{ "cmd000": { "sig": [ "pg", "stat" ], "help": "show placement group status.", "module": "pg", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd001": { "sig": [ "pg", "getmap" ], "help": "get binary pg map to -o\/stdout", "module": "pg", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd002": { "sig": [ "pg", "send_pg_creates" ], "help": "trigger pg creates to be issued", "module": "pg", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd003": { "sig": [ "pg", "dump", { "n": "N", "name": "dumpcontents", "req": "false", "strings": "all|summary|sum|delta|pools|osds|pgs|pgs_brief", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "show human-readable versions of pg map (only 'all' valid with plain)", "module": "pg", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd004": { "sig": [ "pg", "dump_json", { "n": "N", "name": "dumpcontents", "req": "false", "strings": "all|summary|sum|pools|osds|pgs", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "show human-readable version of pg map in json only", "module": "pg", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd005": { "sig": [ "pg", "dump_pools_json" ], "help": "show pg pools info in json only", "module": "pg", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd006": { "sig": [ "pg", "dump_stuck", { "n": "N", "name": "stuckops", "req": "false", "strings": "inactive|unclean|stale|undersized|degraded", "type": "CephChoices" }, { "name": "threshold", "req": "false", "type": "CephInt" } ], "help": "show information about stuck pgs", "module": "pg", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd007": { "sig": [ "pg", "ls-by-pool", { "name": "poolstr", "type": "CephString" }, { "n": "N", "name": "states", "req": "false", "strings": "active|clean|down|replay|splitting|scrubbing|scrubq|degraded|inconsistent|peering|repair|recovering|backfill_wait|incomplete|stale|remapped|deep_scrub|backfill|backfill_toofull|recovery_wait|undersized", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "list pg with pool = [poolname | poolid]", "module": "pg", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd008": { "sig": [ "pg", "ls-by-primary", { "name": "osd", "type": "CephOsdName" }, { "name": "pool", "req": "false", "type": "CephInt" }, { "n": "N", "name": "states", "req": "false", "strings": "active|clean|down|replay|splitting|scrubbing|scrubq|degraded|inconsistent|peering|repair|recovering|backfill_wait|incomplete|stale|remapped|deep_scrub|backfill|backfill_toofull|recovery_wait|undersized", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "list pg with primary = [osd]", "module": "pg", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd009": { "sig": [ "pg", "ls-by-osd", { "name": "osd", "type": "CephOsdName" }, { "name": "pool", "req": "false", "type": "CephInt" }, { "n": "N", "name": "states", "req": "false", "strings": "active|clean|down|replay|splitting|scrubbing|scrubq|degraded|inconsistent|peering|repair|recovering|backfill_wait|incomplete|stale|remapped|deep_scrub|backfill|backfill_toofull|recovery_wait|undersized", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "list pg on osd [osd]", "module": "pg", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd010": { "sig": [ "pg", "ls", { "name": "pool", "req": "false", "type": "CephInt" }, { "n": "N", "name": "states", "req": "false", "strings": "active|clean|down|replay|splitting|scrubbing|scrubq|degraded|inconsistent|peering|repair|recovering|backfill_wait|incomplete|stale|remapped|deep_scrub|backfill|backfill_toofull|recovery_wait|undersized", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "list pg with specific pool, osd, state", "module": "pg", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd011": { "sig": [ "pg", "map", { "name": "pgid", "type": "CephPgid" } ], "help": "show mapping of pg to osds", "module": "pg", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd012": { "sig": [ "pg", "scrub", { "name": "pgid", "type": "CephPgid" } ], "help": "start scrub on ", "module": "pg", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd013": { "sig": [ "pg", "deep-scrub", { "name": "pgid", "type": "CephPgid" } ], "help": "start deep-scrub on ", "module": "pg", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd014": { "sig": [ "pg", "repair", { "name": "pgid", "type": "CephPgid" } ], "help": "start repair on ", "module": "pg", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd015": { "sig": [ "pg", "debug", { "name": "debugop", "strings": "unfound_objects_exist|degraded_pgs_exist", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "show debug info about pgs", "module": "pg", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd016": { "sig": [ "pg", "force_create_pg", { "name": "pgid", "type": "CephPgid" } ], "help": "force creation of pg ", "module": "pg", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd017": { "sig": [ "pg", "set_full_ratio", { "name": "ratio", "range": "0.0|1.0", "type": "CephFloat" } ], "help": "set ratio at which pgs are considered full", "module": "pg", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd018": { "sig": [ "pg", "set_nearfull_ratio", { "name": "ratio", "range": "0.0|1.0", "type": "CephFloat" } ], "help": "set ratio at which pgs are considered nearly full", "module": "pg", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd019": { "sig": [ "auth", "export", { "name": "entity", "req": "false", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "write keyring for requested