unit assemblerArm; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface {$ifdef jni} uses classes, SysUtils, StrUtils, assemblerunit, symbolhandler; {$endif} {$ifdef windows} uses Classes, SysUtils, strutils{$ifndef ARMDEV}, assemblerunit{$endif}, dialogs, symbolhandler; {$endif} {$ifdef ARMDEV} type TAssemblerBytes=array of byte; {$endif} type ENeedRewrite=class(exception) public useinstead: Tstringlist; constructor Create(const msg: String); destructor Destroy; override; end; function BranchParser(address: int32; instruction:string):int32; function BranchExchangeParser(address: int32; instruction:string):int32; function CMPParser(address: int32; instruction:string):int32; function CDPPArser(address: int32; instruction:string): int32; function SingleDataParser(address: int32; instruction: string): int32; function DataProcessingParser(address: int32; instruction:string):int32; function MultiDataParser(address: int32; instruction:string):int32; function MRSParser(address: int32; instruction:string): int32; function MSRParser(address: int32; instruction:string): int32; function MULParser(address: int32; instruction:string): int32; function SWPParser(address: int32; instruction:string): int32; function SWIParser(address: int32; instruction:string): int32; function DefineDwordParser(address: int32; instruction:string):int32; function getParam(instruction: string; var parserpos: integer): string; function getRegNumber(regstring: string): integer; function ArmAssemble(address: int32; instruction: string; var bytes: TAssemblerBytes): boolean; implementation uses DisassemblerArm; resourcestring rsTheValue = 'The value '; rsCanNotBeEncoded = ' can not be encoded using 8 bits and double rotate'; rsInvalidShiftParameters = 'invalid shift parameters'; rsThisInstructionClassDoesNotAllow = 'This instruction class does not allow a register based shift'; rsInvalidShiftRegister = 'Invalid shift register'; rsTheDestinationAddressMustBeDividableBy4 = 'The destination address must be dividable by 4'; rsDistanceIsTooBig = 'Distance is too big'; rsTodoChangeThisToA12ByteInstruction = 'Todo: Change this to a 12 byte instruction: LDR/STR [PC,#16] - B PC - DD offset'; rsInvalidRegister = 'Invalid register'; rsInvalidShift = 'Invalid shift'; rsTheDistanceIsTooBig = 'The distance is too big'; rsInvalidParameter1 = 'Invalid parameter 1'; rsInvalidParameters = 'invalid parameters'; rsInvalidOpcode = 'Invalid opcode'; rsInvalidDestinationRegister = 'Invalid destination register'; rsInvalidFirstOperandRegister = 'Invalid first operand register'; rsInvalidRegisterList = 'Invalid register list'; rsInvalidRegisterInRegisterList = 'Invalid register in register list:'; rsInvalidParameter2 = 'Invalid parameter 2'; rsInvalidParameter3 = 'Invalid parameter 3'; rsInvalidParameter4 = 'Invalid parameter 4'; type Tparser=function(address: int32; instruction: string): int32; type TOpcodeData=record opcode: string; parser: TParser; end; const OpcodeCount=30; const OpcodeList : array [0..OpcodeCount-1] of TOpcodeData= ( (opcode: 'ADC'; parser:@DataProcessingParser), (opcode: 'ADD'; parser:@DataProcessingParser), (opcode: 'AND'; parser:@DataProcessingParser), (opcode: 'B'; parser:@BranchParser), (opcode: 'BIC'; parser:@DataProcessingParser), (opcode: 'BL'; parser:@BranchParser), (opcode: 'BX'; parser:@BranchExchangeParser), (opcode: 'CDP'; parser:@CDPPArser), (opcode: 'CMP'; parser:@DataProcessingParser), (opcode: 'CMN'; parser:@DataProcessingParser), (opcode: 'DD'; parser:@DefineDwordParser), (opcode: 'EOR'; parser:@DataProcessingParser), (opcode: 'LDR'; parser:@SingleDataParser), (opcode: 'LDM'; parser:@MultiDataParser), (opcode: 