{------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. Code template generated with SynGen. The original code is: Lua.pas, released 2004-10-27. Description: Lua Syntax Parser/Highlighter The initial author of this file is Jean-Franois Goulet. Copyright (c) 2004, all rights reserved. Contributors to the SynEdit and mwEdit projects are listed in the Contributors.txt file. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the GPL. $Id: LuaSyntax.pas,v 1.1 2006/11/21 00:42:58 jfgoulet Exp $ You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the SynEdit home page, located at http://SynEdit.SourceForge.net -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} unit LuaSyntax; {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE OBJFPC} {$ENDIF} {$DEFINE SYNEDIT_INCLUDE} {$IFdef MSWindows} {$DEFINE SYN_WIN32} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF VER130} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_5} {$DEFINE SYN_DELPHI} {$DEFINE SYN_DELPHI_5} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF VER125} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_4} {$DEFINE SYN_CPPB} {$DEFINE SYN_CPPB_4} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF VER120} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_4} {$DEFINE SYN_DELPHI} {$DEFINE SYN_DELPHI_4} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF VER110} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_3} {$DEFINE SYN_CPPB} {$DEFINE SYN_CPPB_3} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF VER100} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_3} {$DEFINE SYN_DELPHI} {$DEFINE SYN_DELPHI_3} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF VER93} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_2} { C++B v1 compiler is really v2 } {$DEFINE SYN_CPPB} {$DEFINE SYN_CPPB_1} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF VER90} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_2} {$DEFINE SYN_DELPHI} {$DEFINE SYN_DELPHI_2} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SYN_COMPILER_2} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_1_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_2_UP} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SYN_COMPILER_3} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_1_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_2_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_3_UP} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SYN_COMPILER_4} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_1_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_2_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_3_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_4_UP} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SYN_COMPILER_5} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_1_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_2_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_3_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_4_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_5_UP} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SYN_DELPHI_2} {$DEFINE SYN_DELPHI_2_UP} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SYN_DELPHI_3} {$DEFINE SYN_DELPHI_2_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_DELPHI_3_UP} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SYN_DELPHI_4} {$DEFINE SYN_DELPHI_2_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_DELPHI_3_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_DELPHI_4_UP} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SYN_DELPHI_5} {$DEFINE SYN_DELPHI_2_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_DELPHI_3_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_DELPHI_4_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_DELPHI_5_UP} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SYN_CPPB_3} {$DEFINE