object frmResumePointerscan: TfrmResumePointerscan Left = 504 Height = 140 Top = 351 Width = 625 AutoSize = True Caption = 'Resume pointerscan' ClientHeight = 140 ClientWidth = 625 OnCreate = FormCreate OnDestroy = FormDestroy OnShow = FormShow Position = poScreenCenter LCLVersion = '' object Panel1: TPanel Left = 381 Height = 140 Top = 0 Width = 244 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone ClientHeight = 140 ClientWidth = 244 TabOrder = 0 OnResize = Panel1Resize object Label1: TLabel Left = 0 Height = 15 Top = 0 Width = 244 Align = alTop Caption = 'Rescan pointermaps' ParentColor = False end object ListView1: TListView Left = 0 Height = 125 Top = 15 Width = 244 Align = alClient Columns = < item Caption = 'Filename' Width = 100 end item Alignment = taCenter Caption = 'Address' Width = 66 end item Alignment = taCenter Caption = 'Found' Width = 70 end> PopupMenu = pmRescanFiles ReadOnly = True RowSelect = True TabOrder = 0 ViewStyle = vsReport OnDblClick = ListView1DblClick end end object Panel2: TPanel Left = 0 Height = 140 Top = 0 Width = 381 Align = alLeft AutoSize = True BevelOuter = bvNone ClientHeight = 140 ClientWidth = 381 TabOrder = 1 object cbDistributedScanning: TCheckBox AnchorSideLeft.Control = Label9 AnchorSideTop.Control = edtThreadcount AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 8 Height = 19 Hint = 'Opens a port that other systems running the pointerscanner can connect to and help out with the scan' Top = 26 Width = 161 Caption = 'Allow distributed scanning' OnChange = cbDistributedScanningChange ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 0 end object edtDistributedPort: TEdit AnchorSideLeft.Control = lblPort AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideTop.Control = cbDistributedScanning AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 49 Height = 23 Top = 45 Width = 103 TabOrder = 1 Text = '52737' end object lblPort: TLabel AnchorSideLeft.Control = cbDistributedScanning AnchorSideTop.Control = cbDistributedScanning AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 24 Height = 15 Top = 48 Width = 25 BorderSpacing.Left = 16 BorderSpacing.Top = 3 Caption = 'Port:' ParentColor = False end object cbBroadcast: TCheckBox AnchorSideLeft.Control = lblPort AnchorSideTop.Control = edtDistributedPort AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 24 Height = 19 Hint = 'When checked will send a broadcast message on the local network which will tell pointer scanner systems to join this scan if they are set to auto join'#13#10#13#10'You can use "Setup specific IP''s to notify" to notify systems of this scan that are outside of the local network' Top = 68 Width = 192 Caption = 'Broadcast that a scan has started' Enabled = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 2 end object btnNotifySpecificIPs: TButton AnchorSideLeft.Control = cbBroadcast AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideTop.Control = cbBroadcast AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter Left = 220 Height = 25 Top = 65 Width = 156 BorderSpacing.Left = 4 BorderSpacing.Right = 5 Caption = 'Setup specific IP''s to notify' Enabled = False OnClick = btnNotifySpecificIPsClick TabOrder = 3 end object ComboBox1: TComboBox AnchorSideLeft.Control = edtThreadcount AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideTop.Control = edtThreadcount AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter Left = 235 Height = 23 Top = 3 Width = 140 BorderSpacing.Left = 4 BorderSpacing.Right = 5 ItemHeight = 15 ItemIndex = 3 Items.Strings = ( 'Idle' 'Lowest' 'Lower' 'Normal' 'Higher' 'Highest' 'TimeCritical' ) Style = csDropDownList TabOrder = 4 Text = 'Normal' end object edtThreadcount: TEdit AnchorSideLeft.Control = Label9 AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideTop.Control = Panel2 AnchorSideRight.Side = asrBottom Left = 134 Height = 23 Top = 3 Width = 97 BorderSpacing.Top = 3 TabOrder = 5 Text = '2' end object Label9: TLabel AnchorSideLeft.Control = Panel2 AnchorSideTop.Control = edtThreadcount AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter AnchorSideRight.Control = edtThreadcount Left = 8 Height = 15 Top = 7 Width = 126 BorderSpacing.Left = 8 Caption = 'Nr of threads scanning: ' ParentColor = False end object Panel3: TPanel AnchorSideLeft.Control = Panel2 AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrCenter AnchorSideTop.Control = btnNotifySpecificIPs AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 112 Height = 25 Top = 98 Width = 157 AutoSize = True BorderSpacing.Top = 8 BorderSpacing.Bottom = 8 BevelOuter = bvNone ClientHeight = 25 ClientWidth = 157 TabOrder = 6 object Button1: TButton AnchorSideLeft.Control = Panel3 AnchorSideTop.Control = Panel3 Left = 0 Height = 25 Top = 0 Width = 75 Caption = 'Resume' Default = True OnClick = Button1Click TabOrder = 0 end object Button2: TButton AnchorSideLeft.Control = Button1 AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideTop.Control = Button1 Left = 82 Height = 25 Top = 0 Width = 75 BorderSpacing.Left = 7 Cancel = True Caption = 'Cancel' ModalResult = 2 TabOrder = 1 end end end object pmRescanFiles: TPopupMenu left = 443 top = 90 object MenuItem1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Add pointermap' OnClick = MenuItem1Click end end object odLoadPointermap: TOpenDialog DefaultExt = '.scandata' Filter = 'All files (*.*)|*.*|scandata files (*.scandata)|*.scandata' FilterIndex = 2 Options = [ofFileMustExist, ofEnableSizing, ofViewDetail] left = 316 top = 36 end end