object frmChangedAddresses: TfrmChangedAddresses Left = 607 Height = 285 Top = 128 Width = 379 Caption = 'Changed Addresses' ClientHeight = 285 ClientWidth = 379 OnClose = FormClose OnCreate = FormCreate OnDestroy = FormDestroy OnShow = FormShow Position = poScreenCenter LCLVersion = '' object lblInfo: TLabel Left = 0 Height = 15 Top = 0 Width = 379 Align = alTop Caption = 'The following addresses have been changed by the code you selected' ParentColor = False WordWrap = True end object Panel1: TPanel Left = 0 Height = 33 Top = 252 Width = 379 Align = alBottom Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] AutoSize = True ClientHeight = 33 ClientWidth = 379 TabOrder = 0 object OKButton: TButton AnchorSideLeft.Control = Panel1 AnchorSideTop.Control = Panel1 Left = 4 Height = 25 Top = 4 Width = 90 AutoSize = True BorderSpacing.Left = 3 BorderSpacing.Top = 3 BorderSpacing.Bottom = 3 Caption = 'Stop' Constraints.MinWidth = 90 Default = True OnClick = OKButtonClick TabOrder = 0 end object cbDisplayType: TComboBox AnchorSideTop.Control = OKButton AnchorSideRight.Control = Panel1 AnchorSideRight.Side = asrBottom Left = 196 Height = 23 Top = 4 Width = 179 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] BorderSpacing.Right = 3 ItemHeight = 15 ItemIndex = 2 Items.Strings = ( 'Byte' '2 Bytes' '4 Bytes' 'Float' 'Double' ) Style = csDropDownList TabOrder = 1 Text = '4 Bytes' end end object Changedlist: TListView Left = 0 Height = 237 Top = 15 Width = 379 Align = alClient Columns = < item Caption = 'Address' Width = 123 end item Caption = 'Value' Width = 200 end item Caption = 'Count' end> HideSelection = False MultiSelect = True PopupMenu = PopupMenu1 ReadOnly = True RowSelect = True TabOrder = 1 ViewStyle = vsReport OnColumnClick = ChangedlistColumnClick OnCompare = ChangedlistCompare OnDblClick = ChangedlistDblClick end object Timer1: TTimer Interval = 500 OnTimer = Timer1Timer left = 56 top = 64 end object PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu OnPopup = PopupMenu1Popup left = 40 top = 104 object Showregisterstates1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Show register states' ShortCut = 16466 OnClick = Showregisterstates1Click end object Browsethismemoryregion1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Browse this memory region' ShortCut = 16450 OnClick = Browsethismemoryregion1Click end object miDissect: TMenuItem Caption = 'Open dissect data with selected addresses' ShortCut = 16452 OnClick = miDissectClick end object micbShowAsHexadecimal: TMenuItem AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Show as hexadecimal' GroupIndex = 1 ShortCut = 16456 OnClick = micbShowAsHexadecimalClick end object MenuItem1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Copy address to clipboard' ShortCut = 16451 OnClick = MenuItem1Click end object miCopyToAddresslist: TMenuItem Caption = 'Copy selected addresses to addresslist' ShortCut = 49219 OnClick = ChangedlistDblClick end end end