object frmGroupScanAlgoritmGenerator: TfrmGroupScanAlgoritmGenerator Left = 555 Height = 331 Top = 330 Width = 357 Caption = 'Generate groupscan command' ClientHeight = 331 ClientWidth = 357 OnCreate = FormCreate OnDestroy = FormDestroy OnShow = FormShow Position = poScreenCenter LCLVersion = '' object ScrollBox1: TScrollBox AnchorSideLeft.Control = Owner AnchorSideTop.Control = lblWildcardExplanation AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideRight.Control = Owner AnchorSideRight.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideBottom.Control = Panel1 Left = 14 Height = 141 Top = 15 Width = 329 HorzScrollBar.Page = 1 HorzScrollBar.Tracking = True VertScrollBar.Increment = 1 VertScrollBar.Page = 1 VertScrollBar.Smooth = True VertScrollBar.Tracking = True Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom] AutoSize = True BorderSpacing.Left = 14 BorderSpacing.Right = 14 BorderSpacing.Bottom = 14 TabOrder = 0 end object lblWildcardExplanation: TLabel AnchorSideLeft.Control = Owner AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrCenter AnchorSideTop.Control = Owner Left = 70 Height = 15 Top = 0 Width = 216 Caption = 'Leave a value empty or use * for wildcard' ParentColor = False end object Panel1: TPanel Left = 0 Height = 161 Top = 170 Width = 357 Align = alBottom AutoSize = True BevelOuter = bvNone ClientHeight = 161 ClientWidth = 357 TabOrder = 1 object edtBlocksize: TEdit AnchorSideLeft.Control = lblBlocksize AnchorSideTop.Control = lblBlocksize AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 16 Height = 23 Top = 21 Width = 80 Enabled = False TabOrder = 0 end object lblBlocksize: TLabel AnchorSideLeft.Control = Panel1 AnchorSideTop.Control = Panel1 Left = 16 Height = 15 Top = 6 Width = 48 BorderSpacing.Left = 16 BorderSpacing.Top = 6 Caption = 'Blocksize' ParentColor = False end object cbOutOfOrder: TCheckBox AnchorSideLeft.Control = edtBlocksize AnchorSideTop.Control = edtBlockalignment AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 16 Height = 19 Top = 82 Width = 85 Caption = 'Out of order' OnChange = cbOutOfOrderChange TabOrder = 1 end object cbTypeAligned: TCheckBox AnchorSideLeft.Control = cbOutOfOrder AnchorSideTop.Control = cbOutOfOrder AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 32 Height = 19 Top = 101 Width = 133 BorderSpacing.Left = 16 Caption = 'Must be type-aligned' Checked = True Enabled = False OnChange = cbOutOfOrderChange State = cbChecked TabOrder = 2 end object lblMin: TLabel AnchorSideLeft.Control = edtBlocksize AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideTop.Control = edtBlocksize AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter Left = 100 Height = 15 Top = 25 Width = 34 BorderSpacing.Left = 4 Caption = 'lblMin' ParentColor = False Visible = False end object edtBlockalignment: TEdit AnchorSideLeft.Control = lblBlockAlignment AnchorSideTop.Control = lblBlockAlignment AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 16 Height = 23 Top = 59 Width = 80 OnChange = edtBlockalignmentChange TabOrder = 3 Text = '4' end object lblBlockAlignment: TLabel AnchorSideLeft.Control = edtBlocksize AnchorSideTop.Control = edtBlocksize AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 16 Height = 15 Top = 44 Width = 86 Caption = 'Block alignment' ParentColor = False end object lblMustBeDividable: TLabel AnchorSideLeft.Control = edtBlockalignment AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideTop.Control = edtBlockalignment AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter Left = 100 Height = 15 Top = 63 Width = 119 BorderSpacing.Left = 4 Caption = 'Must be dividable by 4' ParentColor = False Visible = False end object Panel2: TPanel AnchorSideLeft.Control = Panel1 AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrCenter AnchorSideTop.Control = cbTypeAligned AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 99 Height = 25 Top = 128 Width = 158 AutoSize = True BorderSpacing.Top = 8 BorderSpacing.Bottom = 8 BevelOuter = bvNone ClientHeight = 25 ClientWidth = 158 TabOrder = 4 object btnCancel: TButton AnchorSideLeft.Control = btnOK AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideTop.Control = btnOK Left = 83 Height = 25 Top = 0 Width = 75 AutoSize = True BorderSpacing.Left = 8 Cancel = True Caption = 'Cancel' Constraints.MinWidth = 75 ModalResult = 2 TabOrder = 0 end object btnOK: TButton AnchorSideLeft.Control = Panel2 AnchorSideTop.Control = Panel2 Left = 0 Height = 25 Top = 0 Width = 75 AutoSize = True Caption = 'OK' Constraints.MinWidth = 75 Default = True OnClick = btnOKClick TabOrder = 1 end end end end