unit JvResources; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} JclUnitVersioning, {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} JvConsts; //=== used in several files ================================================== resourcestring RsButtonOKCaption = '&OK'; RsButtonCancelCaption = 'Cancel'; RsBackButtonCaption = '< &Back'; RsPrevButtonCaption = '< &Prev'; RsNextButtonCaption = '&Next >'; RsDateDlgCaption = 'Select a Date'; RsDetailsLeftCaption = '<< &Details'; RsDetailsRightCaption = '&Details >>'; RsUndoItem = '&Undo'; RsCutItem = 'Cu&t'; RsCopyItem = '&Copy'; RsPasteItem = '&Paste'; RsDeleteItem = '&Delete'; RsSelectAllItem = 'Select &All'; { SWEDISH: RsUndoItem = '&Εngra'; RsCutItem = '&Klipp ut'; RsCopyItem = 'K&opiera'; RsPasteItem = 'Kl&istra in'; RsDeleteItem = '&Ta bort'; RsSelectAllItem = '&Markera allt'; GERMAN: RsUndoItem = '&Rόckgδngig'; RsCutItem = '&Ausschneiden'; RsCopyItem = '&Kopieren'; RsPasteItem = 'E&infόgen'; RsDeleteItem = '&Lφschen'; RsSelectAllItem = 'Alles &markieren'; DUTCH: RsUndoItem = '&Ongedaan maken'; RsCutItem = 'K&nippen'; RsCopyItem = '&Kopiλren'; RsPasteItem = '&Plakken'; RsDeleteItem = '&Wissen'; RsSelectAllItem = '&Alles selecteren'; } RsEmptyItem = ''; RsNoName = '(unnamed)'; RsDatabaseName = 'Database name: %s'; RsDataItemRenderHasNoText = '(item does not support the IJvDataItemText interface)'; RsError = 'Error'; RsFalse = 'False'; RsTrue = 'True'; RsEErrorSetupDll = 'SetupApi.dll not found'; RsEInternalError = 'internal error'; RsEUnterminatedStringNears = 'unterminated string near %s'; RsEStackOverflow = 'stack overflow'; RsEStackUnderflow = 'stack underflow'; RsEReturnStackUnderflow = 'return stack underflow'; RsENotImplemented = 'not implemented'; RsEDelSubTreeNotImplemented = 'DeleteSubTreeInt has not been implemented yet'; { Polaris patch } RsEDateOutOfRange = '%0:s - Enter a date between "%1:s" and "%2:s"'; RsEDateOutOfMin = '%0:s - Enter a date after "%1:s"'; RsEDateOutOfMax = '%0:s - Enter a date before "%1:s"'; RsEID3NoController = 'No controller specified'; RsEReturnStackOverflow = 'return stack overflow'; RsESorryForOneDimensionalArraysOnly = 'Sorry, for one-dimensional arrays only'; RsELocalDatabase = 'Cannot perform this operation on a local database'; RsEInterfaceNotSupported = '%0:s does not support the %1:s interface'; RsECircularReference = 'Circular reference not allowed'; RsESourceBitmapTooSmall = 'Source bitmap too small'; //=== JvAni.pas ============================================================== resourcestring RsAniExtension = 'ani'; RsAniFilterName = 'ANI Image'; RsAniCurFilter = 'Animated Cursors (*.ani)|*.ani|Any files (*.*)|*.*'; RsEInvalidAnimatedIconImage = 'Invalid animated icon image'; //=== JvAppDBStorage.pas ===================================================== resourcestring RsENotSupported = 'Method not supported'; RsEBufTooSmallFmt = 'Buffer too small (%d bytes required)'; //=== JvAppIniStorage.pas ==================================================== resourcestring RsEReadValueFailed = 'TJvAppIniFileStorage.ReadValue: Section undefined'; RsEWriteValueFailed = 'TJvAppIniFileStorage.WriteValue: Section undefined'; //=== JvAppRegistryStorage.pas =============================================== resourcestring RsRootValueReplaceFmt = 'The Default Root Value "%0:s" has been replaced with "%1:s".' + sLineBreak + 'Please change the value in the FileVersionInfo Project Properties.'; RsEUnableToCreateKey = 'Unable to create key ''%s'''; RsEEnumeratingRegistry = 'Error enumerating registry'; //=== JvAppStorage.pas ======================================================= resourcestring RsEInvalidType = 'Invalid type'; RsEUnknownBaseType = 'Unknown base type for given set'; RsEInvalidPath = 'Invalid path'; RsENotAUniqueRootPath = '''%s'' is not a unique root path'; RsECircularReferenceOfStorages = 'Circular reference of storages'; RsJvAppStorageSynchronizeTimeout = '%s: Mutex Timeout'; RsJvAppStorageSynchronizeProcedureName = 'TJvCustomAppStorage.Synchronize:'; //=== JvAppStorageSelectList.pas ============================================= resourcestring RsLoadSettings = 'Load Settings'; RsSaveSettings = 'Save Settings'; RsDeleteSettings = 'Delete Settings'; RsLoadCaption = '&Load'; RsSaveCaption = '&Save'; RsDeleteCaption = '&Delete'; RsEDynControlEngineNotDefined = 'TJvAppStorageSelectList.CreateDialog: DynControlEngine not defined!'; RsEDynAppStorageNotDefined = 'TJvAppStorageSelectList.GetSelectListPath: No AppStorage assigned'; //=== JvAppXMLStorage.pas ==================================================== resourcestring RsENodeCannotBeEmpty = 'The node must be given a name'; RsEPathDoesntExists = 'Path ''%s'' does not exists'; RsENotABooleanValue = '''%s'' is not a valid boolean value'; RsENodeNameCannotContainSpaces = 'XML Node names cannot contain white space and the WhiteSpaceReplacement property is empty. Please set the WhiteSpaceReplacementProperty to a non empty value.'; RsEWhiteSpaceReplacementCannotContainSpaces = 'The WhiteSpaceReplacement property cannot contain any white spaces.'; RsENodeNameCannotInvalidChars = 'XML Node names cannot contain invalid chars ("%s") and the InvalidCharReplacement property is empty. Please set the InvalidCharReplacement to a non empty value.'; RsENotAllowedCharacterForProperty = '"%0:s" is not an allowed character for the %1:s property.'; //=== JvAVICapture.pas ======================================================= resourcestring RsNotConnected = 'Not connected'; RsErrorMessagePrefix = 'Error #'; RsEInvalidDriverIndex = '%0:d is an invalid driver index. The maximum value is %1:d' + sLineBreak + 'This may also happen if the device could not be initialized properly.'; //=== JvBackgrounds.pas ====================================================== resourcestring SChainError = 'Message from %0:s.%1:s:' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak + 'Oops... Messing up %2:s''s window procedure chain.%3:s'; SWorkaround = ''; //sLineBreak + sLineBreak + 'To avoid this, $DEFINE the NO_DESIGNHOOK conditional compilation symbol and rebuild.'; //=== JvBalloonHint.pas ====================================================== resourcestring RsEParentRequired = 'Control ''%s'' has no parent window'; RsEParentGivenNotAParent = 'Parent given is not a parent of ''%s'''; //=== JvBaseEdits.pas ======================================================== resourcestring RsEOutOfRangeXFloat = 'Value must be between %.