entity, or master keyring if none given", "module": "auth", "perm": "rx", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd020": { "sig": [ "auth", "get", { "name": "entity", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "write keyring file with requested key", "module": "auth", "perm": "rx", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd021": { "sig": [ "auth", "get-key", { "name": "entity", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "display requested key", "module": "auth", "perm": "rx", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd022": { "sig": [ "auth", "print-key", { "name": "entity", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "display requested key", "module": "auth", "perm": "rx", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd023": { "sig": [ "auth", "print_key", { "name": "entity", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "display requested key", "module": "auth", "perm": "rx", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd024": { "sig": [ "auth", "list" ], "help": "list authentication state", "module": "auth", "perm": "rx", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd025": { "sig": [ "auth", "import" ], "help": "auth import: read keyring file from -i ", "module": "auth", "perm": "rwx", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd026": { "sig": [ "auth", "add", { "name": "entity", "type": "CephString" }, { "n": "N", "name": "caps", "req": "false", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "add auth info for from input file, or random key if no input is given, and\/or any caps specified in the command", "module": "auth", "perm": "rwx", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd027": { "sig": [ "auth", "get-or-create-key", { "name": "entity", "type": "CephString" }, { "n": "N", "name": "caps", "req": "false", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "get, or add, key for from system\/caps pairs specified in the command. If key already exists, any given caps must match the existing caps for that key.", "module": "auth", "perm": "rwx", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd028": { "sig": [ "auth", "get-or-create", { "name": "entity", "type": "CephString" }, { "n": "N", "name": "caps", "req": "false", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "add auth info for from input file, or random key if no input given, and\/or any caps specified in the command", "module": "auth", "perm": "rwx", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd029": { "sig": [ "auth", "caps", { "name": "entity", "type": "CephString" }, { "n": "N", "name": "caps", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "update caps for from caps specified in the command", "module": "auth", "perm": "rwx", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd030": { "sig": [ "auth", "del", { "name": "entity", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "delete all caps for ", "module": "auth", "perm": "rwx", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd031": { "sig": [ "compact" ], "help": "cause compaction of monitor's leveldb storage", "module": "mon", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd032": { "sig": [ "scrub" ], "help": "scrub the monitor stores", "module": "mon", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd033": { "sig": [ "fsid" ], "help": "show cluster FSID\/UUID", "module": "mon", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd034": { "sig": [ "log", { "n": "N", "name": "logtext", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "log supplied text to the monitor log", "module": "mon", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd035": { "sig": [ "injectargs", { "n": "N", "name": "injected_args", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "inject config arguments into monitor", "module": "mon", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd036": { "sig": [ "status" ], "help": "show cluster status", "module": "mon", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd037": { "sig": [ "health", { "name": "detail", "req": "false", "strings": "detail", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "show cluster health", "module": "mon", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd038": { "sig": [ "df", { "name": "detail", "req": "false", "strings": "detail", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "show cluster free space stats", "module": "mon", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd039": { "sig": [ "report", { "n": "N", "name": "tags", "req": "false", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "report full status of cluster, optional title tag strings", "module": "mon", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd040": { "sig": [ "quorum_status" ], "help": "report status of monitor quorum", "module": "mon", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd041": { "sig": [ "mon_status" ], "help": "report status of monitors", "module": "mon", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd042": { "sig": [ "sync", "force", { "name": "validate1", "req": "false", "strings": "--yes-i-really-mean-it", "type": "CephChoices" }, { "name": "validate2", "req": "false", "strings": "--i-know-what-i-am-doing", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "force sync of and clear monitor store", "module": "mon", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd043": { "sig": [ "heap", { "name": "heapcmd", "strings": "dump|start_profiler|stop_profiler|release|stats", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "show heap usage info (available only if compiled with tcmalloc)", "module": "mon", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd044": { "sig": [ "quorum", { "n": "1", "name": "quorumcmd", "strings": "enter|exit", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "enter or exit quorum", "module": "mon", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd045": { "sig": [ "tell", { "name": "target", "type": "CephName" }, { "n": "N", "name": "args", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "send a command to a specific daemon", "module": "mon", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd046": { "sig": [ "version" ], "help": "show mon daemon version", "module": "mon", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd047": { "sig": [ "mds", "stat" ], "help": "show MDS status", "module": "mds", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd048": { "sig": [ "mds", "dump", { "name": "epoch", "range": "0", "req": "false", "type": "CephInt" } ], "help": "dump info, optionally from epoch", "module": "mds", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd049": { "sig": [ "mds", "getmap", { "name": "epoch", "range": "0", "req": "false", "type": "CephInt" } ], "help": "get MDS map, optionally from epoch", "module": "mds", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd050": { "sig": [ "mds", "tell", { "name": "who", "type": "CephString" }, { "n": "N", "name": "args", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "send command to particular mds", "module": "mds", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd051": { "sig": [ "mds", "compat", "show" ], "help": "show mds compatibility settings", "module": "mds", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd052": { "sig": [ "mds", "stop", { "name": "who", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "stop mds", "module": "mds", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd053": { "sig": [ "mds", "deactivate", { "name": "who", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "stop mds", "module": "mds", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd054": { "sig": [ "mds", "set_max_mds", { "name": "maxmds", "range": "0", "type": "CephInt" } ], "help": "set max MDS index", "module": "mds", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd055": { "sig": [ "mds", "set", { "name": "var", "strings": "max_mds|max_file_size|allow_new_snaps|inline_data", "type": "CephChoices" }, { "name": "val", "type": "CephString" }, { "name": "confirm", "req": "false", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "set mds parameter to ", "module": "mds", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd056": { "sig": [ "mds", "setmap", { "name": "epoch", "range": "0", "type": "CephInt" } ], "help": "set mds map; must supply correct epoch number", "module": "mds", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd057": { "sig": [ "mds", "set_state", { "name": "gid", "range": "0", "type": "CephInt" }, { "name": "state", "range": "0|20", "type": "CephInt" } ], "help": "set mds state of to ", "module": "mds", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd058": { "sig": [ "mds", "fail", { "name": "who", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "force mds to status failed", "module": "mds", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd059": { "sig": [ "mds", "rm", { "name": "gid", "range": "0", "type": "CephInt" }, { "name": "who", "type": "CephName" } ], "help": "remove nonactive mds", "module": "mds", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd060": { "sig": [ "mds", "rmfailed", { "name": "who", "range": "0", "type": "CephInt" } ], "help": "remove failed mds", "module": "mds", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd061": { "sig": [ "mds", "cluster_down" ], "help": "take MDS cluster down", "module": "mds", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd062": { "sig": [ "mds", "cluster_up" ], "help": "bring MDS cluster up", "module": "mds", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd063": { "sig": [ "mds", "compat", "rm_compat", { "name": "feature", "range": "0", "type": "CephInt" } ], "help": "remove compatible feature", "module": "mds", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd064": { "sig": [ "mds", "compat", "rm_incompat", { "name": "feature", "range": "0", "type": "CephInt" } ], "help": "remove incompatible feature", "module": "mds", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd065": { "sig": [ "mds", "add_data_pool", { "name": "pool", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "add data pool ", "module": "mds", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd066": { "sig": [ "mds", "remove_data_pool", { "name": "pool", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "remove data pool ", "module": "mds", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd067": { "sig": [ "mds", "newfs", { "name": "metadata", "range": "0", "type": "CephInt" }, { "name": "data", "range": "0", "type": "CephInt" }, { "name": "sure", "req": "false", "strings": "--yes-i-really-mean-it", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "make new filesystem using pools and ", "module": "mds", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd068": { "sig": [ "fs", "new", { "name": "fs_name", "type": "CephString" }, { "name": "metadata", "type": "CephString" }, { "name": "data", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "make new filesystem using named pools and ", "module": "fs", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd069": { "sig": [ "fs", "rm", { "name": "fs_name", "type": "CephString" }, { "name": "sure", "req": "false", "strings": "--yes-i-really-mean-it", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "disable the named filesystem", "module": "fs", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd070": { "sig": [ "fs", "reset", { "name": "fs_name", "type": "CephString" }, { "name": "sure", "req": "false", "strings": "--yes-i-really-mean-it", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "disaster recovery only: reset to a single-MDS map", "module": "fs", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd071": { "sig": [ "fs", "ls" ], "help": "list filesystems", "module": "fs", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd072": { "sig": [ "mon", "dump", { "name": "epoch", "range": "0", "req": "false", "type": "CephInt" } ], "help": "dump formatted monmap (optionally from epoch)", "module": "mon", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd073": { "sig": [ "mon", "stat" ], "help": "summarize monitor status", "module": "mon", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd074": { "sig": [ "mon", "getmap", { "name": "epoch", "range": "0", "req": "false", "type": "CephInt" } ], "help": "get monmap", "module": "mon", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd075": { "sig": [ "mon", "add", { "name": "name", "type": "CephString" }, { "name": "addr", "type": "CephIPAddr" } ], "help": "add new monitor named at ", "module": "mon", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd076": { "sig": [ "mon", "remove", { "name": "name", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "remove monitor named ", "module": "mon", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd077": { "sig": [ "osd", "stat" ], "help": "print summary of OSD map", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd078": { "sig": [ "osd", "dump", { "name": "epoch", "range": "0", "req": "false", "type": "CephInt" } ], "help": "print summary of OSD map", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd079": { "sig": [ "osd", "tree", { "name": "epoch", "range": "0", "req": "false", "type": "CephInt" } ], "help": "print OSD tree", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd080": { "sig": [ "osd", "ls", { "name": "epoch", "range": "0", "req": "false", "type": "CephInt" } ], "help": "show all OSD ids", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd081": { "sig": [ "osd", "getmap", { "name": "epoch", "range": "0", "req": "false", "type": "CephInt" } ], "help": "get OSD map", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd082": { "sig": [ "osd", "getcrushmap", { "name": "epoch", "range": "0", "req": "false", "type": "CephInt" } ], "help": "get CRUSH map", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd083": { "sig": [ "osd", "perf" ], "help": "print dump of OSD perf summary stats", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd084": { "sig": [ "osd", "blocked-by" ], "help": "print histogram of which OSDs are blocking their peers", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd085": { "sig": [ "osd", "getmaxosd" ], "help": "show largest OSD id", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd086": { "sig": [ "osd", "find", { "name": "id", "range": "0", "type": "CephInt" } ], "help": "find osd in the CRUSH map and show its location", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd087": { "sig": [ "osd", "metadata", { "name": "id", "range": "0", "type": "CephInt" } ], "help": "fetch metadata for osd ", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd088": { "sig": [ "osd", "map", { "name": "pool", "type": "CephPoolname" }, { "name": "object", "type": "CephObjectname" } ], "help": "find pg for in ", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd089": { "sig": [ "osd", "scrub", { "name": "who", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "initiate scrub on osd ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd090": { "sig": [ "osd", "deep-scrub", { "name": "who", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "initiate deep scrub on osd ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd091": { "sig": [ "osd", "repair", { "name": "who", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "initiate repair on osd ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd092": { "sig": [ "osd", "lspools", { "name": "auid", "req": "false", "type": "CephInt" } ], "help": "list pools", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd093": { "sig": [ "osd", "blacklist", "ls" ], "help": "show blacklisted clients", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd094": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "rule", "list" ], "help": "list crush rules", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd095": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "rule", "ls" ], "help": "list crush rules", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd096": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "rule", "dump", { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.]", "name": "name", "req": "false", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "dump crush rule (default