'MOV'; parser:@DataProcessingParser), (opcode: 'MVN'; parser:@DataProcessingParser), (opcode: 'MRS'; parser:@MRSParser), (opcode: 'MSR'; parser:@MSRParser), (opcode: 'MLA'; parser:@MULParser), (opcode: 'MUL'; parser:@MULParser), (opcode: 'ORR'; parser:@DataProcessingParser), (opcode: 'RSB'; parser:@DataProcessingParser), (opcode: 'RSC'; parser:@DataProcessingParser), (opcode: 'SUB'; parser:@DataProcessingParser), (opcode: 'SBC'; parser:@DataProcessingParser), (opcode: 'STR'; parser:@SingleDataParser), (opcode: 'STM'; parser:@MultiDataParser), (opcode: 'SWP'; parser:@SWPParser), (opcode: 'SWI'; parser:@SWIParser), (opcode: 'TST'; parser:@DataProcessingParser) ); var lookupindex: array ['A'..'Z'] of integer; constructor ENeedRewrite.Create(const msg: string); begin useinstead:=TStringList.create; inherited Create(msg); end; destructor ENeedRewrite.Destroy; begin useinstead.free; inherited destroy; end; procedure generateRotateAndImm(value: integer; var rotate: integer; var imm: integer); var tempv: uint32; smallest: record rolcount: integer; value: uint32; end; i: integer; begin if value<=255 then begin imm:=value; rotate:=0; end else begin //i'm sure there is some sort of calculation for this. For now just brute force it smallest.rolcount:=0; smallest.value:=value; for i:=0 to 15 do begin tempv:=RolDWord(value, i*2); if tempv255 then raise ENeedRewrite.create(rsTheValue+inttohex(value,1)+rsCanNotBeEncoded); rotate:=smallest.rolcount; imm:=smallest.value; end; end; function ShiftTypeToNumber(shifttype: string): integer; begin if shifttype='LSL' then result:=0 else if shifttype='LSR' then result:=1 else if shifttype='ASR' then result:=2 else if shifttype='ROR' then result:=3 else result:=-1; end; function ParseShift(instruction: string; var parserpos: integer; var _result: int32; noregisterbasedshift: boolean=false): boolean; var shiftnumber: integer; _param: string; _Rs: string; rs: integer; shiftamount: integer; oldparserpos: integer; begin result:=true; oldparserpos:=parserpos; _param:=GetParam(instruction, parserpos); if _param<>'' then //there could be a part begin shiftnumber:=ShiftTypeToNumber(_param); if shiftnumber=-1 then begin parserpos:=oldparserpos; result:=false; exit; end; _result:=_result or (shiftnumber shl 5); _param:=GetParam(instruction, parserpos); if _param='' then raise exception.create(rsInvalidShiftParameters); if _param[1]='R' then begin //shift with register if noregisterbasedshift then raise exception.create(rsThisInstructionClassDoesNotAllow); _result:=_result or (1 shl 4); _Rs:=_param; Rs:=GetRegNumber(_rs); if (rs=-1) then raise exception.create(rsInvalidShiftRegister); _result:=_result or (rs shl 8); end else begin //shift with number shiftamount:=strtoint('$'+_param) and $ff; _result:=_result or (shiftamount shl 7); end; end; end; function getRegNumber(regstring: string): integer; var i: integer; begin result:=-1; for i:=0 to 15 do begin if (regstring=ArmRegisters[i]) or (regstring=ArmRegistersNoName[i]) then begin result:=i; break; end; end; end; function getParam(instruction: string; var parserpos: integer): string; var i: integer; startpos: integer; insideblock: boolean; begin result:=''; startpos:=0; //find the start of the next param for i:=parserpos to length(instruction) do begin if not (instruction[i] in [' ',',','[',']','{', '}', '!','^']) then begin startpos:=i; break; end; end; //copy till the end or till another seperator is encountered and update parserpos if startpos<>0 then begin insideblock:=false; for i:=startpos to length(instruction) do begin if not (instruction[i] in [' ',',','[',']','{','}','!','^']) then result:=result+instruction[i] else begin