object frmbreakthread: Tfrmbreakthread Left = 466 Height = 188 Top = 226 Width = 402 AutoSize = True BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu] BorderStyle = bsSingle Caption = 'Break Thread' ClientHeight = 188 ClientWidth = 402 OnCreate = FormCreate OnShow = FormShow Position = poOwnerFormCenter LCLVersion = '' object Label1: TLabel AnchorSideLeft.Control = Owner AnchorSideTop.Control = Owner Left = 6 Height = 15 Top = 0 Width = 380 BorderSpacing.Left = 6 BorderSpacing.Right = 6 Caption = 'This process has more than 1 thread. Select the thread you wish to break' ParentColor = False end object Threadlistbox: TListBox AnchorSideLeft.Control = Label1 AnchorSideTop.Control = Label1 AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideRight.Control = Owner AnchorSideRight.Side = asrBottom Left = 6 Height = 139 Top = 15 Width = 390 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight] BorderSpacing.Right = 6 ItemHeight = 0 OnDblClick = ThreadlistboxDblClick TabOrder = 0 end object Button1: TButton AnchorSideTop.Control = Threadlistbox AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideRight.Control = Panel1 Left = 128 Height = 26 Top = 157 Width = 68 Anchors = [akTop, akRight] AutoSize = True BorderSpacing.Top = 3 BorderSpacing.Bottom = 3 Caption = 'OK' Constraints.MinHeight = 26 Constraints.MinWidth = 68 Default = True OnClick = Button1Click TabOrder = 1 end object Button2: TButton AnchorSideLeft.Control = Panel1 AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideTop.Control = Threadlistbox AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 206 Height = 26 Top = 157 Width = 68 AutoSize = True BorderSpacing.Top = 3 BorderSpacing.Bottom = 3 Cancel = True Caption = 'Cancel' Constraints.MinHeight = 26 Constraints.MinWidth = 68 ModalResult = 2 TabOrder = 2 end object Panel1: TPanel AnchorSideLeft.Control = Owner AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrCenter AnchorSideTop.Control = Threadlistbox AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 196 Height = 32 Top = 154 Width = 10 BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 3 end end