, 'content')) { addClass(search_c, 'hidden'); } } else { searchTimeout = setTimeout(search, 500); } }; var search_input = document.getElementsByClassName("search-input")[0]; search_input.onkeyup = callback; search_input.oninput = callback; document.getElementsByClassName("search-form")[0].onsubmit = function(e){ e.preventDefault(); clearTimeout(searchTimeout); search(); }; search_input.onchange = function(e) { // Do NOT e.preventDefault() here. It will prevent pasting. clearTimeout(searchTimeout); // zero-timeout necessary here because at the time of event handler execution the // pasted content is not in the input field yet. Shouldn’t make any difference for // change, though. setTimeout(search, 0); }; search_input.onpaste = search_input.onchange; // Push and pop states are used to add search results to the browser // history. if (browserSupportsHistoryApi()) { // Store the previous so we can revert back to it later. var previousTitle = document.title; window.onpopstate = function(e) { var params = getQueryStringParams(); // When browsing back from search results the main page // visibility must be reset. if (!params.search) { var main = document.getElementById('main'); if (hasClass(main, 'content')) { removeClass(main, 'hidden'); } var search_c = document.getElementById('search'); if (hasClass(search_c, 'content')) { addClass(search_c, 'hidden'); } } // Revert to the previous title manually since the History // API ignores the title parameter. document.title = previousTitle; // When browsing forward to search results the previous // search will be repeated, so the currentResults are // cleared to ensure the search is successful. currentResults = null; // Synchronize search bar with query string state and // perform the search. This will empty the bar if there's // nothing there, which lets you really go back to a // previous state with nothing in the bar. if (params.search) { document.getElementsByClassName('search-input')[0].value = params.search; } else { document.getElementsByClassName('search-input')[0].value = ''; } // Some browsers fire 'onpopstate' for every page load // (Chrome), while others fire the event only when actually // popping a state (Firefox), which is why search() is // called both here and at the end of the startSearch() // function. search(); }; } search(); } index = buildIndex(rawSearchIndex); startSearch(); // Draw a convenient sidebar of known crates if we have a listing if (rootPath === '../') { var sidebar = document.getElementsByClassName('sidebar')[0]; var div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'block crate'; div.innerHTML = '<h3>Crates</h3>'; var ul = document.createElement('ul'); div.appendChild(ul); var crates = []; for (var crate in rawSearchIndex) { if (!rawSearchIndex.hasOwnProperty(crate)) { continue; } crates.push(crate); } crates.sort(); for (var i = 0; i < crates.length; ++i) { var klass = 'crate'; if (crates[i] === window.currentCrate) { klass += ' current'; } var link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = '../' + crates[i] + '/index.html'; link.title = rawSearchIndex[crates[i]].doc; link.className = klass; link.textContent = crates[i]; var li = document.createElement('li'); li.appendChild(link); ul.appendChild(li); } sidebar.appendChild(div); } } window.initSearch = initSearch; // delayed sidebar rendering. function initSidebarItems(items) { var sidebar = document.getElementsByClassName('sidebar')[0]; var current = window.sidebarCurrent; function block(shortty, longty) { var filtered = items[shortty]; if (!filtered) { return; } var div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'block ' + shortty; var h3 = document.createElement('h3'); h3.textContent = longty; div.appendChild(h3); var ul = document.createElement('ul'); for (var i = 0; i < filtered.length; ++i) { var item = filtered[i]; var name = item[0]; var desc = item[1]; // can be null var klass = shortty; if (name === current.name && shortty === current.ty) { klass += ' current'; } var path; if (shortty === 'mod') { path = name + '/index.html'; } else { path = shortty + '.' + name + '.html'; } var link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = current.relpath + path; link.title = desc; link.className = klass; link.textContent = name; var li = document.createElement('li'); li.appendChild(link); ul.appendChild(li); } div.appendChild(ul); sidebar.appendChild(div); } block("primitive", "Primitive Types"); block("mod", "Modules"); block("macro", "Macros"); block("struct", "Structs"); block("enum", "Enums"); block("constant", "Constants"); block("static", "Statics"); block("trait", "Traits"); block("fn", "Functions"); block("type", "Type Definitions"); } window.initSidebarItems = initSidebarItems; window.register_implementors = function(imp) { var list = document.getElementById('implementors-list'); var libs = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(imp); for (var i = 0; i < libs.length; ++i) { if (libs[i] === currentCrate) { continue; } var structs = imp[libs[i]]; for (var j = 0; j < structs.length; ++j) { var code = document.createElement('code'); code.innerHTML = structs[j]; var x = code.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var k = 0; k < x.length; k++) { var href = x[k].getAttribute('href'); if (href && href.indexOf('http') !== 0) { x[k].setAttribute('href', rootPath + href); } } var li = document.createElement('li'); li.appendChild(code); list.appendChild(li); } } }; if (window.pending_implementors) { window.register_implementors(window.pending_implementors); } function labelForToggleButton(sectionIsCollapsed) { if (sectionIsCollapsed) { // button will expand the section return "+"; } // button will collapse the section // note that this text is also set in the HTML template in render.rs return "\u2212"; // "\u2212" is '−' minus sign } function onEveryMatchingChild(elem, className, func) { if (elem && className && func) { for (var i = 0; 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' + '' + displayPath + '' + name + '' + '' + '' + escape(item.desc) + '