parserpos:=i; exit; end; end; parserpos:=length(instruction)+1; end; end; function getCondition(instruction: string; var parserpos: integer): integer; var i: integer; s: string; begin //check if at the current parserpos there's a condition result:=14; s:=copy(instruction, parserpos,2); for i:=0 to 15 do begin if s=ArmConditions[i] then begin inc(parserpos,length(s)); result:=i; exit; end; end; end; function DefineDwordParser(address: int32; instruction:string):int32; var _param: string; parserpos: integer; begin result:=0; parserpos:=3; _param:=getParam(instruction, parserpos); result:=symhandler.getAddressFromName(_param); end; function BranchExchangeParser(address: int32; instruction:string):int32; var _param: string; rn: integer; parserpos: integer; begin //BX{cond} result:=$12FFF10; if length(instruction)<3 then exit; //invalid, there's just not enough space for this to be valid (B 0) parserpos:=3; result:=result or (getCondition(instruction, parserpos) shl 28); //set the condition bits //and set the register _param:=getParam(instruction, parserpos); rn:=getRegNumber(_param); if rn=-1 then raise exception.create(rsInvalidRegister); result:=result or rn; //set the register bits end; function BranchParser(address: int32; instruction:string):int32; var _param: string; parserpos: integer; destinationaddress: uint32; offset: int32; e: ENeedRewrite; islink: boolean; condition: integer; _cond: string; begin //B{L}{cond} result:=5 shl 25; if length(instruction)<3 then exit; //invalid, there's just not enough space for this to be valid (B 0) parserpos:=2; if instruction[2]='L' then begin islink:=true; //might be branch if Less than (BLT) wich is NOT a BL if instruction[3]<>'T' then //Not BLT , so BLxx X begin parserpos:=3; result:=result or (1 shl 24); //set the L flag end; end else islink:=false; condition:=getCondition(instruction, parserpos); result:=result or (condition shl 28); //set the condition bits //and set the offset _param:=getParam(instruction, parserpos); destinationaddress:=symhandler.getAddressFromName(_param); if destinationaddress mod 4<>0 then raise exception.create(rsTheDestinationAddressMustBeDividableBy4); offset:=destinationaddress-(address+8); offset:=offset shr 2; offset:=signextend(offset, 29); if abs(offset)>16777215 then begin e:=ENeedRewrite.create(rsDistanceIsTooBig); //push the destination into the stack and pop it out into pc if condition<>14 then begin //not always //reminder: ADD and not ADDS (or ADDS): The S would mean the flags get updated after execution if islink then e.useinstead.add('ADD'+ArmConditions[condition]+' LR, PC, 8'); //LR=PC+8 : PC is at +8 (B XXXXXXXX) so +8 to get over those B and DD instructions e.useinstead.add('LDR'+ArmConditions[condition]+' PC, [PC, -4]'); e.useinstead.add('B '+inttohex(address+12,8)); e.useinstead.add('DD '+inttohex(destinationaddress,8)); end else begin if islink then e.useinstead.add('ADD LR, PC, 4'); //LR=PC+4 : PC is at +8 (DD xxxxxxxx) so +4 to get over that e.useinstead.add('LDR PC, [PC, -4]'); e.useinstead.add('DD '+inttohex(destinationaddress,8)); end; raise e; end; result:=result or (offset and $ffffff); end; function CMPParser(address: int32; instruction:string):int32; begin result:=int32($ffffffff); end; function CDPPArser(address: int32; instruction:string): int32; begin result:=0; //NYI end; procedure SingleDataParser_AddressRegister(address: int32; instruction: string; var parserpos: integer; var result: int32); //either twe preindexed: (p=1) // [Rn] // [Rn, offset] {!} // [Rn,{+/-}Rm{,}]{!