SYN_CPPB_3_UP} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SYN_COMPILER_3_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_NO_COM_CLEANUP} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SYN_CPPB_3_UP} // C++Builder requires this if you use Delphi components in run-time packages. {$ObjExportAll On} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF FPC} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_1_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_2_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_3_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_COMPILER_4_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_DELPHI_2_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_DELPHI_3_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_DELPHI_4_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_DELPHI_5_UP} {$DEFINE SYN_LAZARUS} {$ENDIF} {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} { Common compiler defines } {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} // defaults are short evaluation of boolean values and long strings // lazarus change no $B- {$H+} {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} { Please change this to suit your needs } {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} // support for multibyte character sets {$IFDEF SYN_COMPILER_3_UP} {$IFNDEF SYN_LAZARUS} {$DEFINE SYN_MBCSSUPPORT} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} // additional tests for debugging {.$DEFINE SYN_DEVELOPMENT_CHECKS} {$IFDEF SYN_DEVELOPMENT_CHECKS} {$R+,Q+,S+,T+} {$ENDIF} interface uses {$IFDEF SYN_CLX} QGraphics, QSynEditTypes, QSynEditHighlighter, {$ELSE} Graphics, SynEditTypes, SynEditHighlighter, {$ENDIF} SysUtils, Classes; type TtkTokenKind = ( tkComment, tkIdentifier, tkKey, tkLuaMString, tkNull, tkNumber, tkOctal, tkHex, tkFloat, tkSpace, tkString, tkUnknown); TRangeState = (rsUnKnown, rsLuaComment, rsLuaMComment, rsLuaMString, rsString1, rsString2); TProcTableProc = procedure of object; PIdentFuncTableFunc = ^TIdentFuncTableFunc; TIdentFuncTableFunc = function: TtkTokenKind of object; const MaxKey = 110; type TSynLuaSyn = class(TSynCustomHighlighter) private fLineRef: string; fLine: PChar; fLineNumber: Integer; fProcTable: array[#0..#255] of TProcTableProc; fRange: TRangeState; Run: LongInt; fStringLen: Integer; fToIdent: PChar; fTokenPos: Integer; fTokenID: TtkTokenKind; fIdentFuncTable: array[0 .. MaxKey] of TIdentFuncTableFunc; fCommentAttri: TSynHighlighterAttributes; fIdentifierAttri: TSynHighlighterAttributes; fKeyAttri: TSynHighlighterAttributes; fLuaMStringAttri: TSynHighlighterAttributes; fNumberAttri: TSynHighlighterAttributes; fSpaceAttri: TSynHighlighterAttributes; fStringAttri: TSynHighlighterAttributes; function KeyHash(ToHash: PChar): Integer; function KeyComp(const aKey: string): Boolean; function Func17: TtkTokenKind; function Func21: TtkTokenKind; function Func22: TtkTokenKind; function Func25: TtkTokenKind; function Func26: TtkTokenKind; function Func35: TtkTokenKind; function Func38: TtkTokenKind; function Func42: TtkTokenKind; function Func45: TtkTokenKind; function Func48: TtkTokenKind; function Func51: TtkTokenKind; function Func52: TtkTokenKind; function Func57: TtkTokenKind; function Func61: TtkTokenKind; function Func62: TtkTokenKind; function Func67: TtkTokenKind; function Func68: TtkTokenKind; function Func70: TtkTokenKind; function Func71: TtkTokenKind; function Func81: TtkTokenKind; function Func82: TtkTokenKind; function Func102: TtkTokenKind; function Func110: TtkTokenKind; procedure IdentProc; procedure UnknownProc; function AltFunc: TtkTokenKind; procedure InitIdent; function IdentKind(MayBe: PChar): TtkTokenKind; procedure MakeMethodTables; procedure NullProc; procedure SpaceProc; procedure CRProc; procedure LFProc; procedure LuaCommentOpenProc; procedure LuaCommentProc; procedure LuaMCommentOpenProc; procedure LuaMCommentProc; procedure LuaMStringOpenProc; procedure LuaMStringProc; procedure String1OpenProc; procedure String1Proc; procedure String2OpenProc; procedure String2Proc; procedure