unit Globals; { This unit will hold some global variables (previously cefuncproc.pas) } {$mode delphi} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, commonTypeDefs; var // AllIncludesCustomType: boolean; ScanAllTypes: TVariableTypes=[vtDword, vtSingle, vtDouble]; buffersize: dword=512*1024; Skip_PAGE_NOCACHE: boolean=false; Scan_MEM_PRIVATE: boolean=true; Scan_MEM_IMAGE: boolean=true; Scan_MEM_MAPPED: boolean=false; scan_dirtyonly: boolean=true; scan_pagedonly: boolean=true; fetchSymbols: boolean=true; //set to false if you don't want the symbols to get enumerated networkRPMCacheTimeout: single=1.0; systemtype: integer; old8087CW: word; //you never know... ProcessSelected: Boolean; //ProcessID: Dword; //deperecated //ProcessHandle: Thandle; TablesDir: string; CheatEngineDir: String; WindowsDir: string; username: string; //scanhelpers nrofbits: integer; Bitscan: array of byte; tempbits: array of byte; bitoffsetchange: integer; foundaddressB: array of TBitAddress; foundaddressBswitch: array of TBitAddress; tempbytearray: array of byte; tempwordarray: array of word; tempdwordarray: array of dword; tempsinglearray: array of single; tempdoublearray: array of double; tempint64array: array of int64; //-------- previousmemory: array of byte; { SearchAddress: array of dword; searchaddressswitch: array of dword; SearchAddressB: array of TBitAddress;} // previousmemory1,previousmemory1switch: array of Byte; {previousmemory2,previousmemory2switch: array of word; previousmemory3,previousmemory3switch: array of dword; previousmemory4,previousmemory4switch: array of Single; previousmemory5,previousmemory5switch: array of Double; previousmemory6,previousmemory6switch: array of int64; //Byte; PreviousMemory7,previousmemory7switch: Array of Int64; PreviousMemory8,previousmemory8switch: array of byte; } //--------- helpstr,helpstr2: string; bytes: array of integer; //-1=wildcard bytearray: array of byte; // MemoryRegion: array of TMemoryRegion; // MemoryRegions: Integer; // Memory: Array of Byte; Memory: ^Byte; memory2: ^byte; advanced: boolean; //global files, so when an exception happens I can close them // addressfile, memoryfile: File; // newAddressfile,newmemoryfile: File; savedStackSize: dword=4096; overridedebug: boolean; totalbytes: dword; currentbyte: dword; //hide/show windows windowlist: array of thandle; lastforeground,lastactive: thandle; donthidelist: array of string; onlyfront: boolean; allwindowsareback:boolean; //HyperscanFileMapping: THandle; //HyperscanView: ^TScanSettings; hookedin:boolean; keysfilemapping: THandle; //stealth globals le: dword; ownprocesshandle: THandle; stealthhook: thandle; //windows version data iswin2kplus: boolean; scanpriority: TThreadPriority; useAPCtoInjectDLL: boolean=false; tempdir: pchar; dontusetempdir: boolean; tempdiralternative: string; VEHRealContextOnThreadCreation: boolean; waitafterguiupdate: boolean; implementation end.