unit Structuresfrm; { O OB OBS OBSO OBSOL OBSOLE OBSOLET OBSOLETE BSOLETE SOLETE OLETE LETE ETE TE E } {$MODE Delphi} interface uses windows, LCLIntf, LMessages, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Menus, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls,CEFuncProc,NewKernelHandler, symbolhandler, {XMLDoc, XMLIntf,} byteinterpreter, dom, xmlread, xmlwrite, LResources, registry, scrollTreeView, commonTypeDefs; type TfrmStructures = class(TForm) private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; resourcestring rsThisIsQuiteABigStructureHowManyBytesDoYouWantToSav = 'This is quite a big ' +'structure. How many bytes do you want to save?'; rsStructureViewLock = 'Structure view lock'; rsPointerTo = 'Pointer'; rsUnnamedStructure = 'unnamed structure'; rsStructureDefine = 'Structure define'; rsGiveTheNameForThisStructure = 'Give the name for this structure'; rsDoYouWantCheatEngineToTryAndFillInTheMostBasicType = 'Do you want Cheat ' +'Engine to try and fill in the most basic types of the struct using the ' +'current address?'; rsPleaseGiveAStartingSizeOfTheStructYouCanChangeThis = 'Please give a ' +'starting size of the struct (You can change this later if needed)'; rsMemoryDissect = 'Memory dissect'; rsFirstSelectAStructureYouWantToModifyOrDefine = 'First select a structure ' +'you want to modify or define one first'; rsUpdateInterval = 'Update interval'; rsNewInterval = 'New interval'; rsDissectData = 'Dissect Data'; rsHowManyBytesDoYouWantToShiftThisAndFollowingOffset = 'How many bytes do ' +'you want to shift this and following offsets?'; rsAreYouSureYouWantToDelete = 'Are you sure you want to delete %s?'; rsThisIsNotAValidStructureFile = 'This is not a valid structure file'; rsWrongVersion = 'This structure file was generated with a newer version of ' +'Cheat Engine. (That means there''s more than likely a new version so ' +'please update....)'; rsUnkownFileExtension = 'Unknown file extension'; rsAreYouSureYouWantToRemoveAllStructures = 'Are you sure you want to remove ' +'all structures?'; rsRecalculateBaseOfStructure = 'Recalculate base of structure'; rsGiveTheAddressOfThisElement = 'Give the address of this element'; rsIHaveNoIdeaWhatMeans = 'I have no idea what %s means'; rsChangeGroup = 'Change group'; rsLockMemory = 'Lock memory'; rsUnlockMemory = 'Unlock memory'; rsRenameStructure = 'Rename structure'; rsGiveTheNewNameOfThisStructure = 'Give the new name of this structure'; rsPleaseGiveAStartingOffsetToEvaluate = 'Please give a starting offset to ' +'evaluate'; rsPleaseGiveTheSizeOfTheBlockToEvaluate = 'Please give the size of the ' +'block to evaluate'; rsStructureDefiner = 'Structure definer'; rsWhichGroupDoYouWantToSetThisAddressTo = 'Which group do you want to set ' +'this address to?'; rsAutogeneratedFor = 'Autogenerated for %s'; implementation initialization {$i Structuresfrm.lrs} end.