*f and %.*f'; //=== JvBDECheckPasswordForm.pas+JvBaseDBPasswordDialog ====================== resourcestring RsChangePassword = 'Change password'; RsOldPasswordLabel = '&Old password:'; RsNewPasswordLabel = '&New password:'; RsConfirmPasswordLabel = '&Confirm password:'; RsPasswordChanged = 'Password has been changed'; RsPasswordNotChanged = 'Password has not been changed'; RsPasswordsMismatch = 'The new and confirmed passwords do not match'; //=== JvBaseDBPasswordDialog.pas ============================================ resourcestring RsOldPasswordsMismatch = 'The current and old passwords do not match'; RsChangeButtonCaption = 'Change'; RsPasswordLengthToShort = 'Password length must be greater or equal %d'; RsPasswordNotAllowedCharacters = 'Password contains not allowed characters'; //=== JvDBLogonDialogDoa.pas + JvDBLogonDialogOdac.pas ====================== resourcestring RsDoYouWantToChangePassword = 'Do you want to change the password?'; //=== JvBaseDBLogonDialog.pas =============================================== resourcestring RsLogonToDatabase = 'Logon to Database'; RsBtnConnect = 'Connect'; RsBtnAdditional = 'Additional'; RsBtnHintAddDefinitionToList = 'Add Definition to List'; RsBtnHintSelectDefinitionFromList = 'Select Definition from List'; RsBtnHintDeleteDefinitionFromList = 'Delete Definition from List'; RsPageByUser = 'By User'; RsPageByDatabase = 'By Database'; RsPageByGroup = 'By Group'; RsPageDefaultList = 'Default List'; RsUsername = '&Username'; RsPassword = '&Password'; RsDatabase = '&Database'; RsShortcut = '&Shortcut'; RsConnectAs = 'Connect-&As'; RSImportConnectionList = 'Import Connection List'; RSExportConnectionList = 'Export Connection List'; RsConnectionListImportOverwrite = 'Overwrite'; RsConnectionListImportAppend = 'Append'; RsConnectionListImportAppendOverwriteExistingEntries = 'Append/Overwrite existing entries?'; RsNoConnectionEntriesFound = 'No Connection Entries found!'; RsConnectionListExportImportFilter = 'XML-Files (*.xml)|*.xml|INI-Files (*.ini)|*.ini|All Files (*.*)|*.*'; RsConnectionListItemName = 'Connection'; RsGroupNameUndefined = 'Undefined'; RsCheckboxSavePasswords = '&Save Passwords'; RsCheckBoxGroupByUser = 'Group By User'; RsCheckBoxGroupByDatabase = 'Group By Database'; //=== JvDBLogonDialogOdac.pas =============================================== resourcestring RsOracleHome = 'Oracle Home'; RsUseNetOptionForDirectConnect = 'Use Net-Option for direct connect'; RsNetOptionCheckBoxHint = 'If this option is activated the connecting passed sql*net'#13#10+ 'and tries to connect to the server direct via tcpip.'#13#10+ 'The database name must contain Server name, Oracle service name,'#13#10+ 'and port in the following format:'#13#10+ ' Host:Port:SID'#13#10+ ' Where'#13#10+ ' Host is the address of server;'#13#10+ ' Port is the number of port that server listens to;'#13#10+ ' SID is system identifier that specifies Global Database Name.'; RsNetOptionConnectionList = 'NET Option'; //=== JvBDEExceptionForm.pas ================================================= resourcestring RsDBExceptCaption = 'Database Engine Error'; RsBDEErrorLabel = 'BDE Error'; RsServerErrorLabel = 'Server Error'; RsErrorMsgLabel = 'Error message'; //=== JvBDEFilter.pas ======================================================== resourcestring RsECaptureFilter = 'Cannot perform this operation when controls are captured'; RsENotCaptureFilter = 'Cannot perform this operation when controls are not captured'; //=== JvBDELoginDialog.pas =================================================== resourcestring RsEInvalidUserName = 'Invalid user name or password'; RsLastLoginUserName = 'Last Login User'; // Also used by JvLoginForm RsSelectDatabase = 'SelectDatabase'; { dialog never writes this value } RsLastAliasName = 'LastAlias'; { used if SelectDatabase = True } //=== JvBDEMove.pas ========================================================== resourcestring RsEInvalidReferenceDescriptor = 'Invalid reference descriptor'; //=== JvBdeUtils.pas ========================================================= resourcestring RsRetryLogin = 'Do you wish to retry the connect to database?'; RsETableNotInExclusiveMode = 'Table must be opened in exclusive mode to add passwords'; RsETableNotOpen = 'Table must be opened to pack'; RsETableNotOpenExclusively = 'Table must be opened exclusively to pack'; RsENoParadoxDBaseTable = 'Table must be either of Paradox or dBASE type to pack'; //=== JvBehaviorLabel.pas ==================================================== resourcestring RsENeedBehaviorLabel = 'Cannot call %s.Create with ALabel = nil'; RsENoOwnerLabelParent = 'OwnerLabel.Parent is nil in %s.Start'; //=== JvBevel.pas ============================================================ resourcestring RsEGradientDeprecated = 'Gradient is no longer available, use a TJvGradient component instead'; //=== JvBrowseFolder.pas ===================================================== resourcestring RsEShellNotCompatible = 'Shell not compatible with BrowseForFolder'; //=== JvButtons.pas ========================================================== resourcestring RsEOwnerMustBeForm = '%s owner must be a TForm'; //=== JvCalc.pas ============================================================= resourcestring RsCalculatorCaption = 'Calculator'; //=== JvCalendar.pas ========================================================= resourcestring RsEInvalidDateStr = 'Invalid date specification to TMonthCalStrings (%s)'; RsECannotAssign = 'Cannot assign %0:s to a %1:s'; RsEInvalidArgumentToSetDayStates = 'Invalid argument to SetDayStates'; RsEInvalidAppearance = 'TJvCustomMonthCalendar.CreateWithAppearance: cannot be created without valid Appearance'; //=== JvCaptionButton.pas ==================================================== resourcestring RsEOwnerMustBeTCustomForm = 'TJvCaptionButton owner must be a TCustomForm'; //=== JvCaret.pas ============================================================ resourcestring RsEInvalidCaretOwner = '%s: cannot be created without a valid Owner'; //=== JvChangeNotify.pas ===================================================== resourcestring RsFileNameChange = 'Filename Change'; RsDirectoryNameChange = 'Directory Name Change'; RsAttributesChange = 'Attributes Change'; RsSizeChange = 'Size Change'; RsWriteChange = 'Write Change'; RsSecurityChange = 'Security Change'; RsEFmtCannotChangeName = 'Cannot change %s when active'; RsEFmtInvalidPath = 'Invalid or