program ceregreset; {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$ifndef DEBUG} {$ifdef cpu64} {$error only 32-bit may compile this} {$endif} {$endif} //{$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses classes, SysUtils, windows, registry; procedure DeleteFullRegKey(reg: Tregistry; keyname: string); var i: integer; r: Tregistry; s: tstringlist; begin r:=TRegistry.Create; r.RootKey:=HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if r.OpenKey(reg.CurrentPath+'\'+keyname, false) then begin s:=tstringlist.create; r.GetKeyNames(s); for i:=0 to s.count-1 do DeleteFullRegKey(r, s[i]);;; end; reg.DeleteKey(keyname); end; procedure resetSettings; var reg: tregistry; silent: boolean; i,j: integer; names: tstringlist; customtypenames: tstringlist; deletecustomtypes: boolean; needsToSaveStuff: boolean; s: string; ki: TRegKeyInfo; begin silent:=false; needsToSaveStuff:=false; deletecustomtypes:=true; for i:=1 to ParamCount do begin if lowercase(ParamStr(i))='-silent' then silent:=true; if lowercase(ParamStr(i))='-dontdeletecustomtypes' then deletecustomtypes:=false; end; try reg:=tregistry.Create; reg.RootKey:=HKEY_CURRENT_USER; //check that a custom type exists if reg.OpenKey('\Software\Cheat Engine', false) then begin //get rid of individual things names:=tstringlist.create; reg.GetKeyNames(names); for i:=0 to names.count-1 do begin s:=names[i]; if (s='CustomTypes') then begin if reg.OpenKey(s,false) then begin if reg.GetKeyInfo(ki) then needsToSaveStuff:=(deletecustomtypes=false) and (ki.NumSubKeys>0); if deletecustomtypes then begin customtypenames:=tstringlist.create; reg.GetKeyNames(customtypenames); for j:=0 to customtypenames.count-1 do reg.DeleteKey(customtypenames[j]);; end; reg.closekey; reg.OpenKey('\Software\Cheat Engine', false); end; if needsToSaveStuff=false then reg.DeleteKey(names[i]); end else deleteFullRegKey(reg, names[i]); end; reg.GetValueNames(names); for i:=0 to names.count-1 do reg.DeleteValue(names[i]);; end; if needsToSaveStuff=false then reg.DeleteKey('\Software\Cheat Engine'); //get rid of the whole key if not silent then messagebox(0,'Successfully reset the settings of Cheat Engine','Registry Reset',0);; except if not silent then messagebox(0,'Couldn''t reset the settings','Registry Reset',0); end; end; begin resetSettings; end.