unit CETranslator; { Copyright (C) 2004-2010 V.I.Volchenko and Lazarus Developers Team This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. } {This unit is needed for using translated form strings made by Lazarus IDE. It searches for translated .po/.mo files in some common places. If you need to have .po/.mo files anywhere else, don't use this unit but initialize LRSMoFile variable from LResources in your project by yourself. If you need standard translation, just use this unit in your project and enable i18n in project options. Another reason for including this unit may be using translated LCL messages. This unit localizes LCL too, if it finds lclstrconsts.xx.po/lclstrconsts.xx.mo in directory where your program translation files are placed. } { Modified for Cheat Engine use because filenames differ between 32 and 64-bit (also different po file, but just pick the one with the most data...) } {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, LResources, GetText, Controls, typinfo, FileUtil, LCLProc, Translations, IniFiles, Dialogs; type TDefaultTranslator = class(TAbstractTranslator) private FMOFile: TMOFile; public constructor Create(MOFileName: string); destructor Destroy; override; procedure TranslateStringProperty(Sender: TObject; const Instance: TPersistent; PropInfo: PPropInfo; var Content: string); override; end; TPOTranslator = class(TAbstractTranslator) private FPOFile: TPOFile; public constructor Create(POFileName: string); destructor Destroy; override; procedure TranslateStringProperty(Sender: TObject; const Instance: TPersistent; PropInfo: PPropInfo; var Content: string); override; published property POFile: TPOFile read FPOFile; end; var translationfilepath: string; currentTranslation: string; procedure doTranslation; implementation uses Menus, CEFuncProc, Globals; type TPersistentAccess = class(TPersistent); function FindLocaleFileName(LCExt: string): string; var Lang, T: string; i: integer; lini: TIniFile; function GetLocaleFileName(const LangID, LCExt: string): string; begin if LangID <> '' then begin //ParamStrUTF8(0) is said not to work properly in linux, but I've tested it Result := cheatenginedir + 'languages' + DirectorySeparator + LangID + DirectorySeparator + 'cheatengine'+LCEXT; if FileExists(Result) then exit; Result := cheatenginedir + 'languages' + DirectorySeparator + LangID + DirectorySeparator + 'cheatengine-x86_64'+LCEXT; if FileExists(Result) then exit; Result := cheatenginedir + 'languages' + DirectorySeparator + LangID + DirectorySeparator + 'cheatengine-i386'+LCEXT; if FileExists(Result) then exit; end; Result := ''; end; begin Result := ''; Lang := ''; for i := 1 to Paramcount - 1 do if (ParamStrUTF8(i) = '--LANG') or (ParamStrUTF8(i) = '-l') or (ParamStrUTF8(i) = '--lang') then Lang := ParamStrUTF8(i + 1); //Win32 user may decide to override locale with LANG variable. if Lang = '' then Lang := GetEnvironmentVariableUTF8('LANG'); if (lang = '') and (FileExists(cheatenginedir+ 'languages' + DirectorySeparator+'language.ini')) then begin try lini:=TIniFile.Create(cheatenginedir+'languages' + DirectorySeparator+'language.ini'); try lang:=lini.ReadString('Language','PreferedLanguage',''); if lang='*' then exit(''); finally lini.Free; end; except end; end; if Lang = '' then LCLGetLanguageIDs(Lang, T); Result := GetLocaleFileName(Lang, LCExt); if Result <> '' then exit; Result := ChangeFileExt(ParamStrUTF8(0), LCExt); if FileExistsUTF8(Result) then exit; Result := ''; end; function GetIdentifierPath(Sender: TObject; const Instance: TPersistent; PropInfo: PPropInfo): string; var Tmp: TPersistent; Component: TComponent; Reader: TReader; begin Result := ''; if (PropInfo = nil) or (SysUtils.CompareText(PropInfo^.PropType^.Name, 'TTRANSLATESTRING') <> 0) then exit; // do not translate at design time // get the component Tmp := Instance; while