empty path (%s)'; RsEFmtMaxCountExceeded = 'Maximum of %d items exceeded'; RsEFmtInvalidPathAtIndex = 'Invalid or empty path ("%0:s") at index %1:d'; RsENotifyErrorFmt = '%0:s:' + sLineBreak + '%1:s'; //=== JvChart.pas ============================================================ resourcestring RsChartDesigntimeLabel = ': JEDI JVCL Charting Component'; RsNoData = 'No data. (Data.ValueCount=0)'; RsGraphHeader = 'Graph Header'; RsCurrentHeaders = 'Current Header: %s'; RsXAxisHeaders = 'X Axis Header: %s'; RsGraphScale = 'Graph Scale'; RsYAxisScales = 'Y Axis Scale: %s'; RsNoValuesHere = 'No values here!'; RsNA = ' n/a '; RsEDataIndexCannotBeNegative = 'Data: index cannot be negative'; RsEPenIndexInvalid = 'Data: pen index invalid/out of range.'; RsEDataIndexTooLargeProbablyAnInternal = 'Data: index too large. Probably an internal error'; RsEGetAverageValueIndexNegative = 'GetAverageValue: Index negative'; RsESetAverageValueIndexNegative = 'SetAverageValue: Index negative'; RsEChartOptionsPenCountPenCountOutOf = 'JvChart.Options.PenCount - PenCount out of range'; RsEChartOptionsXStartOffsetValueOutO = 'JvChart.Options.XStartOffset - value out of range'; RsEUnableToGetCanvas = 'Unable to get canvas'; //=== JvCheckedMaskEdit.pas ================================================== resourcestring RsEBeginUnsupportedNestedCall = 'TJvCustomCheckedMaskEdit.BeginInternalChange: Unsupported nested call!'; RsEEndUnsupportedNestedCall = 'TJvCustomCheckedMaskEdit.EndInternalChange: Unsupported nested call!'; //=== JvClipboardViewer.pas ================================================== RsClipboardUnknown = 'Cannot display. Data in Clipboard is in an unknown format.'; RsClipboardEmpty = 'Clipboard is empty'; //=== JvClipbrd.pas ========================================================== resourcestring RsENoRenderFormatEventGiven = 'No OnRenderFormat was given'; //=== JvColorButton.pas ====================================================== resourcestring RsOtherCaption = '&Other...'; //=== JvColorCombo.pas ======================================================= resourcestring RsCustomCaption = 'Custom...'; RsNewColorPrefix = 'Custom'; //=== JvColorProvider.pas ==================================================== resourcestring RsDelphiConstantNames = 'Delphi constant names'; RsEnglishNames = 'English names'; RsCustomColors = 'Custom colors'; RsStandardColors = 'Standard colors'; RsSystemColors = 'System colors'; RsNoSettings = '(no settings)'; RsESpecifiedMappingError = 'Specified mapping does not belong to the current provider'; RsEAlreadyRegistered = '''%s'' is already registered'; RsENoICR = 'Component does not support IInterfaceComponentReference'; RsENoColProv = 'Component does not support IJvColorProvider'; RsEMappingCollectionExpected = 'Mapping collection expected'; RsEExpectedMappingName = 'Expected mapping name'; RsEExpectedNameMappings = 'Expected name mappings'; RsEInvalidNameMappingSpecification = 'Invalid name mapping specification'; RsEUnknownColor = 'Unknown color ''%s'''; RsEInvalidColor = 'Invalid color (%d)'; RsEItemNotForList = 'Item does not belong to this list'; //=== JvCombobox.pas ========================================================= resourcestring RsCapSelAll = '&Select all'; RsCapDeselAll = '&Deselect all'; RsCapInvertAll = '&Invert all'; RsENoMoreLength = 'Too many items selected'; //=== JvComputerInfoEx.pas =================================================== resourcestring RsEReadOnlyProperty = 'This value is read-only and cannot be changed.'; RsFileTypeString = '%s file'; RsAttrArchiveShortString = 'A'; RsAttrCompressedShortString = 'C'; RsAttrDirectoryShortString = 'D'; RsAttrReadOnlyShortString = 'R'; RsAttrHiddenShortString = 'H'; RsAttrSystemShortString = 'S'; //=== JvContextProvider.pas ================================================== resourcestring RsContextItemEmptyCaption = '(no context assigned to this item)'; RsENoContextAssigned = 'No context has been assigned to this item'; RsENoContextItem = 'Specified item is not a context item'; RsENotSupportedIInterfaceComponentReference = 'Component does not support IInterfaceComponentReference'; RsENotSupportedIJvDataProvider = 'Component does not support IJvDataProvider'; //=== JvCreateProcess.pas ==================================================== resourcestring RsIdle = 'Idle'; RsNormal = 'Normal'; RsHigh = 'High'; RsRealTime = 'RealTime'; RsEProcessIsRunning = 'Cannot perform this operation when process is running'; RsEProcessNotRunning = 'Process is not running'; //=== JvCSVBaseControls.pas ================================================== resourcestring RsReplaceExistingDatabase = 'Replace existing database?'; RsCVSDatabase = 'CSV Database'; RsFindText = 'Find Text:'; RsFirstHint = 'First'; RsPreviousHint = 'Previous'; RsFindHint = 'Find'; RsNextHint = 'Next'; RsLastHint = 'Last'; RsAddHint = 'Add'; RsDeleteHint = 'Delete'; RsPostHint = 'Post'; RsRefreshHint = 'Refresh'; RsENoFieldsDefined = 'No fields defined'; //=== JvCsvData.pas ========================================================== resourcestring RsErrorRowItem = ''; RsECsvErrFormat = '%0:s: %1:s'; RsECsvErrFormat2 = '%0:s: %1:s (%2:d)'; RsECsvInvalidSeparatorFmt = 'Invalid separator character (%s)'; RsEProblemReadingRow = 'Problem reading row %d'; RsENoRecord = 'No records'; RsENoFieldNamesMatch = 'No field names match in these datasets. CopyFromDataset failed.'; RsETimeTConvError = 'SetFieldData Error - TimeT-to-DateTime conversion error'; RsEFieldTypeNotHandled = 'SetFieldData Error - Field type not handled'; RsEUnableToLocateCSVFileInfo = 'Unable to locate CSV file information for field %s'; RsEPhysicalLocationOfCSVField = 'Physical location of CSV field %s unknown'; RsEInvalidFieldTypeCharacter = 'Invalid field type character: %s'; RsECsvNoRecord = 'No database record'; RsEUnexpectedError = 'Unexpected error parsing CSV Field Definitions'; RsEFieldDefinitionError = 'Field Definition Error. CsvFieldDef, FieldDefs, and file contents must match'; RsEInvalidCsvKeyDef = 'Invalid CsvKeyDef property. InternalInitFieldDefs failed'; RsEInternalErrorParsingCsvKeyDef = 'Internal Error parsing CsvKeyDef. InternalInitFieldDefs failed'; RsEContainsField = 'CsvKeyDef contains field ''%s'' which is not defined. InternalInitFieldDefs failed'; RsEInsertBlocked = 'InternalAddRecord cannot Add. Insert blocked'; RsEPostingHasBeenBlocked = 'Posting to this database has been blocked'; RsEKeyNotUnique = '%s - Key is not unique '; RsECannotInsertNewRow = 'Cannot insert new row. Insert blocked'; RsECannotPost = 'Cannot post. Not in dsEdit or dsInsert mode'; RsESortFailedCommaSeparated = 'Sort failed. You must give a comma separated list of field names'; RsESortFailedFieldNames = 'Sort failed. Unable to parse field names. '; RsESortFailedInvalidFieldNameInList = 'Sort failed. Invalid field name in list: %s'; RsEDataSetNotOpen = 'AppendRowString: DataSet is not open (active not set to true)'; RsEErrorProcessingFirstLine = 'Error processing first line of CSV file'; RsEFieldInFileButNotInDefinition = 'ProcessCsvHeaderRow: Field %s found in file, but not in field definitions'; RsECsvFieldLocationError = 'CSV field location error: %s'; RsEFieldNotFound = 'Field %s not found in the data file'; RsECsvStringTooLong = 'CSV string is too long: %s...'; RsECannotReadCsvFile = 'Can''t read CSV file %s'; RsEInternalLimit = 'JvCsvData - Internal Limit of MAXCOLUMNS (%d) reached. CSV Data has too many columns'; RsETableNameNotSet = 'TableName not specified'; RsEGetMode = 'Invalid option to GetMode'; RsENoTableName = 'TableName not specified'; RsETableNameRequired = 'LoadFromFile = True, so a TableName is required'; RsEInternalCompare = 'InternalCompare. Nil value detected'; RsEInvalidTableName = 'TJvCustomCsvDataSet.GetFileName - TableName property is not set'; //=== JvCsvParse.pas ========================================================= resourcestring RsEInvalidHexLiteral = 'HexStrToInt: Invalid hex literal'; //=== JvCursor.pas =========================================================== resourcestring RsCurExtension = 'cur'; RsCurDescription = 'Cursor files'; RsCursor = 'Cursor'; RsECursorLoadFromStream = 'LoadFromStream not supported'; RsECursorSaveToStream = 'SaveToStream not supported'; //=== JvDataProvider.pas ===================================================== resourcestring RsEItemsMayNotBeMovedInTheMainTree = 'Items may not be moved in the main tree'; RsEInvalidIndex = 'Invalid index'; RsEItemCanNotBeDeleted = 'Item cannot be deleted'; RsEContextNameExpected = 'Context name expected'; RsEConsumerStackIsEmpty = 'Consumer stack is empty'; RsEContextStackIsEmpty = 'Context stack is empty'; RsEAContextWithThatNameAlreadyExists = 'A context with that name already exists'; RsECannotCreateAContextWithoutAContext = 'Cannot create a context without a context list owner'; RsEComponentDoesNotSupportTheIJvDataPr = 'Component does not support the IJvDataProvider interface'; RsEComponentDoesNotSupportTheIInterfac = 'Component does not support the IInterfaceComponentReference interface'; RsEYouMustSpecifyAProviderBeforeSettin = 'You must specify a provider before setting the context'; RsEProviderHasNoContextNameds = 'Provider has no context named "%s"'; RsEProviderDoesNotSupportContexts = 'Provider does not support contexts'; RsETheSpecifiedContextIsNotPartOfTheSa = 'The specified context is not part of the same provider'; RsEYouMustSpecifyAProviderBeforeSettin_ = 'You must specify a provider before setting the item'; RsEItemNotFoundInTheSelectedContext = 'Item not found in the selected context'; RsEViewListOutOfSync = 'ViewList out of sync'; RsEProviderIsNoIJvDataConsumer = 'Provider property of ''%s'' does not point to a IJvDataConsumer'; RsEComponentIsNotDataConsumer = 'Component ''%s'' is not a data consumer'; RsECannotAddNil = 'Cannot add a nil pointer'; RsEConsumerNoSupportIJvDataConsumerClientNotify = 'Consumer does not support the ''IJvDataConsumerClientNotify'' interface'; RsENotifierNoSupprtIJvDataConsumer = 'Notifier does not support the ''IJvDataConsumer'' interface'; RsEExtensibleIntObjDuplicateClass = 'Implementation of that class already exists'; RsEExtensibleIntObjCollectionExpected = 'Expected collection'; RsEExtensibleIntObjClassNameExpected = 'Missing ClassName property'; RsEExtensibleIntObjInvalidClass = 'Invalid class type'; RsEDataProviderNeedsItemsImpl = 'Cannot create a data provider without an IJvDataItems implementation'; //=== JvDatePickerEdit.pas =================================================== resourcestring RsDefaultNoDateShortcut = 'Alt+Del'; RsEMustHaveADate = '%s must have a date!'; //=== JvDateTimePicker.pas =================================================== resourcestring RsNoneCaption = '(none)'; //=== JvDBActions.pas, JvDynControlEngineDBTools.pas ========================= resourcestring RsDBPosDialogCaption = 'Change Current Record Position'; RsDBPosCurrentPosition = 'Current Position'; RsDBPosNewPosition = 'New Position'; RsDBPosMovementType = 'Movement Type'; RsDBPosAbsolute = 'Absolute'; RsDBPosBackward = 'Backward'; RsDBPosForward = 'Forward'; RsDBPosPercental = 'Percental'; RsSRWPostButtonCaption = '&Post'; RsSRWCancelButtonCaption = '&Cancel'; RsSRWCloseButtonCaption = 'C&lose'; //=== JvDBActions.pas, ======================================================= resourcestring SModifyAllOkButton = 'Modify'; SModifyAllCaption = 'Modify All Records'; SModifyAllModifyField = 'Modify Field'; SModifyAllOnlyIfNull = 'Only If Null'; SModifyAllChangeTo = 'Change To'; SModifyAllClearFieldValues = 'Clear Field Values'; SShowSQLStatementCaption = 'Show Current SQL Statement'; SSQLStatementClipboardButton = '&Clipboard'; //=== JvDBControls.pas ======================================================= resourcestring RsInactiveData = 'Closed'; RsBrowseData = 'Browse'; RsEditData = 'Edit'; RsInsertData = 'Insert'; RsSetKeyData = 'Search'; RsCalcFieldsData = 'Calculate'; //=== JvDBGrid.pas =========================================================== resourcestring RsJvDBGridSelectTitle = 'Select columns'; //RsJvDBGridSelectOption = '[With the real field name]'; RsJvDBGridSelectWarning = 'At least one column must be visible!'; RsEJvDBGridControlPropertyNotAssigned = 'JvDBGrid.EditControls: property Control not assigned'; //=== JvDBUltimGrid.pas ====================================================== resourcestring RsEJvDBGridBadFieldKind = 'Cannot sort a binary or special field'; RsEJvDBGridIndexPropertyMissing = 'Cannot sort. An index property is missing'; RsEJvDBGridIndexMissing = 'Cannot sort. The corresponding index is missing'; RsEJvDBGridUserSortNotAssigned = 'Cannot sort. OnUserSort is not assigned'; //=== JvDBGridExport.pas ===================================================== resourcestring RsHTMLExportDocTitle = 'Grid to HTML Export'; RsExportWord = 'Exporting to MS Word...'; RsExportExcel = 'Exporting to MS