object frmSetupPSNNode: TfrmSetupPSNNode Left = 386 Height = 431 Top = 133 Width = 362 AutoSize = True BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu] BorderStyle = bsSingle Caption = 'Setup pointerscan network node' ClientHeight = 431 ClientWidth = 362 OnCreate = FormCreate OnShow = FormShow Position = poScreenCenter LCLVersion = '' object cbMaxFoundResults: TCheckBox AnchorSideLeft.Control = cbConnectToOtherNode AnchorSideTop.Control = edtConnectIP AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 14 Height = 19 Hint = 'This will terminate all the children and disconnect from the parent after having found at least the given amount of results'#13#10'It''s slightly innacurate as the check is only done every 10 seconds or so'#13#10#13#10'Note: This only has effect when there is at least one parent in the queue. Otherwise it''s not going to disconnect' Top = 285 Width = 265 BorderSpacing.Top = 3 BorderSpacing.Right = 3 Caption = 'Stop scans after finding max amount of results' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 0 end object edtMaxResultsToFind: TEdit AnchorSideLeft.Control = cbMaxFoundResults AnchorSideTop.Control = cbMaxFoundResults AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 14 Height = 23 Top = 304 Width = 80 TabOrder = 1 end object cbMaxTimeToScan: TCheckBox AnchorSideLeft.Control = edtMaxResultsToFind AnchorSideTop.Control = edtMaxResultsToFind AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 14 Height = 19 Hint = 'This will terminate all the children and disconnect from the parent after scanning for the given amount of time.'#13#10#13#10'Note: This only has effect when there is at least one parent in the queue. Otherwise it''s not going to disconnect' Top = 327 Width = 173 Caption = 'Stop scans after specific time' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 2 end object edtMaxTimeToScan: TEdit AnchorSideLeft.Control = cbMaxTimeToScan AnchorSideTop.Control = cbMaxTimeToScan AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 14 Height = 23 Top = 346 Width = 80 TabOrder = 3 end object Label4: TLabel AnchorSideLeft.Control = edtMaxTimeToScan AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideTop.Control = edtMaxTimeToScan AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter Left = 97 Height = 15 Top = 350 Width = 44 BorderSpacing.Left = 3 Caption = 'Seconds' ParentColor = False end object Label3: TLabel AnchorSideLeft.Control = edtMaxResultsToFind AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideTop.Control = edtMaxResultsToFind AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter Left = 97 Height = 15 Top = 308 Width = 107 BorderSpacing.Left = 3 Caption = 'Found pointer paths' ParentColor = False end object cbPriority: TComboBox AnchorSideLeft.Control = lblPriority AnchorSideTop.Control = lblPriority AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 104 Height = 23 Top = 15 Width = 140 ItemHeight = 15 ItemIndex = 2 Items.Strings = ( 'Idle' 'Lowest' 'Lower' 'Normal' 'Higher' 'Highest' 'TimeCritical' ) Style = csDropDownList TabOrder = 4 Text = 'Lower' end object lblPriority: TLabel AnchorSideLeft.Control = Panel2 AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideTop.Control = Owner Left = 104 Height = 15 Top = 0 Width = 38 BorderSpacing.Left = 10 Caption = 'Priority' ParentColor = False end object lblPublicName: TLabel AnchorSideLeft.Control = Panel2 AnchorSideTop.Control = Panel2 AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 14 Height = 15 Top = 38 Width = 66 Caption = 'Public name' ParentColor = False end object edtPublicname: TEdit AnchorSideLeft.Control = lblPublicName AnchorSideTop.Control = lblPublicName AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideRight.Control = cbPriority AnchorSideRight.Side = asrBottom Left = 14 Height = 23 Top = 53 Width = 230 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight] TabOrder = 5 end object lblListenPort: TLabel AnchorSideLeft.Control = edtPublicname AnchorSideTop.Control = edtPublicname AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 14 Height = 15 Top = 76 Width = 56 Caption = 'Listen port' ParentColor = False end object edtPort: TEdit AnchorSideLeft.Control = lblListenPort AnchorSideTop.Control = lblListenPort AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 