Assigned(Tmp) and not (Tmp is TComponent) do Tmp := TPersistentAccess(Tmp).GetOwner; if not Assigned(Tmp) then exit; Component := Tmp as TComponent; if (csDesigning in Component.ComponentState) then exit; if not (Sender is TReader) then exit; Reader := TReader(Sender); if Reader.Driver is TLRSObjectReader then Result := TLRSObjectReader(Reader.Driver).GetStackPath else Result := Instance.ClassName + '.' + PropInfo^.Name; Result := UpperCase(Result); end; var lcfn: string; { TDefaultTranslator } constructor TDefaultTranslator.Create(MOFileName: string); begin inherited Create; FMOFile := TMOFile.Create(UTF8ToSys(MOFileName)); end; destructor TDefaultTranslator.Destroy; begin FMOFile.Free; //If someone will use this class incorrectly, it can be destroyed //before Reader destroying. It is a very bad thing, but in THIS situation //in this case is impossible. Maybe, in future we can overcome this difficulty inherited Destroy; end; procedure TDefaultTranslator.TranslateStringProperty(Sender: TObject; const Instance: TPersistent; PropInfo: PPropInfo; var Content: string); var s: string; begin if Assigned(FMOFile) then begin s := GetIdentifierPath(Sender, Instance, PropInfo); if s <> '' then begin s := FMoFile.Translate(s + #4 + Content); if s = '' then s := FMOFile.Translate(Content); if s <> '' then Content := s; end; end; end; { TPOTranslator } constructor TPOTranslator.Create(POFileName: string); begin inherited Create; FPOFile := TPOFile.Create(UTF8ToSys(POFileName)); end; destructor TPOTranslator.Destroy; begin FPOFile.Free; //If someone will use this class incorrectly, it can be destroyed //before Reader destroying. It is a very bad thing, but in THIS situation //in this case is impossible. May be, in future we can overcome this difficulty inherited Destroy; end; procedure TPOTranslator.TranslateStringProperty(Sender: TObject; const Instance: TPersistent; PropInfo: PPropInfo; var Content: string); var s: string; begin if Assigned(FPOFile) then begin s := GetIdentifierPath(Sender, Instance, PropInfo); if s <> '' then begin s := FPOFile.Translate(s, Content); if s <> '' then Content := s; end; end; end; var LocalTranslator: TAbstractTranslator; procedure doTranslation; var Dot1: integer; LCLPath: string; begin //It is safe to place code here as no form is initialized before unit //initialization made // if specificlocale then LocalTranslator := nil; // search first po translation resources try lcfn := FindLocaleFileName('.po'); if lcfn='' then exit; translationfilepath:=ExtractFilePath(lcfn); currentTranslation:=ExtractFileName(ExtractFileDir(translationfilepath)); lcfn:=SysToUTF8(lcfn); if lcfn <> '' then begin Translations.TranslateResourceStrings(lcfn); LCLPath := ExtractFileName(lcfn); Dot1 := pos('.', LCLPath); if Dot1 > 1 then begin Delete(LCLPath, 1, Dot1 - 1); LCLPath := ExtractFilePath(lcfn) + 'lclstrconsts' + LCLPath; Translations.TranslateUnitResourceStrings('LCLStrConsts', LCLPath); end; LocalTranslator := TPOTranslator.Create(lcfn); end; except lcfn := ''; end; if lcfn='' then begin // try now with MO traslation resources try lcfn := FindLocaleFileName('.mo'); translationfilepath:=ExtractFilePath(lcfn); currentTranslation:=ExtractFileName(translationfilepath); lcfn:=SysToUTF8(lcfn); if lcfn <> '' then begin GetText.TranslateResourceStrings(UTF8ToSys(lcfn)); LCLPath := ExtractFileName(lcfn); Dot1 := pos('.', LCLPath); if Dot1 > 1 then begin Delete(LCLPath, 1, Dot1 - 1); LCLPath := ExtractFilePath(lcfn) + 'lclstrconsts' + LCLPath; if FileExistsUTF8(LCLPath) then GetText.TranslateResourceStrings(UTF8ToSys(LCLPath)); end; LocalTranslator := TDefaultTranslator.Create(lcfn); end; except lcfn := ''; end; end; if LocalTranslator<>nil then LRSTranslator := LocalTranslator else begin if assigned(LRSTranslator) then freeandnil(LRSTranslator); end; end; finalization LocalTranslator.Free; end.