/* * porthelp.h * * Created on: Jul 21, 2011 * Author: erich */ #ifndef PORTHELP_H_ #define PORTHELP_H_ #include typedef uint32_t HANDLE; //just an int, in case of a 32-bit ce version and a 64-bit linux version I can not give pointers, so use ID's for handles typedef uint32_t DWORD; #define TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS 0x2 #define TH32CS_SNAPMODULE 0x8 #define PAGE_NOACCESS 1 #define PAGE_READONLY 2 #define PAGE_READWRITE 4 #define PAGE_WRITECOPY 8 #define PAGE_EXECUTE 16 #define PAGE_EXECUTE_READ 32 #define PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE 64 #define MEM_MAPPED 262144 #define MEM_PRIVATE 131072 typedef enum {htEmpty=0, htProcesHandle, htThreadHandle, htTHSProcess, htTHSModule, htNativeThreadHandle} handleType; //The difference between ThreadHandle and NativeThreadHandle is that threadhandle is based on the processid of the thread, the NativeThreadHandle is in linux usually the pthread_t handle typedef int BOOL; typedef int (*HANDLESEARCHCALLBACK) (void *data, void *searchdata); #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 int CreateHandleFromPointer(void *p, handleType type); void *GetPointerFromHandle(int handle); handleType GetHandleType(int handle); void RemoveHandle(int handle); int SearchHandleList(int type, HANDLESEARCHCALLBACK cb, void *searchdata); #endif /* PORTHELP_H_ */