object frmDisassemblyscan: TfrmDisassemblyscan Left = 503 Height = 170 Top = 372 Width = 447 Caption = 'Assemblyscan' ClientHeight = 170 ClientWidth = 447 OnClose = FormClose OnDestroy = FormDestroy OnShow = FormShow Position = poScreenCenter LCLVersion = '' object Label1: TLabel Left = 0 Height = 15 Top = 155 Width = 447 Align = alBottom Alignment = taCenter Caption = ' ' ParentColor = False end object ListBox1: TListBox Left = 0 Height = 155 Top = 0 Width = 379 Align = alClient ItemHeight = 0 MultiSelect = True OnDblClick = ListBox1DblClick OnKeyDown = ListBox1KeyDown PopupMenu = PopupMenu1 TabOrder = 0 end object Panel1: TPanel Left = 379 Height = 155 Top = 0 Width = 68 Align = alRight AutoSize = True ClientHeight = 155 ClientWidth = 68 TabOrder = 1 OnClick = Panel1Click OnResize = Panel1Resize object btnCancel: TButton AnchorSideBottom.Control = Panel1 AnchorSideBottom.Side = asrBottom Left = 3 Height = 25 Top = 127 Width = 62 Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom] AutoSize = True BorderSpacing.Left = 2 BorderSpacing.Right = 2 BorderSpacing.Bottom = 2 Caption = 'Cancel' Constraints.MinWidth = 60 OnClick = btnCancelClick TabOrder = 0 end end object Timer1: TTimer OnTimer = Timer1Timer left = 312 top = 24 end object PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu left = 66 top = 19 object MenuItem1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Go to this address' Default = True ShortCut = 32 OnClick = MenuItem1Click end object MenuItem2: TMenuItem Caption = 'Copy selection to clipboard' OnClick = MenuItem2Click end end end