NumberProc; protected function GetIdentChars: TSynIdentChars; override; function GetSampleSource: string; override; function IsFilterStored: Boolean; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; {$IFNDEF SYN_CPPB_1} class {$ENDIF} function GetLanguageName: string; override; function GetRange: Pointer; override; procedure ResetRange; override; procedure SetRange(Value: Pointer); override; function GetDefaultAttribute(Index: integer): TSynHighlighterAttributes; override; function GetEol: Boolean; override; function GetKeyWords: string; function GetTokenID: TtkTokenKind; procedure SetLine(const NewValue: String; LineNumber: Integer); override; function GetToken: String; override; {$IFDEF SYN_LAZARUS} procedure GetTokenEx(out TokenStart: PChar; out TokenLength: integer); override; {$ENDIF} function GetTokenAttribute: TSynHighlighterAttributes; override; function GetTokenKind: integer; override; function GetTokenPos: Integer; override; procedure Next; override; published property CommentAttri: TSynHighlighterAttributes read fCommentAttri write fCommentAttri; property IdentifierAttri: TSynHighlighterAttributes read fIdentifierAttri write fIdentifierAttri; property KeyAttri: TSynHighlighterAttributes read fKeyAttri write fKeyAttri; property LuaMStringAttri: TSynHighlighterAttributes read fLuaMStringAttri write fLuaMStringAttri; property NumberAttri: TSynHighlighterAttributes read fNumberAttri write fNumberAttri; property SpaceAttri: TSynHighlighterAttributes read fSpaceAttri write fSpaceAttri; property StringAttri: TSynHighlighterAttributes read fStringAttri write fStringAttri; end; implementation uses {$IFDEF SYN_CLX} QSynEditStrConst; {$ELSE} SynEditStrConst; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SYN_COMPILER_3_UP} resourcestring {$ELSE} const {$ENDIF} SYNS_FilterLua = 'Lua Files (*.lua, *.lpr)|*.lua;*.lpr'; SYNS_LangLua = 'Lua'; SYNS_AttrLuaMString = 'LuaMString'; SYNS_AttrNumber = 'Numbers'; var Identifiers: array[#0..#255] of ByteBool; mHashTable : array[#0..#255] of Integer; procedure MakeIdentTable; var I: Char; begin for I := #0 to #255 do begin case I of '_', '0'..'9', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z': Identifiers[I] := True; else Identifiers[I] := False; end; case I in ['_', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z'] of True: begin if (I > #64) and (I < #91) then mHashTable[I] := Ord(I) - 64 else if (I > #96) then mHashTable[I] := Ord(I) - 95; end; else mHashTable[I] := 0; end; end; end; procedure TSynLuaSyn.InitIdent; var I: Integer; pF: PIdentFuncTableFunc; begin pF := PIdentFuncTableFunc(@fIdentFuncTable); for I := Low(fIdentFuncTable) to High(fIdentFuncTable) do begin pF^ := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}AltFunc; Inc(pF); end; fIdentFuncTable[17] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Func17; fIdentFuncTable[21] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Func21; fIdentFuncTable[22] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Func22; fIdentFuncTable[25] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Func25; fIdentFuncTable[26] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Func26; fIdentFuncTable[35] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Func35; fIdentFuncTable[38] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Func38; fIdentFuncTable[42] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Func42; fIdentFuncTable[45] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Func45; fIdentFuncTable[48] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Func48; fIdentFuncTable[51] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Func51; fIdentFuncTable[52] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Func52; fIdentFuncTable[57] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Func57; fIdentFuncTable[61] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Func61; fIdentFuncTable[62] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Func62; fIdentFuncTable