} //or postindexed (p=0) //[Rn],<#expression> //[Rn],{+/-}Rm{,} var _Rn, _Rm: string; Rn, Rm: integer; _param: string; offset_, offset: int32; e: ENeedRewrite; oldparserpos: integer; begin if instruction[length(instruction)]='!' then result:=result or (1 shl 21); oldparserpos:=parserpos; inc(parserpos); _Rn:=getParam(instruction, parserpos); rn:=getRegNumber(_rn); if rn=-1 then begin //if hexadecimal value then convert to a pc,offset offset_:=symhandler.getAddressFromName(_rn); //convert this to a pc relative address offset:=offset_-(address+8); if abs(offset)>$fff then begin e:=ENeedRewrite.create(rsTodoChangeThisToA12ByteInstruction); e.useinstead.add(copy(instruction, 1, oldparserpos)+'PC,4]'); if instruction[length(instruction)]='!' then e.useinstead.add(copy(instruction, 1, oldparserpos)+'R'+inttostr((result shr 12) and $f)+',0]!') else e.useinstead.add(copy(instruction, 1, oldparserpos)+'R'+inttostr((result shr 12) and $f)+',0]'); e.useinstead.add('B '+inttohex(address+16,8)); e.useinstead.add('DD '+inttohex(offset_,8)); raise e; end; instruction:=StringReplace(instruction,'['+_rn+']', '[PC,'+inttohex(offset,1)+']', [rfIgnoreCase]); dec(parserpos, length(_rn)); inc(parserpos, 2); rn:=15; end; result:=result or (rn shl 16); if not ((instruction[parserpos]=']') and (length(instruction)<>parserpos)) then begin //not postindexed, (so preindexed) //set P=1 result:=result or (1 shl 24); end; _param:=getParam(instruction, parserpos); if _param<>'' then begin if (length(_param)>=2) and ((_param[1]='R') or (_param[2]='R')) then begin // [Rn,{+/-}Rm{,}]{!} result:=result or (1 shl 25); //set I to 1 to mark it's a register if _param[1]<>'-' then begin //+ or R, add to base result:=result or (1 shl 23); if _param[1]='+' then _param:=copy(_param, 2, length(_param)-1); //strip the plus from the register end; _rm:=_param; rm:=GetRegNumber(_rm); if rm=-1 then raise exception.create(rsInvalidRegister); if ParseShift(instruction, parserpos, result)=false then raise exception.create(rsInvalidShift); //ParseShift returns false if there IS a parameter, but it's not a shift end else begin // [Rn, offset] {!} if _param='' then offset:=0 else begin if _param[1]='-' then offset:=-strtoint('$'+copy(_param, 2, length(_param)-1)) else offset:=strtoint('$'+_param); end; if offset>0 then //set the U bit result:=result or (1<<23) else offset:=abs(offset); result:=result or (offset and $fff); end; end; end; procedure SingleDataParser_AddressExpression(address: int32; instruction: string; var parserpos: integer; var result: int32); // var _destination: string; destination: uint32; offset: int32; begin _destination:=getParam(instruction, parserpos); destination:=symhandler.getAddressFromName(_destination); offset:=destination-(address+8); if abs(offset)>$fff then raise ENeedRewrite.create(rsTheDistanceIsTooBig); result:=result or $fff; end; function SingleDataParser(address: int32; instruction: string): int32; //{cond}{B}{T} Rd,
: // // [Rn] // [Rn, offset] {!} // [Rn,{+/-}Rm{,}]{!} var parserpos: integer; T: boolean; rd: integer; i: integer; begin result:=1 shl 26; if instruction[1]='L' then result:=result or (1 shl 20); parserpos:=4; result:=result or (getCondition(instruction, parserpos) shl 28); if instruction[parserpos]='B' then begin result:=result+(1 shl 22); inc(parserpos); end; if instruction[parserpos]='T' then begin T:=true; inc(parserpos); end else T:=false; //rd rd:=getRegNumber(getParam(instruction, parserpos)); if rd=-1 then raise exception.create(rsInvalidParameter1); result:=result or (rd shl 12); //parse