14 Height = 23 Top = 91 Width = 144 TabOrder = 6 Text = '52737' end object edtParentPassword: TEdit AnchorSideLeft.Control = lblPasswordParent AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideTop.Control = cbAllowParents AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 82 Height = 23 Top = 133 Width = 143 BorderSpacing.Left = 8 EchoMode = emPassword OnChange = edtConnectPasswordChange PasswordChar = '*' TabOrder = 7 end object cbConnectToOtherNode: TCheckBox AnchorSideLeft.Control = cbAllowChildren AnchorSideTop.Control = cbAutoTrustChildren AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 14 Height = 19 Hint = 'Connect to another system as it''s parent or child' Top = 225 Width = 154 BorderSpacing.Top = 8 Caption = 'Connect to other node as' OnChange = cbConnectToOtherNodeChange ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 8 end object cbAutoTrustChildren: TCheckBox AnchorSideLeft.Control = lblPasswordChild AnchorSideTop.Control = edtChildPassword AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 24 Height = 19 Hint = 'Normally when a worker terminates before the scan is done it will send all it''s paths to it''s connected node and then close, but if the system would crash it wouldn''t be able to send it''s queues to the node, causing in a loss of possible paths to examine'#13#10#13#10'When unchecked the owning controller/scanner will only send it one pointerpath queue element at a time and remembers that queue element until the worker reports that it has 0 queue elements, meaning it successfully completed the work item.'#13#10'Also note that under normal circumstaces the node will accept new paths from the worker, but in the case of non stable workers this is not done and the worker has to do all the sub paths it generated itself'#13#10#13#10'In the node screen you will be able to change the state of a worker' Top = 198 Width = 280 BorderSpacing.Right = 3 Caption = 'Automatically trust stability of all new childnodes' Checked = True ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 9 end object edtChildPassword: TEdit AnchorSideLeft.Control = lblPasswordParent AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideTop.Control = cbAllowChildren AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 82 Height = 23 Top = 175 Width = 143 BorderSpacing.Left = 8 EchoMode = emPassword MaxLength = 16 PasswordChar = '*' TabOrder = 10 end object cbAllowChildren: TCheckBox AnchorSideLeft.Control = cbAllowParents AnchorSideTop.Control = edtParentPassword AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 14 Height = 19 Top = 156 Width = 190 Caption = 'Allow children to connect to me' Checked = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 11 end object edtConnectPort: TEdit AnchorSideLeft.Control = edtConnectIP AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideTop.Control = edtConnectIP Left = 174 Height = 23 Top = 259 Width = 69 BorderSpacing.Left = 5 Enabled = False TabOrder = 12 Text = '52737' end object lblPort: TLabel AnchorSideLeft.Control = edtConnectPort AnchorSideTop.Control = cbConnectToOtherNode AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 174 Height = 15 Top = 244 Width = 22 Caption = 'Port' Enabled = False ParentColor = False end object edtConnectPassword: TEdit AnchorSideLeft.Control = edtConnectPort AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideTop.Control = edtConnectIP Left = 248 Height = 23 Top = 259 Width = 109 BorderSpacing.Left = 5 BorderSpacing.Right = 8 EchoMode = emPassword Enabled = False OnChange = edtConnectPasswordChange PasswordChar = '*' TabOrder = 13 end object edtConnectIP: TEdit AnchorSideLeft.Control = lblIP AnchorSideTop.Control = lblIP AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 24 Height = 23 Top = 259 Width = 145 Enabled = False TabOrder = 14 Text = '' end object lblIP: TLabel AnchorSideLeft.Control = lblPasswordChild AnchorSideTop.Control = cbConnectToOtherNode AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 24 Height = 15 Top = 244 Width = 10 Caption = 'IP' Enabled = False ParentColor = False end object cbAllowParents: TCheckBox AnchorSideLeft.Control = edtPort AnchorSideTop.Control = edtPort AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 14 Height = 19 Top = 114 Width = 186 Caption = 'Allow parents