[67] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Func67; fIdentFuncTable[68] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Func68; fIdentFuncTable[70] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Func70; fIdentFuncTable[71] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Func71; fIdentFuncTable[81] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Func81; fIdentFuncTable[82] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Func82; fIdentFuncTable[102] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Func102; fIdentFuncTable[110] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}Func110; end; function TSynLuaSyn.KeyHash(ToHash: PChar): Integer; begin Result := 0; while ToHash^ in ['_', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z'] do begin inc(Result, mHashTable[ToHash^]); inc(ToHash); end; fStringLen := ToHash - fToIdent; end; function TSynLuaSyn.KeyComp(const aKey: String): Boolean; var I: Integer; Temp: PChar; begin Temp := fToIdent; if Length(aKey) = fStringLen then begin Result := True; for i := 1 to fStringLen do begin if Temp^ <> aKey[i] then begin Result := False; break; end; inc(Temp); end; end else Result := False; end; function TSynLuaSyn.Func17: TtkTokenKind; begin if KeyComp('if') then Result := tkKey else Result := tkIdentifier; end; function TSynLuaSyn.Func21: TtkTokenKind; begin if KeyComp('do') then Result := tkKey else Result := tkIdentifier; end; function TSynLuaSyn.Func22: TtkTokenKind; begin if KeyComp('and') then Result := tkKey else Result := tkIdentifier; end; function TSynLuaSyn.Func25: TtkTokenKind; begin if KeyComp('in') then Result := tkKey else Result := tkIdentifier; end; function TSynLuaSyn.Func26: TtkTokenKind; begin if KeyComp('end') then Result := tkKey else Result := tkIdentifier; end; function TSynLuaSyn.Func35: TtkTokenKind; begin if KeyComp('or') then Result := tkKey else Result := tkIdentifier; end; function TSynLuaSyn.Func38: TtkTokenKind; begin if KeyComp('nil') then Result := tkKey else Result := tkIdentifier; end; function TSynLuaSyn.Func42: TtkTokenKind; begin if KeyComp('for') then Result := tkKey else if KeyComp('break') then Result := tkKey else Result := tkIdentifier; end; function TSynLuaSyn.Func45: TtkTokenKind; begin if KeyComp('else') then Result := tkKey else Result := tkIdentifier; end; function TSynLuaSyn.Func48: TtkTokenKind; begin if KeyComp('local') then Result := tkKey else if KeyComp('false') then Result := tkKey else Result := tkIdentifier; end; function TSynLuaSyn.Func51: TtkTokenKind; begin if KeyComp('then') then Result := tkKey else Result := tkIdentifier; end; function TSynLuaSyn.Func52: TtkTokenKind; begin if KeyComp('not') then Result := tkKey else Result := tkIdentifier; end; function TSynLuaSyn.Func57: TtkTokenKind; begin if KeyComp('loaddll') then Result := tkIdentifier else Result := tkIdentifier; end; function TSynLuaSyn.Func61: TtkTokenKind; begin if KeyComp('asd') then Result := tkIdentifier else Result := tkIdentifier; end; function TSynLuaSyn.Func62: TtkTokenKind; begin if KeyComp('while') then Result := tkKey else if KeyComp('print') then Result := tkIdentifier else if KeyComp('elseif') then Result := tkKey else Result := tkIdentifier; end; function TSynLuaSyn.Func67: TtkTokenKind; begin if KeyComp('asd') then Result := tkIdentifier else Result := tkIdentifier; end; function TSynLuaSyn.Func68: TtkTokenKind; begin if KeyComp('true') then Result := tkKey else Result := tkIdentifier; end; function TSynLuaSyn.Func70: TtkTokenKind; begin if KeyComp('asd') then Result := tkIdentifier else if KeyComp('asd') then Result := tkIdentifier else if KeyComp('dofile') then Result := tkIdentifier else Result := tkIdentifier; end; function TSynLuaSyn.Func71: TtkTokenKind; begin if KeyComp('repeat') then Result := tkKey else Result := tkIdentifier; end; function TSynLuaSyn.Func81: TtkTokenKind; begin if KeyComp('until') then Result := tkKey else Result := tkIdentifier; end; function TSynLuaSyn.Func82: TtkTokenKind; begin if KeyComp('asd') then Result := tkIdentifier else if KeyComp('asd') then Result := tkIdentifier else if KeyComp('beep') then Result := tkIdentifier else Result := tkIdentifier; end; function TSynLuaSyn.Func102: TtkTokenKind; begin if KeyComp('return') then Result := tkKey else Result := tkIdentifier; end; function TSynLuaSyn.Func110: TtkTokenKind; begin if KeyComp('function') then Result := tkKey else Result := tkIdentifier; end; function TSynLuaSyn.AltFunc: TtkTokenKind; begin Result := tkIdentifier; end; function TSynLuaSyn.IdentKind(MayBe: PChar): TtkTokenKind; var HashKey: Integer; begin fToIdent := MayBe; HashKey := KeyHash(MayBe); if HashKey <= MaxKey then Result := fIdentFuncTable[HashKey]{$IFDEF FPC}(){$ENDIF} else Result := tkIdentifier; end; procedure TSynLuaSyn.MakeMethodTables; var I: Char; begin for I := #0 to #255 do case I of #0: fProcTable[I] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}NullProc; #10: fProcTable[I] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}LFProc; #13: fProcTable[I] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}CRProc; '-': fProcTable[I] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}LuaCommentOpenProc; '[': fProcTable[I] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}LuaMStringOpenProc; '"': fProcTable[I] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}String1OpenProc; '''': fProcTable[I] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}String2OpenProc; #1..#9, #11, #12, #14..#32 : fProcTable[I] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}SpaceProc; '0'..'9': fProcTable[I] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}NumberProc; 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_': fProcTable[I] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}IdentProc; else fProcTable[I] := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}UnknownProc; end; end; procedure TSynLuaSyn.SpaceProc; begin fTokenID := tkSpace; repeat inc(Run); until not (fLine[Run] in [#1..#32]); end; procedure TSynLuaSyn.NullProc; begin fTokenID := tkNull; end; procedure TSynLuaSyn.CRProc; begin fTokenID := tkSpace; inc(Run); if fLine[Run] = #10 then inc(Run); end; procedure TSynLuaSyn.LFProc; begin fTokenID := tkSpace; inc(Run); end; procedure TSynLuaSyn.LuaCommentOpenProc; begin Inc(Run); if (fLine[Run] = '-') and (fLine[Run + 1] = '[') and (fLine[Run + 2] = '[') then begin LuaMCommentOpenProc; end else if (fLine[Run] = '-') then begin fRange := rsLuaComment; LuaCommentProc; fTokenID := tkComment; end else fTokenID := tkIdentifier; end; procedure TSynLuaSyn.LuaCommentProc; begin fTokenID := tkComment; repeat if (fLine[Run] = '@') and (fLine[Run + 1] = '') and (fLine[Run + 2] = '') and (fLine[Run + 3] = '') and (fLine[Run + 4] = '@') and (fLine[Run + 5] = '') and (fLine[Run + 6] = '') and (fLine[Run + 7] = '@') then begin Inc(Run, 8); fRange := rsUnKnown; Break; end; if not (fLine[Run] in [#0, #10, #13]) then Inc(Run); until fLine[Run] in [#0, #10, #13]; end; procedure TSynLuaSyn.LuaMCommentOpenProc; begin fRange := rsLuaMComment; LuaMCommentProc; fTokenID := tkComment; end; procedure TSynLuaSyn.LuaMCommentProc; begin case fLine[Run] of #0: NullProc; #10: LFProc; #13: CRProc; else begin fTokenID := tkComment; repeat if (fLine[Run] = ']') and (fLine[Run + 1] = ']') then begin Inc(Run, 2); fRange := rsUnKnown; Break; end; if not (fLine[Run] in [#0, #10, #13]) then Inc(Run); until fLine[Run] in [#0, #10, #13]; end; end; end; procedure TSynLuaSyn.LuaMStringOpenProc; begin Inc(Run); if (fLine[Run] = '[') then begin fRange := rsLuaMString; LuaMStringProc; fTokenID := tkLuaMString; end else fTokenID := tkIdentifier; end; procedure TSynLuaSyn.LuaMStringProc; begin case fLine[Run] of #0: NullProc; #10: LFProc; #13: CRProc; else begin fTokenID := tkLuaMString; repeat if (fLine[Run] = ']') and (fLine[Run + 1] = ']') then begin Inc(Run, 2); fRange := rsUnKnown; Break; end; if not (fLine[Run] in [#0, #10, #13]) then Inc(Run); until