{ // // [Rn] // [Rn, offset] {!} // [Rn,{+/-}Rm{,}]{!} } while parserpos part } var _param: string; _rm: string; rm: integer; ImmediateOperand: integer; v: integer; imm, rotate: integer; begin // _param:=GetParam(instruction, parserpos); if _param='' then raise exception.create(rsInvalidParameters); rm:=getRegNumber(_param); if rm<>-1 then begin //register (Rm,{} result:=result or rm; if ParseShift(instruction, parserpos, result)=false then raise exception.create(rsInvalidShift); //ParseShift returns false if there IS a parameter, but it's not a shift //else leave shift 0 end else begin //number (Op2=number) //Operand2 is an imm with a rotate ImmediateOperand:=1; result:=result or (ImmediateOperand shl 25); v:=symhandler.getAddressFromName(_param); //calculate an value that gets to here generateRotateAndImm(v, Rotate, Imm); result:=result or (imm and $ff); result:=result or (rotate shl 8); end; end; function DataProcessingParser(address: int32; instruction:string):int32; var _opcode: string; opcode: integer; condition: integer; parserpos: integer; S: integer; Rd: integer; Rs: integer; Rm: integer; Rn: integer; _Rd: string; _Rm: string; _Rs: string; _Rn: string; _ShiftOp: string; _param: string; i: integer; token: integer; begin result:=0; _opcode:=copy(instruction,1,3); opcode:=-1; for i:=0 to 15 do if _opcode=DataProcessingOpcodes[i] then begin opcode:=i; break; end; if opcode=-1 then raise exception.create(rsInvalidOpcode); result:=result or (opcode shl 21); parserpos:=4; condition:=getCondition(instruction, parserpos); result:=result or (condition shl 28); S:=0; if (_opcode='MOV') or (_opcode='MVN') then begin //{cond}{S} Rd, if instruction[parserpos]='S' then begin S:=1; inc(parserpos); result:=result or (s shl 20); end; _Rd:=GetParam(instruction, parserpos); rd:=GetRegNumber(_Rd); if rd=-1 then raise exception.create(rsInvalidDestinationRegister); result:=result or (rd shl 12); DataProcessingParser_OP2(address, instruction, parserpos, result); end else if (_opcode='CMP') or (_opcode='CMN') or (_opcode='TEQ') or (_opcode='TST') then begin //{cond} Rn, S:=1; result:=result or (s shl 20); _Rn:=GetParam(instruction, parserpos); rn:=GetRegNumber(_Rn); if rn=-1 then raise exception.create(rsInvalidFirstOperandRegister); result:=result or (rn shl 16); DataProcessingParser_OP2(address, instruction, parserpos, result); end else begin //{cond}{S} Rd,Rn, if instruction[parserpos]='S' then begin S:=1; inc(parserpos); result:=result or (s shl 20); end; //destination _Rd:=GetParam(instruction, parserpos); rd:=GetRegNumber(_Rd); if rd=-1 then raise exception.create(rsInvalidDestinationRegister); result:=result or (rd shl 12); //1st op reg _Rn:=GetParam(instruction, parserpos); rn:=GetRegNumber(_Rn); if rn=-1 then raise exception.create(rsInvalidFirstOperandRegister); result:=result or (rn shl 16); DataProcessingParser_OP2(address, instruction, parserpos, result); end; end; function MultiDataParser(address: int32; instruction:string):int32; //{cond} Rn{!},{^} const bP=1 shl 24; bU=1 shl 23; var LDM: boolean; _modename: string; parserpos: integer; rn: integer; _param: string; reg, reg2: integer; i: integer; begin result:=4 shl 25; // if instruction[1]='L' then //LDM begin ldm:=true; result:=result or (1 shl 20); //set bit L end; parserpos:=4; // result:=result or (getCondition(instruction, parserpos) shl 28); // _modename:=copy(instruction, parserpos, 2); inc(parserpos,2); case _modename[1] of 'D': case _modename[2] of 'A': ; // 0 - 0 'B': result:=result or bP; else raise exception.create(rsInvalidOpcode); end; 'E': case _modename[2] of 'A': begin if instruction[1]='S' then result:=result or bU else result:=result or bP; end; 'D': begin if instruction[1]='L' then begin result:=result or bU; result:=result or bP; end; end else raise exception.create(rsInvalidOpcode); end; 'F': case _modename[2] of 'A' : begin if instruction[1]='S' then begin result:=result