object frmAutoInject: TfrmAutoInject Left = 903 Height = 331 Top = 263 Width = 431 HelpContext = 1089 Caption = 'Auto assemble' ClientHeight = 311 ClientWidth = 431 Menu = MainMenu1 OnClose = FormClose OnCreate = FormCreate OnDestroy = FormDestroy OnShow = FormShow Position = poScreenCenter LCLVersion = '' object Panel1: TPanel Left = 0 Height = 35 Top = 276 Width = 431 Align = alBottom AutoSize = True BevelOuter = bvNone ClientHeight = 35 ClientWidth = 431 TabOrder = 0 OnResize = Panel1Resize object Button1: TButton AnchorSideLeft.Control = Panel1 AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrCenter Left = 169 Height = 31 Top = 2 Width = 92 AutoSize = True BorderSpacing.Top = 2 BorderSpacing.Bottom = 2 Caption = 'Execute' Constraints.MinHeight = 31 Constraints.MinWidth = 92 OnClick = Button1Click TabOrder = 0 end end object Panel2: TPanel Left = 0 Height = 276 Top = 0 Width = 431 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 1 end object MainMenu1: TMainMenu left = 184 top = 120 object File1: TMenuItem Caption = 'File' object miNewWindow: TMenuItem Caption = 'New Window' ShortCut = 16462 OnClick = miNewWindowClick end object New1: TMenuItem Caption = 'New Tab' Visible = False OnClick = New1Click end object Load1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Open' ShortCut = 16463 OnClick = Load1Click end object Save1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Save' ShortCut = 16467 OnClick = Save1Click end object SaveAs1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Save As...' OnClick = SaveAs1Click end object Assigntocurrentcheattable1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Assign to current cheat table' OnClick = Assigntocurrentcheattable1Click end object N2: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object Exit1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Exit' OnClick = Exit1Click end end object View1: TMenuItem Caption = 'View' object Syntaxhighlighting1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Syntax highlighting' Checked = True OnClick = Syntaxhighlighting1Click end object AAPref1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Preferences' OnClick = AAPref1Click end end object emplate1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Template' object Codeinjection1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Code injection' ShortCut = 16457 OnClick = Codeinjection1Click end object APIHook1: TMenuItem Caption = 'API Hook' ShortCut = 49217 OnClick = APIHook1Click end object Coderelocation1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Code relocation' ShortCut = 16466 OnClick = Coderelocation1Click end object miCallLua: TMenuItem Caption = 'Call CE lua function' ShortCut = 16460 OnClick = miCallLuaClick end object menuAOBInjection: TMenuItem Caption = 'AOB Injection' ShortCut = 24641 OnClick = menuAOBInjectionClick end object menuFullInjection: TMenuItem Caption = 'Full Injection' ShortCut = 24646 OnClick = menuFullInjectionClick end object CheatTablecompliantcodee1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Cheat Table framework code' ShortCut = 49236 OnClick = CheatTablecompliantcodee1Click end end object Inject1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Inject' Visible = False object Injectincurrentprocess1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Inject into current process' OnClick = Injectincurrentprocess1Click end object Injectintocurrentprocessandexecute1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Inject into current process and execute' OnClick = Injectintocurrentprocessandexecute1Click end end end object OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog Title = 'Open CE assembly file' DefaultExt = '.CEA' Filter = 'Cheat Engine Assembly (*.CEA)|*.CEA|All Files (*.*)|*.*' left = 8 top = 40 end object SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog Title = 'Open CE assembly file' DefaultExt = '.CEA' Filter = 'Cheat Engine Assembly (*.CEA)|*.CEA|All Files (*.*)|*.*' Options = [ofOverwritePrompt, ofHideReadOnly, ofEnableSizing] left = 40 top = 40 end object PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu left = 136 top = 16 object Cut1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Cu&t' ShortCut = 16472 OnClick = Cut1Click end object Copy1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Copy' ShortCut = 16451 OnClick = Copy1Click end object Paste1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Paste' ShortCut = 16470 OnClick = Paste1Click end object Undo1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Undo' ShortCut = 16474 OnClick = Undo1Click end object N6: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object Find1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Find...' ShortCut = 16454 OnClick = Find1Click end object mifindNext: TMenuItem Caption = 'Find Next' ShortCut = 114 Visible = False OnClick = mifindNextClick end object MenuItem1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Replace' ShortCut = 16466 OnClick = MenuItem1Click end end object closemenu: TPopupMenu left = 232 top = 48 object Close1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Close' OnClick = Close1Click end end object FindDialog1: TFindDialog Width = 480 Height = 136 OnFind = FindDialog1Find left = 332 top = 112 end object undotimer: TTimer Interval = 250 left = 40 top = 72 end object ReplaceDialog1: TReplaceDialog Width = 495 Height = 184 Options = [frDown, frReplace, frReplaceAll] OnFind = ReplaceDialog1Find OnReplace = ReplaceDialog1Replace left = 332 top = 46 end end