object frmStructPointerRescan: TfrmStructPointerRescan Left = 349 Height = 317 Top = 142 Width = 267 Caption = 'Rescan' ClientHeight = 317 ClientWidth = 267 Position = poScreenCenter LCLVersion = '0.9.31' object rbMustBeDifferent: TRadioButton Left = 8 Height = 19 Top = 232 Width = 111 Caption = 'Must be different' Enabled = False TabOrder = 0 end object rbMustBeSame: TRadioButton Left = 8 Height = 19 Top = 256 Width = 114 Caption = 'Must be the same' TabOrder = 1 end object Button1: TButton Left = 56 Height = 25 Top = 288 Width = 75 Caption = 'Rescan' Default = True ModalResult = 1 TabOrder = 2 end object cbCaseSensitive: TCheckBox Left = 8 Height = 19 Top = 136 Width = 93 Caption = 'Case sensitive' TabOrder = 3 end object cbMustBeStart: TCheckBox Left = 8 Height = 19 Top = 152 Width = 202 Caption = 'Must start with the provided string' TabOrder = 4 end object edtRegExp: TEdit Left = 8 Height = 23 Top = 176 Width = 248 TabOrder = 5 end object rbDiffDontCare: TRadioButton Left = 8 Height = 19 Top = 208 Width = 148 Caption = 'Don''t care for difference' Checked = True Enabled = False TabOrder = 6 TabStop = True end object Button2: TButton Left = 136 Height = 25 Top = 288 Width = 75 Cancel = True Caption = 'Cancel' ModalResult = 2 TabOrder = 7 end object cbPointerInRange: TCheckBox Left = 8 Height = 19 Top = 40 Width = 150 Caption = 'Pointer must be in range' OnChange = cbPointerInRangeChange TabOrder = 8 end object edtPointerStart: TEdit Left = 8 Height = 23 Top = 62 Width = 155 Enabled = False TabOrder = 9 end object lblAnd: TLabel Left = 9 Height = 16 Top = 86 Width = 21 Caption = 'and' Enabled = False ParentColor = False end object edtPointerStop: TEdit Left = 8 Height = 23 Top = 102 Width = 155 Enabled = False TabOrder = 10 end object comboType: TComboBox Left = 8 Height = 23 Top = 8 Width = 155 ItemHeight = 15 ItemIndex = 0 Items.Strings = ( 'String' '1 Byte' '2 Bytes' '4 Bytes' '8 Bytes' 'Float' 'Double' 'Pointer (hex)' ) OnChange = comboTypeChange Style = csDropDownList TabOrder = 11 Text = 'String' end end