or bU; result:=result or bP; end; end; 'D' : begin if instruction[1]='L' then result:=result or bU else result:=result or bP; end; else raise exception.create(rsInvalidOpcode); end; 'I': case _modename[2] of 'A': result:=result or bU; 'B': result:=result or bU or bP; else raise exception.create(rsInvalidOpcode); end; else raise exception.create(rsInvalidOpcode); end; rn:=getRegNumber(getParam(instruction, parserpos)); if rn=-1 then raise exception.create(rsInvalidRegister); result:=result or (rn shl 16); if instruction[parserpos]='!' then //set Write back begin result:=result or (1 shl 21); inc(parserpos); end; //todo, add some checks to see that brackets {} are used _param:=getParam(instruction, parserpos); reg:=-1; while (_param<>'') do begin if _param='^' then //set S begin result:=result or (1 shl 22) end else begin i:=pos('-',_param); if i>0 then //register range begin //get the first regisster reg:=getRegNumber(trim(copy(_param,1,i-1))); reg2:=getRegNumber(trim(copy(_param,i+1,length(_param)))); if (reg=-1) or (reg2=-1) then raise exception.create(rsInvalidRegisterList); for i:=reg to reg2 do result:=result or (1 shl i); reg:=-1; end else begin reg:=getRegNumber(_param); if reg=-1 then raise exception.create(rsInvalidRegisterInRegisterList+_param); result:=result or (1 shl reg); end; end; _param:=getParam(instruction, parserpos); end; end; function MRSParser(address: int32; instruction:string): int32; //MRS{cond} Rd, // is CPSR, CPSR_all, SPSR or SPSR_all. var parserpos: integer; _psr: string; begin result:=($f shl 16) or (2 shl 23); parserpos:=4; //cond result:=result or (getCondition(instruction, parserpos) shl 28); //rd result:=result or (getRegNumber(getParam(instruction, parserpos)) shl 12); _psr:=getParam(instruction, parserpos); if _psr='CPSR' then exit; //done if copy(_psr, 1, 4)='SPSR' then result:=result or (1 shl 22); end; function MSRParser(address: int32; instruction:string): int32; //MSR{cond} ,Rm //MSR{cond} ,Rm //MSR{cond} ,<#expression> { is CPSR, CPSR_all, SPSR or SPSR_all. (CPSR and CPSR_all are synonyms as are SPSR and SPSR_all) is CPSR_flg or SPSR_flg } var p1, p2: string; parserpos: integer; rm: integer; v: integer; rotate: integer; imm: integer; begin result:=(2 shl 23); parserpos:=4; result:=result or (getCondition(instruction, parserpos) shl 28); p1:=uppercase(getParam(instruction, parserpos)); p2:=getParam(instruction, parserpos); if copy(p1, 1, 4)='SPSR' then result:=result or (1 shl 22); if copy(p1, 5, 4)='_FLG' then result:=result or ($28F shl 12) else result:=result or ($29F shl 12); rm:=getRegNumber(p2); if (rm<>-1) then begin //register result:=result or Rm; end else begin //expression result:=result or (1 shl 25); v:=symhandler.getAddressFromName(p2); generateRotateAndImm(v, rotate, imm); result:=(result or (rotate shl 8)) or imm; end; end; function MULParser(address: int32; instruction:string): int32; //MUL/MLA //MUL{cond}{S} Rd,Rm,Rs //MLA{cond}{S} Rd,Rm,Rs,Rn var _opcode: string; parserpos: integer; Rd, Rm, Rs, Rn: integer; begin result:=9 shl 4; _opcode:=copy(instruction,1,3); //fill in condition parserpos:=4; result:=result or (getCondition(instruction, parserpos) shl 28); if instruction[parserpos]='S' then begin result:=result or (1 shl 21); inc(parserpos); end; rd:=getRegNumber(getParam(instruction, parserpos)); if rd=-1 then raise exception.create(rsInvalidParameter1); result:=result or (rd shl 16); rm:=getRegNumber(getParam(instruction, parserpos)); if rm=-1 then raise exception.create(rsInvalidParameter2); result:=result or rm; rs:=getRegNumber(getParam(instruction, parserpos)); if rs=-1 then raise exception.create(rsInvalidParameter3); result:=result