to connect to me' Checked = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 15 end object lblPasswordParent: TLabel AnchorSideLeft.Control = cbAllowParents AnchorSideTop.Control = edtParentPassword AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter Left = 24 Height = 15 Top = 137 Width = 50 BorderSpacing.Left = 10 Caption = 'Password' ParentColor = False end object lblPasswordChild: TLabel AnchorSideLeft.Control = lblPasswordParent AnchorSideTop.Control = edtChildPassword AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter Left = 24 Height = 15 Top = 179 Width = 50 Caption = 'Password' ParentColor = False end object lblPassword: TLabel AnchorSideLeft.Control = edtConnectPassword AnchorSideTop.Control = cbConnectToOtherNode AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 248 Height = 15 Top = 244 Width = 50 Caption = 'Password' Enabled = False ParentColor = False end object rbConnectAsParent: TRadioButton AnchorSideLeft.Control = cbConnectToOtherNode AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideTop.Control = cbConnectToOtherNode Left = 173 Height = 19 Top = 225 Width = 54 BorderSpacing.Left = 5 Caption = 'parent' Enabled = False TabOrder = 16 end object rbConnectAsChild: TRadioButton AnchorSideLeft.Control = rbConnectAsParent AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideTop.Control = cbConnectToOtherNode Left = 230 Height = 19 Top = 225 Width = 46 BorderSpacing.Left = 3 Caption = 'child' Checked = True Enabled = False TabOrder = 17 TabStop = True end object Button1: TButton AnchorSideLeft.Control = edtChildPassword AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideTop.Control = edtChildPassword AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter Left = 228 Height = 25 Top = 174 Width = 127 AutoSize = True BorderSpacing.Left = 3 BorderSpacing.Right = 8 Caption = 'Setup trusted IP list' TabOrder = 18 Visible = False end object cbAllowTempFiles: TCheckBox AnchorSideLeft.Control = edtMaxTimeToScan AnchorSideTop.Control = edtMaxTimeToScan AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 14 Height = 19 Hint = 'When checked it will save the scandata files it receives into temporary files on the harddisk'#13#10'If it''s unchecked these files will stay in memory in their original file format as well as their extracted format'#13#10#13#10'This can be useful when on a system with no disk access but lots of RAM' Top = 369 Width = 134 Caption = 'Allow temp file usage' Checked = True ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 19 end object Panel1: TPanel AnchorSideLeft.Control = Owner AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrCenter AnchorSideTop.Control = cbAllowTempFiles AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 103 Height = 39 Top = 388 Width = 157 AutoSize = True BevelOuter = bvNone ClientHeight = 39 ClientWidth = 157 TabOrder = 20 object btnOK: TButton AnchorSideLeft.Control = Panel1 AnchorSideTop.Control = Panel1 AnchorSideBottom.Side = asrBottom Left = 0 Height = 25 Top = 8 Width = 75 AutoSize = True BorderSpacing.Top = 8 BorderSpacing.Bottom = 6 Caption = 'Launch' Constraints.MinWidth = 75 Default = True OnClick = btnOKClick TabOrder = 0 end object btnCancel: TButton AnchorSideLeft.Control = btnOK AnchorSideLeft.Side = asrBottom AnchorSideTop.Control = btnOK AnchorSideBottom.Side = asrBottom Left = 82 Height = 25 Top = 8 Width = 75 AutoSize = True BorderSpacing.Left = 7 BorderSpacing.Bottom = 6 Cancel = True Caption = 'Cancel' Constraints.MinWidth = 75 ModalResult = 2 TabOrder = 1 end end object Panel2: TPanel AnchorSideLeft.Control = Owner AnchorSideTop.Control = Owner Left = 14 Height = 38 Top = 0 Width = 80 AutoSize = True BorderSpacing.Left = 14 BevelOuter = bvNone ClientHeight = 38 ClientWidth = 80 TabOrder = 21 object lblThreadCount: TLabel AnchorSideLeft.Control = Panel2 AnchorSideTop.Control = Panel2 Left = 0 Height = 15 Top = 0 Width = 68 Caption = 'Threadcount' ParentColor = False end object edtThreadCount: TEdit AnchorSideLeft.Control = lblThreadCount AnchorSideTop.Control = lblThreadCount AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom Left = 0 Height = 23 Hint = 'The number of threads to scan.'#13#10'Hint: Can be 0' Top = 15 Width = 80 ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 0 Text = '0' end end end