fLine[Run] in [#0, #10, #13]; end; end; end; procedure TSynLuaSyn.NumberProc; var idx1: Integer; // token[1] i: Integer; begin idx1 := Run; Inc(Run); fTokenID := tkNumber; while FLine[Run] in ['0'..'9', 'A'..'F', 'a'..'f', '.', 'u', 'U', 'l', 'L', 'x', 'X', '-', '+'] do begin case FLine[Run] of '.': if FLine[Succ(Run)] = '.' then Break else if (fTokenID <> tkHex) then fTokenID := tkFloat else // invalid begin fTokenID := tkUnknown; Exit; end; '-', '+': begin if fTokenID <> tkFloat then // number <> float. an arithmetic operator Exit; if not (FLine[Pred(Run)] in ['e', 'E']) then Exit; // number = float, but no exponent. an arithmetic operator if not (FLine[Succ(Run)] in ['0'..'9', '+', '-']) then // invalid begin Inc(Run); fTokenID := tkUnknown; Exit; end end; '0'..'7': if (Run = Succ(idx1)) and (FLine[idx1] = '0') then // octal number fTokenID := tkNumber; // Jean-Franois Goulet - Changed for token Number because token Octal was plain text and cannot be modified... '8', '9': if (FLine[idx1] = '0') and ((fTokenID <> tkHex) and (fTokenID <> tkFloat)) then // invalid octal char fTokenID := tkUnknown; 'a'..'d', 'A'..'D': if fTokenID <> tkHex then // invalid char Break; 'e', 'E': if (fTokenID <> tkHex) then if FLine[Pred(Run)] in ['0'..'9'] then // exponent begin for i := idx1 to Pred(Run) do if FLine[i] in ['e', 'E'] then // too many exponents begin fTokenID := tkUnknown; Exit; end; if not (FLine[Succ(Run)] in ['0'..'9', '+', '-']) then Break else fTokenID := tkFloat end else // invalid char Break; 'f', 'F': if fTokenID <> tkHex then begin for i := idx1 to Pred(Run) do if FLine[i] in ['f', 'F'] then // declaration syntax error begin fTokenID := tkUnknown; Exit; end; if fTokenID = tkFloat then begin if fLine[Pred(Run)] in ['l', 'L'] then // can't mix Break; end else fTokenID := tkFloat; end; 'l', 'L': begin for i := idx1 to Pred(Run) do if FLine[i] in ['l', 'L'] then // declaration syntax error begin fTokenID := tkUnknown; Exit; end; if fTokenID = tkFloat then if fLine[Pred(Run)] in ['f', 'F'] then // can't mix Break; end; 'u', 'U': if fTokenID = tkFloat then // not allowed Break else for i := idx1 to Pred(Run) do if FLine[i] in ['u', 'U'] then // declaration syntax error begin fTokenID := tkUnknown; Exit; end; 'x', 'X': if (Run = Succ(idx1)) and // 0x... 'x' must be second char (FLine[idx1] = '0') and // 0x... (FLine[Succ(Run)] in ['0'..'9', 'a'..'f', 'A'..'F']) then // 0x... must be continued with a number fTokenID := tkHex else // invalid char begin if (not Identifiers[fLine[Succ(Run)]]) and (FLine[Succ(idx1)] in ['x', 'X']) then begin Inc(Run); // highlight 'x' too fTokenID := tkUnknown; end; Break; end; end; // case Inc(Run); end; // while if FLine[Run] in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_'] then fTokenID := tkUnknown; end; procedure TSynLuaSyn.String1OpenProc; begin Inc(Run); fRange := rsString1; String1Proc; fTokenID := tkString; end; procedure TSynLuaSyn.String1Proc; begin fTokenID := tkString; repeat if (((fLine[Run] = '"') and (fLine[Run - 1] <> '\')) or ((fLine[Run - 1] = '\') and (fLine[Run - 2] = '\') and (fLine[Run] = '"'))) then begin Inc(Run, 1); fRange := rsUnKnown; Break; end; if not (fLine[Run] in [#0, #10, #13]) then Inc(Run); until fLine[Run] in [#0, #10, #13]; end; procedure TSynLuaSyn.String2OpenProc; begin Inc(Run); fRange := rsString2; String2Proc; fTokenID := tkString; end; procedure TSynLuaSyn.String2Proc; begin fTokenID := tkString; repeat if (fLine[Run] = '''') then begin Inc(Run, 1); fRange := rsUnKnown; Break; end; if not (fLine[Run] in [#0, #10, #13]) then Inc(Run); until fLine[Run] in [#0, #10, #13]; end; constructor TSynLuaSyn.