Excel...'; RsExportHTML = 'Exporting to HTML...'; RsExportFile = 'Exporting to CSV/Text...'; RsExportClipboard = 'Exporting to Clipboard...'; RsEDataSetDataSourceIsUnassigned = 'Dataset or DataSource unassigned'; RsEGridIsUnassigned = 'No grid assigned'; //=== JvDBLookup.pas ========================================================= resourcestring RsEInvalidFormatNotAllowed = 'Invalid format: % not allowed'; RsEInvalidFormatsNotAllowed = 'Invalid format: %s not allowed'; //=== JvDBQueryParamsForm.pas ================================================ resourcestring // (p3) copied from bdeconst so we don't have to include the entire BDE for three strings... RsDataTypes = ';String;SmallInt;Integer;Word;Boolean;Float;Currency;BCD;Date;Time;DateTime;;;;Blob;Memo;Graphic;;;;;Cursor;'; RsParamEditor = '%0:s%1:s%2:s Parameters'; RsEInvalidParamFieldType = 'Must have a valid field type selected'; //=== JvDBRemoteLogin.pas ==================================================== resourcestring RsKeyLoginSection = 'Remote Login'; RsKeyLastLoginUserName = 'Last User'; //=== JvDBTreeView.pas ======================================================= resourcestring RsDeleteNode = 'Delete %s ?'; RsDeleteNode2 = 'Delete %s (with all children) ?'; RsMasterFieldError = '"MasterField" must be integer type'; RsDetailFieldError = '"DetailField" must be integer type'; RsItemFieldError = '"ItemField" must be string, date or integer type'; RsIconFieldError = '"IconField" must be integer type'; RsMasterFieldEmpty = '"MasterField" property must be filled'; RsDetailFieldEmpty = '"DetailField" property must be filled'; RsItemFieldEmpty = '"ItemField" property must be filled'; RsEMoveToModeError = 'Invalid move mode for JvDBTreeNode'; RsMasterDetailFieldError = '"MasterField" and "DetailField" must be of same type'; RsEDataSetNotActive = 'DataSet not active'; RsEErrorValueForDetailValue = 'error value for DetailValue'; //=== JvDBUtils.pas ========================================================== resourcestring RsConfirmSave = 'The data has changed. Save it?'; //=== JvDdeCmd.pas =========================================================== resourcestring RsEErrorCommandStart = 'Invalid command start format'; RsEErrorCommandFormat = 'Invalid command format: %s'; //=== JvDesignImp.pas ======================================================== resourcestring RsEDesignCannotSelect = 'Cannot add a nil selection.'; RsEOldestFmt = '%0:s: Oldest ancestor of Container must be a form.'; //=== JvDesignSurface.pas ==================================================== resourcestring RsEDesignNilFmt = '%0:s: %1:s is nil'; //=== JvDesktopAlertForm.pas ================================================= resourcestring RsClose = 'Close'; //=== JvDrawImage.pas ======================================================== resourcestring RsImageMustBeSquare = 'image must be square for Spirographs'; RsSumOfRadiTolarge = 'sum of radi too large'; RsBothRadiMustBeGr = 'both radi must be >%d'; //=== JvDropDownForm.pas ===================================================== resourcestring RsETJvCustomDropDownFormCreateOwnerMus = 'TJvCustomDropDownForm.Create: Owner must be a TCustomEdit'; //=== JvDSADialogs.pas ======================================================= resourcestring RsInTheCurrentQueue = 'in the current queue'; RsDSActkShowText = 'Do not show this dialog again'; RsDSActkAskText = 'Do not ask me again'; RsDSActkWarnText = 'Do not warn me again'; RsCntdownText = 'This dialog is closing in %s.'; RsCntdownMinText = 'minute'; RsCntdownMinsText = 'minutes'; RsCntdownSecText = 'second'; RsCntdownSecsText = 'seconds'; RsECannotEndCustomReadIfNotInCustomRea = 'Cannot end custom read if not in custom read mode'; RsECannotEndCustomWriteIfNotInCustomWr = 'Cannot end custom write if not in custom write mode'; RsECannotEndReadIfNotInReadMode = 'Cannot end read if not in read mode'; RsECannotEndWriteIfNotInWriteMode = 'Cannot end write if not in write mode'; RsEJvDSADialogPatchErrorJvDSADialogCom = 'JvDSADialog patch error: JvDSADialog component not found'; RsEDSARegKeyCreateError = 'Unable to create key %s'; RsEDSADuplicateID = 'DSA dialog with ID ''%d'' is already assigned to another dialog name'; RsEDSADuplicateName = 'DSA dialog named ''%s'' is already assigned to another dialog ID'; RsEDSADialogIDNotFound = 'DSA dialog %d does not exist'; RsEDSADuplicateCTK_ID = 'CheckMarkText ID %d already registered'; RsEDSADialogIDNotStored = 'DSA dialog %d has not been stored'; RsEDSAKeyNotFound = 'Key %s does not exist'; RsEDSAKeyNoAccessAs = 'Key %0:s cannot be accessed as %1:s'; RsECtrlHasNoCheckedProp = 'The specified control has no "Checked" property'; RsECtrlHasNoCaptionProp = 'The specified control has no "Caption" property'; RsEDialogIDChangeOnlyInDesign = 'The dialog ID can only be changed at design time'; RsEOnlyAllowedOnForms = 'TJvDSADialog is only allowed on forms'; RsEAlreadyDSADialog = 'The form already has a TJvDSADialog component'; RsEDSAAccessBool = 'Boolean'; RsEDSAAccessFloat = 'Float'; RsEDSAAccessInt64 = 'Int64'; RsEDSAAccessInt = 'Integer'; RsEDSAAccessString = 'string'; //=== JvDualList.pas ========================================================= resourcestring RsDualListSrcCaption = '&Source'; RsDualListDestCaption = '&Destination'; //=== JvDynControlEngine.pas ================================================= resourcestring RsEIntfCastError = 'component does not support interface'; RsEUnsupportedControlClass = 'TJvDynControlEngine.RegisterControl: Unsupported ControlClass "%s"'; RsENoRegisteredControlClass = 'TJvDynControlEngine.CreateControl: No Registered ControlClass "%s"'; RsENoFocusControl = 'TJvDynControlEngine.CreateLabelControlPanel: AFocusControl must be assigned'; //=== JvDynControlEngineDB.pas =============================================== resourcestring RsEUnassignedField = 'TJvDynControlEngineDB.GetFieldControlType: AField must be assigned'; RsEUnassignedMultiple = 'TJvDynControlEngineDB.CreateControlsFromDatasourceOnControl: ADataSource, ADataSource.Dataset and AControl must be assigned'; RsEUnassignedDataSet = 'TJvDynControlEngineDB.CreateControlsFromDatasourceOnControl: ADataSource.Dataset must be active'; //=== JvEDIDBBuffering.pas =================================================== resourcestring RsENoProfileDatasets = 'Not all profile datasets have been assigned.'; //=== JvEditor.pas, JvUnicodeEditor.pas ====================================== resourcestring