{ "cmd000": { "sig": [ "0" ], "help": "" }, "cmd001": { "sig": [ "1" ], "help": "" }, "cmd002": { "sig": [ "2" ], "help": "" }, "cmd003": { "sig": [ "config", "diff" ], "help": "dump diff of current config and default config" }, "cmd004": { "sig": [ "config", "get", { "name": "var", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "config get : get the config value" }, "cmd005": { "sig": [ "config", "set", { "name": "var", "type": "CephString" }, { "n": "N", "name": "val", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "config set [ ...]: set a config variable" }, "cmd006": { "sig": [ "config", "show" ], "help": "dump current config settings" }, "cmd007": { "sig": [ "get_command_descriptions" ], "help": "list available commands" }, "cmd008": { "sig": [ "git_version" ], "help": "get git sha1" }, "cmd009": { "sig": [ "help" ], "help": "list available commands" }, "cmd010": { "sig": [ "log", "dump" ], "help": "dump recent log entries to log file" }, "cmd011": { "sig": [ "log", "flush" ], "help": "flush log entries to log file" }, "cmd012": { "sig": [ "log", "reopen" ], "help": "reopen log file" }, "cmd013": { "sig": [ "objecter_requests" ], "help": "show in-progress osd requests" }, "cmd014": { "sig": [ "perf", "dump", { "name": "logger", "req": "false", "type": "CephString" }, { "name": "counter", "req": "false", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "dump perfcounters value" }, "cmd015": { "sig": [ "perf", "reset", { "name": "var", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "perf reset : perf reset all or one perfcounter name" }, "cmd016": { "sig": [ "perf", "schema" ], "help": "dump perfcounters schema" }, "cmd017": { "sig": [ "perfcounters_dump" ], "help": "" }, "cmd018": { "sig": [ "perfcounters_schema" ], "help": "" }, "cmd019": { "sig": [ "version" ], "help": "get ceph version" } }