or (rs shl 8); //finally check which opcode it is if _opcode='MLA' then begin //fill in Rn and set bit 21 result:=result or (1 shl 21); rn:=getRegNumber(getParam(instruction, parserpos)); if rn=-1 then raise exception.create(rsInvalidParameter4); result:=result or (rn shl 12); end; end; function SWPParser(address: int32; instruction:string): int32; //{cond}{B} Rd,Rm,[Rn] var rd, rm, rn: integer; parserpos: integer; begin result:=$1000090; parserpos:=4; result:=result or (getCondition(instruction, parserpos) shl 28); if instruction[parserpos]='B' then begin result:=result or (1 shl 22); inc(parserpos); end; rd:=getRegNumber(getParam(instruction, parserpos)); rm:=getRegNumber(getParam(instruction, parserpos)); rn:=getRegNumber(getParam(instruction, parserpos)); if (rd=-1) or (rm=-1) or (rn=-1) then raise exception.create(rsInvalidRegister); result:=result or (rd shl 12); result:=result or rm; result:=result or (rn shl 16); end; function SWIParser(address: int32; instruction:string): int32; //SWI{cond} var parserpos: integer; v: integer; begin result:=$f shl 24; parserpos:=4; result:=result or (getCondition(instruction, parserpos) shl 28); v:=symhandler.getAddressFromName(getParam(instruction, parserpos)); result:=result or (v and $FFFFFF); end; function ArmAssemble(address: int32; instruction: string; var bytes: TAssemblerBytes): boolean; var opcode: string; i,j: integer; searchstart,searchstop: integer; r: uint32; b: Tassemblerbytes; oldlength: integer; begin result:=false; r:=$ffffffff; setlength(bytes,0); instruction:=uppercase(trim(instruction)); if instruction='' then exit; if instruction='NOP' then instruction:='MOV R0,R0'; try if instruction[1]='B' then begin //B/BL/BIC/BX if copy(instruction,1,3)='BIC' then r:=DataProcessingParser(address, instruction) else if copy(instruction,1,2)='BX' then r:=BranchExchangeParser(address, instruction) else r:=BranchParser(address, instruction); end else if instruction[1]='D' then begin if copy(instruction,1,2)='DD' then r:=DefineDwordParser(address, instruction); end else begin opcode:=copy(instruction,1,3); //find the opcode in the array and call the specific parser if length(opcode)<3 then exit; searchstart:=lookupindex[instruction[1]]; if searchstart=-1 then exit; for i:=searchstart to OpcodeCount-1 do begin if OpcodeList[i].opcode[1]>opcode[1] then exit; //too far if OpcodeList[i].opcode=opcode then begin r:=opcodelist[i].parser(address, instruction); break; end; end; end; except on e: ENeedRewrite do begin //reformat this instruction //The ENeedRewrite contains a list of instructions that should be used instead if e.useinstead.count>0 then begin //assemble with this instead for i:=0 to e.useinstead.count-1 do begin setlength(b,0); //the useinstead code should be a program counter independant code so no need to watch it if armassemble(address+i*4, e.useinstead[i], b) then begin oldlength:=length(bytes); setlength(bytes, oldlength+length(b)); for j:=oldlength to oldlength+length(b)-1 do bytes[j]:=b[j-oldlength]; end else raise ENeedRewrite.create(e.message); end; //still here result:=true; exit; end else raise exception.Create(e.Message); end; end; if r=$ffffffff then exit; setlength(bytes, 4); pdword(@bytes[0])^:=r; result:=true; end; procedure InitLookupIndex; var i: char; j: integer; currentpos: integer; begin currentpos:=0; for i:='A' to 'Z' do begin lookupindex[i]:=-1; for j:=currentpos to OpcodeCount-1 do begin if OpcodeList[j].opcode[1]=i then begin //found it lookupindex[i]:=j; currentpos:=j+1; break; end; if OpcodeList[j].opcode[1]>i then begin //too far, not found currentpos:=j; break; end; end; end; end; initialization InitLookupIndex; end.