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); fCommentAttri := TSynHighLighterAttributes.Create(SYNS_AttrComment); fCommentAttri.Style := [fsItalic]; fCommentAttri.Foreground := clGray; AddAttribute(fCommentAttri); fIdentifierAttri := TSynHighLighterAttributes.Create(SYNS_AttrIdentifier); AddAttribute(fIdentifierAttri); fKeyAttri := TSynHighLighterAttributes.Create(SYNS_AttrReservedWord); fKeyAttri.Style := [fsBold]; AddAttribute(fKeyAttri); fLuaMStringAttri := TSynHighLighterAttributes.Create(SYNS_AttrLuaMString); fLuaMStringAttri.Foreground := clNavy; AddAttribute(fLuaMStringAttri); fNumberAttri := TSynHighLighterAttributes.Create(SYNS_AttrNumber); fNumberAttri.Foreground := clBlue; AddAttribute(fNumberAttri); fSpaceAttri := TSynHighLighterAttributes.Create(SYNS_AttrSpace); AddAttribute(fSpaceAttri); fStringAttri := TSynHighLighterAttributes.Create(SYNS_AttrString); fStringAttri.Foreground := clNavy; AddAttribute(fStringAttri); SetAttributesOnChange({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}DefHighlightChange); InitIdent; MakeMethodTables; fDefaultFilter := SYNS_FilterLua; fRange := rsUnknown; end; procedure TSynLuaSyn.SetLine(const NewValue: String; LineNumber: Integer); begin fLineRef := NewValue; fLine := PChar(fLineRef); Run := 0; fLineNumber := LineNumber; Next; end; procedure TSynLuaSyn.IdentProc; begin fTokenID := IdentKind((fLine + Run)); inc(Run, fStringLen); while Identifiers[fLine[Run]] do Inc(Run); end; procedure TSynLuaSyn.UnknownProc; begin {$IFDEF SYN_MBCSSUPPORT} if FLine[Run] in LeadBytes then Inc(Run,2) else {$ENDIF} if ord(fline[run])>$80 then inc(Run,2) else inc(run); fTokenID := tkUnknown; end; procedure TSynLuaSyn.Next; begin fTokenPos := Run; case fRange of rsLuaMComment: LuaMCommentProc; rsLuaMString: LuaMStringProc; else begin fRange := rsUnknown; fProcTable[fLine[Run]]; end; end; end; function TSynLuaSyn.GetDefaultAttribute(Index: integer): TSynHighLighterAttributes; begin case Index of SYN_ATTR_COMMENT : Result := fCommentAttri; SYN_ATTR_IDENTIFIER : Result := fIdentifierAttri; SYN_ATTR_KEYWORD : Result := fKeyAttri; SYN_ATTR_STRING : Result := fStringAttri; SYN_ATTR_WHITESPACE : Result := fSpaceAttri; else Result := nil; end; end; function TSynLuaSyn.GetEol: Boolean; begin Result := fTokenID = tkNull; end; function TSynLuaSyn.GetKeyWords: string; begin Result := 'and,break,do,dofile,else,elseif,end,exit,false,for,function,if,in,loa' + 'ddll,local,nil,not,or,print,repeat,return,Sleep,then,true,type,until,w' + 'hile'; end; function TSynLuaSyn.GetToken: String; var Len: LongInt; begin Len := Run - fTokenPos; SetString(Result, (FLine + fTokenPos), Len); end; {$IFDEF SYN_LAZARUS} procedure TSynLuaSyn.GetTokenEx(out TokenStart: PChar; out TokenLength: integer); begin TokenLength:=Run-fTokenPos; TokenStart:=FLine + fTokenPos; end; {$ENDIF} function TSynLuaSyn.GetTokenID: TtkTokenKind; begin Result := fTokenId; end; function TSynLuaSyn.GetTokenAttribute: TSynHighLighterAttributes; begin case GetTokenID of tkComment: Result := fCommentAttri; tkIdentifier: Result := fIdentifierAttri; tkKey: Result := fKeyAttri; tkLuaMString: Result := fLuaMStringAttri; tkNumber, tkFloat: Result := fNumberAttri; tkSpace: Result := fSpaceAttri; tkString: Result := fStringAttri; tkUnknown: Result := fIdentifierAttri; else Result := nil; end; end; function TSynLuaSyn.GetTokenKind: integer; begin Result := Ord(fTokenId); end; function TSynLuaSyn.GetTokenPos: Integer; begin Result := fTokenPos; end; function TSynLuaSyn.GetIdentChars: TSynIdentChars; begin Result := ['_', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z']; end; function TSynLuaSyn.GetSampleSource: string; begin Result := 'Sample source for: '#13#10 + 'Lua Syntax Parser/Highlighter'; end; function TSynLuaSyn.IsFilterStored: Boolean; begin Result := fDefaultFilter <> SYNS_FilterLua; end; {$IFNDEF SYN_CPPB_1} class {$ENDIF} function TSynLuaSyn.GetLanguageName: string; begin Result := SYNS_LangLua; end; procedure TSynLuaSyn.ResetRange; begin fRange := rsUnknown; end; procedure TSynLuaSyn.SetRange(Value: Pointer); begin fRange := TRangeState(PtrUInt(Value)); end; function TSynLuaSyn.GetRange: Pointer; begin Result := Pointer(PtrUInt(fRange)); end; initialization MakeIdentTable; {$IFNDEF SYN_CPPB_1} RegisterPlaceableHighlighter(TSynLuaSyn); {$ENDIF} end.