all)", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd097": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "dump" ], "help": "dump crush map", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd098": { "sig": [ "osd", "setcrushmap" ], "help": "set crush map from input file", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd099": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "set" ], "help": "set crush map from input file", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd100": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "add-bucket", { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.]", "name": "name", "type": "CephString" }, { "name": "type", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "add no-parent (probably root) crush bucket of type ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd101": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "rename-bucket", { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.]", "name": "srcname", "type": "CephString" }, { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.]", "name": "dstname", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "rename bucket to ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd102": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "set", { "name": "id", "type": "CephOsdName" }, { "name": "weight", "range": "0.0", "type": "CephFloat" }, { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.=]", "n": "N", "name": "args", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "update crushmap position and weight for to with location ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd103": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "add", { "name": "id", "type": "CephOsdName" }, { "name": "weight", "range": "0.0", "type": "CephFloat" }, { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.=]", "n": "N", "name": "args", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "add or update crushmap position and weight for with and location ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd104": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "create-or-move", { "name": "id", "type": "CephOsdName" }, { "name": "weight", "range": "0.0", "type": "CephFloat" }, { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.=]", "n": "N", "name": "args", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "create entry or move existing entry for at\/to location ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd105": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "move", { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.]", "name": "name", "type": "CephString" }, { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.=]", "n": "N", "name": "args", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "move existing entry for to location ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd106": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "link", { "name": "name", "type": "CephString" }, { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.=]", "n": "N", "name": "args", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "link existing entry for under location ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd107": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "rm", { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.]", "name": "name", "type": "CephString" }, { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.]", "name": "ancestor", "req": "false", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "remove from crush map (everywhere, or just at )", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd108": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "remove", { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.]", "name": "name", "type": "CephString" }, { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.]", "name": "ancestor", "req": "false", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "remove from crush map (everywhere, or just at )", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd109": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "unlink", { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.]", "name": "name", "type": "CephString" }, { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.]", "name": "ancestor", "req": "false", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "unlink from crush map (everywhere, or just at )", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd110": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "reweight-all" ], "help": "recalculate the weights for the tree to ensure they sum correctly", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd111": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "reweight", { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.]", "name": "name", "type": "CephString" }, { "name": "weight", "range": "0.0", "type": "CephFloat" } ], "help": "change 's weight to in crush map", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd112": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "reweight-subtree", { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.]", "name": "name", "type": "CephString" }, { "name": "weight", "range": "0.0", "type": "CephFloat" } ], "help": "change all leaf items beneath to in crush map", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd113": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "tunables", { "name": "profile", "strings": "legacy|argonaut|bobtail|firefly|hammer|optimal|default", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "set crush tunables values to ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd114": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "set-tunable", { "name": "tunable", "strings": "straw_calc_version", "type": "CephChoices" }, { "name": "value", "type": "CephInt" } ], "help": "set crush tunable to ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd115": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "get-tunable", { "name": "tunable", "strings": "straw_calc_version", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "get crush tunable ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd116": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "show-tunables" ], "help": "show current crush tunables", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd117": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "rule", "create-simple", { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.]", "name": "name", "type": "CephString" }, { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.]", "name": "root", "type": "CephString" }, { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.]", "name": "type", "type": "CephString" }, { "name": "mode", "req": "false", "strings": "firstn|indep", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "create crush rule to start from , replicate across buckets of type , using a choose mode of (default firstn; indep best for erasure pools)", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd118": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "rule", "create-erasure", { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.]", "name": "name", "type": "CephString" }, { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.=]", "name": "profile", "req": "false", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "create crush rule for erasure coded pool created with (default default)", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd119": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "rule", "rm", { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.]", "name": "name", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "remove crush rule ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd120": { "sig": [ "osd", "crush", "tree" ], "help": "dump crush buckets and items in a tree view", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd121": { "sig": [ "osd", "setmaxosd", { "name": "newmax", "range": "0", "type": "CephInt" } ], "help": "set new maximum osd value", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd122": { "sig": [ "osd", "pause" ], "help": "pause osd", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd123": { "sig": [ "osd", "unpause" ], "help": "unpause osd", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd124": { "sig": [ "osd", "erasure-code-profile", "set", { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.]", "name": "name", "type": "CephString" }, { "n": "N", "name": "profile", "req": "false", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "create erasure code profile with [ ...] pairs. Add a --force at the end to override an existing profile (VERY DANGEROUS)", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd125": { "sig": [ "osd", "erasure-code-profile", "get", { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.]", "name": "name", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "get erasure code profile ", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd126": { "sig": [ "osd", "erasure-code-profile", "rm", { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.]", "name": "name", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "remove erasure code profile ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd127": { "sig": [ "osd", "erasure-code-profile", "ls" ], "help": "list all erasure code profiles", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd128": { "sig": [ "osd", "set", { "name": "key", "strings": "full|pause|noup|nodown|noout|noin|nobackfill|norebalance|norecover|noscrub|nodeep-scrub|notieragent", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "set ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd129": { "sig": [ "osd", "unset", { "name": "key", "strings": "full|pause|noup|nodown|noout|noin|nobackfill|norebalance|norecover|noscrub|nodeep-scrub|notieragent", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "unset ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd130": { "sig": [ "osd", "cluster_snap" ], "help": "take cluster snapshot (disabled)", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "" }, "cmd131": { "sig": [ "osd", "down", { "n": "N", "name": "ids", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "set osd(s) [...] down", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd132": { "sig": [ "osd", "out", { "n": "N", "name": "ids", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "set osd(s) [...] out", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd133": { "sig": [ "osd", "in", { "n": "N", "name": "ids", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "set osd(s) [...] in", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd134": { "sig": [ "osd", "rm", { "n": "N", "name": "ids", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "remove osd(s) [...] in", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd135": { "sig": [ "osd", "reweight", { "name": "id", "range": "0", "type": "CephInt" }, { "name": "weight", "range": "0.0|1.0", "type": "CephFloat" } ], "help": "reweight osd to 0.0 < < 1.0", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd136": { "sig": [ "osd", "pg-temp", { "name": "pgid", "type": "CephPgid" }, { "n": "N", "name": "id", "req": "false", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "set pg_temp mapping pgid:[ [...]] (developers only)", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd137": { "sig": [ "osd", "primary-temp", { "name": "pgid", "type": "CephPgid" }, { "name": "id", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "set primary_temp mapping pgid:|-1 (developers only)", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd138": { "sig": [ "osd", "primary-affinity", { "name": "id", "type": "CephOsdName" }, { "name": "weight", "range": "0.0|1.0", "type": "CephFloat" } ], "help": "adjust osd primary-affinity from 0.0 <= <= 1.0", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd139": { "sig": [ "osd", "lost", { "name": "id", "range": "0", "type": "CephInt" }, { "name": "sure", "req": "false", "strings": "--yes-i-really-mean-it", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "mark osd as permanently lost. THIS DESTROYS DATA IF NO MORE REPLICAS EXIST, BE CAREFUL", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd140": { "sig": [ "osd", "create", { "name": "uuid", "req": "false", "type": "CephUUID" } ], "help": "create new osd (with optional UUID)", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd141": { "sig": [ "osd", "blacklist", { "name": "blacklistop", "strings": "add|rm", "type": "CephChoices" }, { "name": "addr", "type": "CephEntityAddr" }, { "name": "expire", "range": "0.0", "req": "false", "type": "CephFloat" } ], "help": "add (optionally until seconds from now) or remove from blacklist", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd142": { "sig": [ "osd", "pool", "mksnap", { "name": "pool", "type": "CephPoolname" }, { "name": "snap", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "make snapshot in ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd143": { "sig": [ "osd", "pool", "rmsnap", { "name": "pool", "type": "CephPoolname" }, { "name": "snap", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "remove snapshot from ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd144": { "sig": [ "osd", "pool", "ls", { "name": "detail", "req": "false", "strings": "detail", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "list pools", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd145": { "sig": [ "osd", "pool", "create", { "name": "pool", "type": "CephPoolname" }, { "name": "pg_num", "range": "0", "type": "CephInt" }, { "name": "pgp_num", "range": "0", "req": "false", "type": "CephInt" }, { "name": "pool_type", "req": "false", "strings": "replicated|erasure", "type": "CephChoices" }, { "goodchars": "[A-Za-z0-9-_.]", "name": "erasure_code_profile", "req": "false", "type": "CephString" }, { "name": "ruleset", "req": "false", "type": "CephString" }, { "name": "expected_num_objects", "req": "false", "type": "CephInt" } ], "help": "create pool", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd146": { "sig": [ "osd", "pool", "delete", { "name": "pool", "type": "CephPoolname" }, { "name": "pool2", "req": "false", "type": "CephPoolname" }, { "name": "sure", "req": "false", "strings": "--yes-i-really-really-mean-it", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "delete pool", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd147": { "sig": [ "osd", "pool", "rename", { "name": "srcpool", "type": "CephPoolname" }, { "name": "destpool", "type": "CephPoolname" } ], "help": "rename to ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd148": { "sig": [ "osd", "pool", "get", { "name": "pool", "type": "CephPoolname" }, { "name": "var", "strings": "size|min_size|crash_replay_interval|pg_num|pgp_num|crush_ruleset|hit_set_type|hit_set_period|hit_set_count|hit_set_fpp|auid|target_max_objects|target_max_bytes|cache_target_dirty_ratio|cache_target_full_ratio|cache_min_flush_age|cache_min_evict_age|erasure_code_profile|min_read_recency_for_promote|write_fadvise_dontneed", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "get pool parameter ", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd149": { "sig": [ "osd", "pool", "set", { "name": "pool", "type": "CephPoolname" }, { "name": "var", "strings": "size|min_size|crash_replay_interval|pg_num|pgp_num|crush_ruleset|hashpspool|nodelete|nopgchange|nosizechange|hit_set_type|hit_set_period|hit_set_count|hit_set_fpp|use_gmt_hitset|debug_fake_ec_pool|target_max_bytes|target_max_objects|cache_target_dirty_ratio|cache_target_full_ratio|cache_min_flush_age|cache_min_evict_age|auid|min_read_recency_for_promote|write_fadvise_dontneed", "type": "CephChoices" }, { "name": "val", "type": "CephString" }, { "name": "force", "req": "false", "strings": "--yes-i-really-mean-it", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "set pool parameter to ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd150": { "sig": [ "osd", "pool", "set-quota", { "name": "pool", "type": "CephPoolname" }, { "name": "field", "strings": "max_objects|max_bytes", "type": "CephChoices" }, { "name": "val", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "set object or byte limit on pool", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd151": { "sig": [ "osd", "pool", "get-quota", { "name": "pool", "type": "CephPoolname" } ], "help": "obtain object or byte limits for pool", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd152": { "sig": [ "osd", "pool", "stats", { "name": "name", "req": "false", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "obtain stats from all pools, or from specified pool", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd153": { "sig": [ "osd", "utilization" ], "help": "get basic pg distribution stats", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd154": { "sig": [ "osd", "reweight-by-utilization", { "name": "oload", "req": "false", "type": "CephInt" }, { "name": "max_change", "req": "false", "type": "CephFloat" }, { "name": "max_osds", "req": "false", "type": "CephInt" }, { "name": "no_increasing", "req": "false", "strings": "--no-increasing", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "reweight OSDs by utilization [overload-percentage-for-consideration, default 120]", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd155": { "sig": [ "osd", "test-reweight-by-utilization", { "name": "oload", "req": "false", "type": "CephInt" }, { "name": "max_change", "req": "false", "type": "CephFloat" }, { "name": "max_osds", "req": "false", "type": "CephInt" }, { "name": "no_increasing", "req": "false", "strings": "--no-increasing", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "dry run of reweight OSDs by utilization [overload-percentage-for-consideration, default 120]", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd156": { "sig": [ "osd", "reweight-by-pg", { "name": "oload", "req": "false", "type": "CephInt" }, { "name": "max_change", "req": "false", "type": "CephFloat" }, { "name": "max_osds", "req": "false", "type": "CephInt" }, { "n": "N", "name": "pools", "req": "false", "type": "CephPoolname" } ], "help": "reweight OSDs by PG distribution [overload-percentage-for-consideration, default 120]", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd157": { "sig": [ "osd", "test-reweight-by-pg", { "name": "oload", "req": "false", "type": "CephInt" }, { "name": "max_change", "req": "false", "type": "CephFloat" }, { "name": "max_osds", "req": "false", "type": "CephInt" }, { "n": "N", "name": "pools", "req": "false", "type": "CephPoolname" } ], "help": "dry run of reweight OSDs by PG distribution [overload-percentage-for-consideration, default 120]", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd158": { "sig": [ "osd", "thrash", { "name": "num_epochs", "range": "0", "type": "CephInt" } ], "help": "thrash OSDs for ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd159": { "sig": [ "osd", "df", { "name": "output_method", "req": "false", "strings": "plain|tree", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "show OSD utilization", "module": "osd", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd160": { "sig": [ "osd", "tier", "add", { "name": "pool", "type": "CephPoolname" }, { "name": "tierpool", "type": "CephPoolname" }, { "name": "force_nonempty", "req": "false", "strings": "--force-nonempty", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "add the tier (the second one) to base pool (the first one)", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd161": { "sig": [ "osd", "tier", "remove", { "name": "pool", "type": "CephPoolname" }, { "name": "tierpool", "type": "CephPoolname" } ], "help": "remove the tier (the second one) from base pool (the first one)", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd162": { "sig": [ "osd", "tier", "cache-mode", { "name": "pool", "type": "CephPoolname" }, { "name": "mode", "strings": "none|writeback|forward|readonly|readforward|readproxy", "type": "CephChoices" } ], "help": "specify the caching mode for cache tier ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd163": { "sig": [ "osd", "tier", "set-overlay", { "name": "pool", "type": "CephPoolname" }, { "name": "overlaypool", "type": "CephPoolname" } ], "help": "set the overlay pool for base pool to be ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd164": { "sig": [ "osd", "tier", "remove-overlay", { "name": "pool", "type": "CephPoolname" } ], "help": "remove the overlay pool for base pool ", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd165": { "sig": [ "osd", "tier", "add-cache", { "name": "pool", "type": "CephPoolname" }, { "name": "tierpool", "type": "CephPoolname" }, { "name": "size", "range": "0", "type": "CephInt" } ], "help": "add a cache (the second one) of size to existing pool (the first one)", "module": "osd", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd166": { "sig": [ "config-key", "get", { "name": "key", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "get ", "module": "config-key", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd167": { "sig": [ "config-key", "put", { "name": "key", "type": "CephString" }, { "name": "val", "req": "false", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "put , value ", "module": "config-key", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd168": { "sig": [ "config-key", "del", { "name": "key", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "delete ", "module": "config-key", "perm": "rw", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd169": { "sig": [ "config-key", "exists", { "name": "key", "type": "CephString" } ], "help": "check for 's existence", "module": "config-key", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" }, "cmd170": { "sig": [ "config-key", "list" ], "help": "list keys", "module": "config-key", "perm": "r", "avail": "cli,rest" } }