RsERedoNotYetImplemented = 'Redo not yet implemented'; RsEInvalidCompletionMode = 'Invalid JvEditor Completion Mode'; //=== JvEmbeddedForms.pas ==================================================== resourcestring RsEFormLinkSingleInstanceOnly = 'You only need one form link per form.'; RsELinkCircularRef = 'Circular references not allowed.'; //=== JvErrorIndicator.pas =================================================== resourcestring RsEControlNotFoundInGetError = 'Control not found in GetError'; RsEControlNotFoundInGetImageAlignment = 'Control not found in GetImageAlignment'; RsEControlNotFoundInGetImagePadding = 'Control not found in GetImagePadding'; RsEUnableToAddControlInSetError = 'Unable to add control in SetError'; RsEUnableToAddControlInSetImageAlignme = 'Unable to add control in SetImageAlignment'; RsEUnableToAddControlInSetImagePadding = 'Unable to add control in SetImagePadding'; //=== JvExceptionForm.pas ==================================================== resourcestring RsCodeError = '%0:s.' + sLineBreak + 'Error Code: %1:.8x (%1:d).'; RsModuleError = 'Exception in module %0:s.' + sLineBreak + '%1:s'; //=== JvFindReplace.pas ====================================================== resourcestring RsNotFound = 'Search string ''%s'' not found'; RsXOccurencesReplaced = '%0:d occurence(s) of ''%1:s'' were replaced'; RsReplaceCaption = 'Replace'; RsFindCaption = 'Find'; RsENoEditAssigned = 'No edit control assigned!'; //=== JvFooter.pas =========================================================== resourcestring RsETJvFooterBtnCanOnlyBePlacedOnATJvFo = 'TJvFooterBtn can only be placed on a TJvFooter'; //=== JvForth.pas ============================================================ resourcestring RsEInvalidNumbers = 'invalid number %s'; RsEUnrecognizedDataTypeInSetOperation = 'unrecognized data type in set operation'; RsEUnterminatedBlockNear = 'unterminated block near '; RsEParserTimedOutAfterdSecondsYouMayHa = 'parser timed out after %d seconds; you may have circular includes'; RsEUnterminatedIncludeNears = 'unterminated include near %s'; RsEIllegalSpaceCharacterInTheIncludeFi = 'illegal space character in the include file: %s'; RsECanNotFindIncludeFiles = 'Can not find include file: %s'; RsEOnIncludeHandlerNotAssignedCanNotHa = 'OnInclude handler not assigned, can not handle include file: %s'; RsEMissingCommentTerminatorNears = 'missing "}" comment terminator near %s'; RsEMissingXmlMethodSpecifierNears = 'missing XML method specifier near %s'; RsEMissingDataSourceMethodSpecifierNea = 'missing data source method specifier near %s'; RsEMissingSystemMethodSpecifierNears = 'missing system method specifier near %s'; RsEMissingExternalVariableMethodSpecif = 'missing external variable method specifier near %s'; RsEMissingInternalVariableMethodSpecif = 'missing internal variable method specifier near %s'; RsEUndefinedWordsNears = 'undefined word "%0:s" near %1:s'; RsEScriptTimedOutAfterdSeconds = 'Script timed out after %d seconds'; RsECanNotAssignVariables = 'can not assign variable %s'; RsEVariablesNotDefined = 'Variable %s not defined'; RsEProceduresNotDefined = 'procedure %s not defined'; RsEVariablesNotDefined_ = 'variable %s not defined'; RsESystemsNotDefined = 'System %s not defined'; RsECanNotAssignSystems = 'can not assign System %s'; RsEUnrecognizedExternalVariableMethodss = 'unrecognized external variable method %0:s.%1:s'; RsEUnrecognizedInternalVariableMethodss = 'unrecognized internal variable method %0:s.%1:s'; RsEUnrecognizedSystemMethodss = 'unrecognized system method %0:s.%1:s'; RsEFilesDoesNotExist = 'File %s does not exist'; RsECanNotSaveToFiles = 'Can not save to file %s'; RsEXMLSelectionIsEmpty = 'XML selection is empty'; RsENoXMLSelectionSelected = 'no XML selection selected'; RsEXMLSelectionOutOfRange = 'XML selection out of range'; RsEInvalidXmlMethodSpecifiers = 'invalid XML method specifier %s'; RsEIncrementIndexExpectedIns = 'Increment Index: "[" expected in %s'; RsEIncrementIndexExpectedIns_ = 'Increment Index: "]" expected in %s'; RsEIncrementIndexExpectedIntegerBetwee = 'Increment Index: expected integer between "[..]" in %s'; RsEDSOIndexOutOfRanged = 'DSO index out of range %d'; RsEDSOUnknownKeys = 'DSO unknown key %s'; //=== JvFullColorCtrls.pas =================================================== resourcestring RsColorHintFmt1 = 'FullColor: %0:.8x' + sLineBreak + 'ColorSpace: %1:s (%2:d)' + sLineBreak + 'Name: %3:s' + sLineBreak + 'Pretty name: %4:s'; RsColorHintFmt2 = 'FullColor: %0:.8x, ColorSpace: %1:s (%2:d)' + sLineBreak + 'Axis %3:s = %4:d' + sLineBreak + 'Axis %5:s = %6:d' + sLineBreak + 'Axis %7:s = %8:d'; RsEDuplicateTrackBar = 'TrackBar already used by component "%s"'; RsEUnsupportedColorSpace = 'Unsupported color space "%d"'; //=== JvFullColorDialogs.pas ================================================= resourcestring RsExpandedCaption = '<< &Hide'; RsCollapsedCaption = '&Panels >>'; //=== JvFullColorSpaces.pas ================================================== resourcestring RsENoTypeInfo = 'The class %s contains no run time type info' + sLineBreak + '"Class in module" test cannot be executed'; RsEUnnamedAxis = 'Unnamed Color Axis'; RsEUnnamedSpace = 'Unnamed Color Space'; RsEUCS = 'UCS'; RsENoName = 'No Name'; RsECSNotFound = 'Color Space not found: %d'; RsEIllegalID = 'Color Space ID %d is illegal'; RsECSAlreadyExists = 'Color Space Already exists [ID: %0:d, Name: %1:s]'; RsEInconvertibleColor = 'TColor value $%.8X cannot be converted to TJvFullColor'; RsRGB_Red = 'Red'; RsRGB_Green = 'Green'; RsRGB_Blue = 'Blue'; RsRGB_FullName = 'True Color'; RsRGB_ShortName = 'RGB'; RsHLS_Hue = 'Hue'; RsHLS_Lightness = 'Lightness'; RsHLS_Saturation = 'Saturation'; RsHLS_FullName = 'Chromatic Vision'; RsHLS_ShortName = 'HLS'; RsCMY_Cyan = 'Cyan'; RsCMY_Magenta = 'Magenta'; RsCMY_Yellow = 'Yellow'; RsCMY_FullName = 'Substractive Vision'; RsCMY_ShortName = 'CMY'; RsYUV_Y = 'Y Value'; RsYUV_U = 'U Value'; RsYUV_V = 'V Value'; RsYUV_FullName = 'PC Video'; RsYUV_ShortName = 'YUV'; RsHSV_Hue = 'Hue'; RsHSV_Saturation = 'Saturation'; RsHSV_Value = 'Value'; RsHSV_FullName = 'Rotation Vision'; RsHSV_ShortName = 'HSV'; RsYIQ_Y = 'Y'; RsYIQ_I = 'I'; RsYIQ_Q = 'Q'; RsYIQ_FullName = 'NTSC US television standard'; RsYIQ_ShortName = 'YIQ'; RsYCC_Y = 'Y'; RsYCC_Cr = 'Cr'; RsYCC_Cb = 'Cb'; RsYCC_FullName = 'YCrCb'; RsYCC_ShortName = 'YCC'; RsXYZ_X = 'X'; RsXYZ_Y = 'Y'; RsXYZ_Z = 'Z'; RsXYZ_FullName = 'CIE XYZ'; RsXYZ_ShortName = 'XYZ'; RsLAB_L = 'L'; RsLAB_A = 'A'; RsLAB_B = 'B'; RsLAB_FullName = 'CIE LAB'; RsLAB_ShortName = 'LAB'; RsDEF_FullName = 'Delphi predefined colors'; RsDEF_ShortName = 'DEF'; //=== Jvg3DColors.pas ======================================================== resourcestring RsEOnlyOneInstanceOfTJvg3DLocalColors = 'Cannot create more than one instance of TJvg3DLocalColors component'; //=== JvGammaPanel.pas ======================================================= resourcestring RsRedFormat = 'R : %3D'; RsGreenFormat = 'G : %3D'; RsBlueFormat = 'B : %3D'; RsHint1 = 'Background Color'; RsHint2 = 'Foreground Color'; RsXCaption = 'X'; RsLabelHint = 'Exchange colors'; RsDefaultB = 'B : ---'; RsDefaultG = 'G : ---'; RsDefaultR = 'R : ---'; //=== JvgAskListBox.pas ====================================================== resourcestring RsYes = 'yes'; RsNo = 'no'; //=== JvgButton.pas ========================================================== resourcestring RsEErrorDuringAccessGlyphsListOrGlyphP = 'Error during access GlyphsList or Glyph property'; //=== JvgCaption.pas ========================================================= resourcestring RsEOnlyOneInstanceOfTJvgCaption = 'Cannot create more than one instance of TJvgCaption component'; //=== JvgCheckVersionInfoForm.pas ============================================ resourcestring RsNoNewerVersionOfProgramAvailable = 'No newer version of program available'; //=== JvGenetic.pas ========================================================== resourcestring RsENoTest = 'TJvGenetic: OnTestMember must be assigned'; //=== JvgExportComponents.pas ================================================ resourcestring RsEDataSetIsUnassigned = 'DataSet is unassigned'; RsESaveToFileNamePropertyIsEmpty = 'SaveToFileName property is empty'; RsEExcelNotAvailable = 'Excel not available'; //=== JvgHelpPanel.pas ======================================================= resourcestring RsHelp = ' help '; RsOpenContextMenuToLoadRTFTextControl = 'Open context menu to load RTF text. Control shows text at runtime only.'; //=== JvgHint.pas ============================================================ resourcestring RsEOnlyOneInstanceOfTJvgHint = 'Cannot create more than one instance of TJvgHint component'; //=== JvgHTTPVersionInfo.pas ================================================= resourcestring RsEUnknownURLPropertyVersionDataURLIs = 'Unknown URL: property VersionDataURL is empty'; //=== JvGIF.pas ============================================================== resourcestring RsGIFImage = 'CompuServe GIF Image'; RsEChangeGIFSize = 'Cannot change the Size of a GIF image'; RsENoGIFData = 'No GIF Data to write'; RsEUnrecognizedGIFExt = 'Unrecognized extension block: %.2x'; RsEWrongGIFColors = 'Wrong number of colors; must be a power of 2'; RsEBadGIFCodeSize = 'GIF code size not in range 2 to 9'; RsEGIFDecodeError = 'GIF encoded data is corrupt'; RsEGIFEncodeError = 'GIF image encoding error'; RsEGIFVersion = 'Unknown GIF version'; //=== JvgLogics.pas ========================================================== resourcestring RsEqualTo = 'equal to'; RsStartingWith = 'starting with'; RsEndsWith = 'ends with'; RsContains = 'contains'; RsIsContainedWithin = 'is contained within'; RsNotEmpty = 'not empty'; RsStep = 'Step '; RsComments = 'Comments'; //=== JvgMailSlots.pas ======================================================= resourcestring RsJvMailSlotServerErrorCreatingChan = 'Mailslot-Server: Error creating channel!'; RsJvMailSlotServerErrorGatheringInf = 'Mailslot-Server: Error gathering information!'; RsJvMailSlotServerErrorReadingMessa = 'Mailslot-Server: Error reading message!'; //=== JvgProgress.pas ======================================================== resourcestring RsProgressCaption = 'Progress...[%d%%]'; //=== JvgQPrintPreviewForm.pas =============================================== resourcestring RsPageOfPages = 'Page %0:d of %1:d'; //=== JvGradientHeaderPanel.pas ============================================== resourcestring RsYourTextHereCaption = 'Put your text here ...'; //=== JvgReport.pas ========================================================== resourcestring RsOLELinkedObjectNotFound = 'OLE: Linked object not found.'; RsErrorText = 'Error'; RsErrorReadingComponent = 'Error reading component'; //=== JvGridPreviewForm.pas ================================================== resourcestring RsOfd = 'of %d'; RsPaged = 'Page %d'; RsNoPrinterIsInstalled = 'No Printer is installed'; //=== JvGridPrinter.pas ====================================================== resourcestring RsPrintOptionsPageFooter = 'date|time|page'; RsPrintOptionsDateFormat = 'd-mmm-yyyy'; RsPrintOptionsTimeFormat = 'h:nn am/pm'; //=== JvgSingleInstance.pas ================================================== resourcestring RsOneInstanceOfThisProgramIsAlreadyRu = 'One instance of this program is already running. A second instance launch is not allowed.'; RsSecondInstanceLaunchOfs = 'Second instance launch of %s'; //=== JvgSmallFontsDefense.pas =============================================== resourcestring RsTJvgSmallFontsDefenseCannotBeUsedWi = 'TJvgSmallFontsDefense cannot be used with large fonts.'; //=== JvgUtils.pas =========================================================== resourcestring RsERightBracketsNotFound = 'Right brackets not found'; RsERightBracketHavntALeftOnePosd = 'Right bracket does not have a left one. Pos: %d'; RsEDivideBy = 'Divide by 0'; RsEDuplicateSignsAtPos = 'Duplicate signs at Pos: %d'; RsEExpressionStringIsEmpty = 'Expression string is empty'; {$IFDEF glDEBUG} RsEObjectMemoryLeak = 'object memory leak'; {$ENDIF glDEBUG} //=== JvgXMLSerializer.pas =================================================== resourcestring { RUSSIAN RsOpenXMLTagNotFound = 'Ξςκπϋβΰώωθι ςεγ νε νΰιδεν: <%s>'; RsCloseXMLTagNotFound = 'Ηΰκπϋβΰώωθι ςεγ νε νΰιδεν: '; RsUncknownProperty = 'Uncknown property: %s' } RsOpenXMLTagNotFound = 'Open tag not found: <%s>'; RsCloseXMLTagNotFound = 'Close tag not found: '; RsUnknownProperty = 'Unknown property: %s'; //=== JvHidControllerClass.pas =============================================== resourcestring RsUnknownLocaleIDFmt = 'Unknown Locale ID $%.4x'; RsHIDP_STATUS_NULL = 'Device not plugged in'; RsHIDP_STATUS_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA = 'Invalid preparsed data'; RsHIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE = 'Invalid report type'; RsHIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH = 'Invalid report length'; RsHIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND = 'Usage not found'; RsHIDP_STATUS_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE = 'Value out of range'; RsHIDP_STATUS_BAD_LOG_PHY_VALUES = 'Bad logical or physical values'; RsHIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL = 'Buffer too small'; RsHIDP_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR = 'Internal error'; RsHIDP_STATUS_I8042_TRANS_UNKNOWN = '8042 key translation impossible'; RsHIDP_STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_REPORT_ID = 'Incompatible report ID'; RsHIDP_STATUS_NOT_VALUE_ARRAY = 'Not a value array'; RsHIDP_STATUS_IS_VALUE_ARRAY = 'Is a value array'; RsHIDP_STATUS_DATA_INDEX_NOT_FOUND = 'Data index not found'; RsHIDP_STATUS_DATA_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE = 'Data index out of range'; RsHIDP_STATUS_BUTTON_NOT_PRESSED = 'Button not pressed'; RsHIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 'Report does not exist'; RsHIDP_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 'Not implemented'; RsUnknownHIDFmt = 'Unknown HID error %x'; RsHIDErrorPrefix = 'HID Error: '; RsEDirectThreadCreationNotAllowed = 'Direct creation of a TJvDeviceReadThread object is not allowed'; RsEDirectHidDeviceCreationNotAllowed = 'Direct creation of a TJvHidDevice object is not allowed'; RsEDeviceCannotBeIdentified = 'Device cannot be identified'; RsEDeviceCannotBeOpened = 'Device cannot be opened'; RsEOnlyOneControllerPerProgram = 'Only one TJvHidDeviceController allowed per program'; RsEHIDBooleanError = 'HID Error: a boolean function failed'; //=== JvHint.pas ============================================================= resourcestring RsHintCaption = 'Hint'; //=== JvHLEditorPropertyForm.pas ============================================= resourcestring RsHLEdPropDlg_Caption = 'Editor Properties'; RsHLEdPropDlg_tsEditor = 'Editor'; RsHLEdPropDlg_tsColors = 'Colors'; RsHLEdPropDlg_lblEditorSpeedSettings = 'Editor SpeedSettings'; RsHLEdPropDlg_cbKeyboardLayoutDefault = 'Default keymapping'; RsHLEdPropDlg_gbEditor = 'Editor options:'; RsHLEdPropDlg_cbAutoIndent = '&Auto indent mode'; RsHLEdPropDlg_cbSmartTab = 'S&mart tab'; RsHLEdPropDlg_cbBackspaceUnindents = 'Backspace &unindents'; RsHLEdPropDlg_cbGroupUndo = '&Group undo'; RsHLEdPropDlg_cbCursorBeyondEOF = 'Cursor beyond &EOF'; RsHLEdPropDlg_cbCursorBeyondEOL = 'Cursor beyond end of &line'; RsHLEdPropDlg_cbUndoAfterSave = '&Undo after sa&ve'; RsHLEdPropDlg_cbKeepTrailingBlanks = '&Keep trailing blanks'; RsHLEdPropDlg_cbDoubleClickLine = '&Double click line'; RsHLEdPropDlg_cbSytaxHighlighting = 'Use &syntax highlight'; RsHLEdPropDlg_lblTabStops = '&Tab stops:'; RsHLEdPropDlg_lblColorSpeedSettingsFor = 'Color SpeedSettings for'; RsHLEdPropDlg_lblElement = '&Element:'; RsHLEdPropDlg_lblColor = '&Color:'; RsHLEdPropDlg_gbTextAttributes = 'Text attributes:'; RsHLEdPropDlg_gbUseDefaultsFor = 'Use defaults for:'; RsHLEdPropDlg_cbBold = '&Bold'; RsHLEdPropDlg_cbItalic = '&Italic'; RsHLEdPropDlg_cbUnderline = '&Underline'; RsHLEdPropDlg_cbDefForeground = '&Foreground'; RsHLEdPropDlg_cbDefBackground = '&Background'; RsHLEdPropDlg_OptionCantBeChanged = 'This option cannot be changed. Sorry.'; RsEHLEdPropDlg_RAHLEditorNotAssigned = 'JvHLEditor property is not assigned'; RsEHLEdPropDlg_RegAutoNotAssigned = 'RegAuto property is not assigned'; RsEHLEdPropDlg_GridCellNotFound = 'Grid cell not found'; //=== JvHTTPGrabber.pas ====================================================== resourcestring RsAgent = 'TJvHTTPGrabber Delphi Component'; //=== JvId3v1.pas ============================================================ resourcestring RsENotActive = 'Not active'; //=== JvID3v2Base.pas ======================================================== resourcestring RsENameMsgFormat = '%0:s: %1:s'; RsEAllowedEncodingsIsEmpty = 'FAllowedEncodings is empty'; RsEAlreadyReadingWriting = 'Already reading or writing'; RsEAlreadyReadingWritingFrame = 'Already reading/writing frame'; RsEAlreadyUsingTempStream = 'Already using temp stream'; RsECannotCallCanRead = 'Cannot call CanRead while writing'; RsEControllerDoesNotSupportCompression = 'Controller does not support compression'; RsEControllerDoesNotSupportCRC = 'Controller does not support CRC'; RsEControllerDoesNotSupportEncryption = 'Controller does not support encryption'; RsEControllerDoesNotSupportFooter = 'Controller does not support footer'; RsECouldNotFindAllowableEncoding = 'Could not find allowable encoding'; RsECouldNotReadData = 'Could not read data from stream'; RsEErrorInFrame = 'Error in frame %0:s (%1:s), %2:s'; RsEFrameSizeDiffers = 'Frame size differs from actually amount of data written'; RsEFrameSizeTooBig = 'Frame size is too big'; RsELanguageNotOfLength3 = 'Language is not of length 3'; RsENoTempStream = 'No temp stream'; RsENotReadingFrame = 'Not reading frame'; RsENotUsingTempStream = 'Not using temp stream'; RsENotWriting = 'Not writing'; RsENotWritingFrame = 'Not writing frame'; RsETagTooBig = 'Tag is too big'; RsEValueTooBig = 'Cannot write value in v2.2; too big'; RsENotReading = 'Not reading'; RsEID3FrameNotFound = 'Frame not found'; RsEID3UnknownEncoding = 'Unknown encoding'; RsEID3UnknownVersion = 'Unknown version'; RsEID3DuplicateFrame = 'Frame is a duplicate of another frame in the tag'; RsEID3AlreadyContainsFrame = 'Tag already contains a ''%s'' frame'; RsEID3ControllerNotActive = 'Controller is not active'; RsEID3EncodingNotSupported = 'Encoding not supported in this version'; RsEID3VersionNotSupported = 'Version not supported'; RsEID3InvalidLanguageValue = '''%s'' is an invalid language value'; RsEID3InvalidPartInSetValue = '''%s'' is an invalid ''part in set'' value'; RsEID3InvalidTimeValue = '''%s'' is an invalid time value.' + sLineBreak + 'Value must be of format ''HHMM'''; RsEID3InvalidDateValue = '''%s'' is an invalid date value.' + sLineBreak + 'Value must be of format ''DDMM'''; RsEID3ValueTooBig = '''%d'' is an invalid value. Value is too big'; RsEID3StringTooLong = '''%s'' is an invalid value. String is too long'; RsEID3InvalidCharinList = 'Invalid char ''%0:s'' in string ''%1:s'' in list'; RsEID3InvalidFrameClass = 'Frame class ''%0:s'' cannot be used to represent frame ID ''%1:s'''; RsEID3FrameIDNotSupported = 'Frame ID ''%s'' not supported by this frame'; RsEID3FrameIDStrNotSupported = 'Frame ID string ''%s'' not supported by this frame'; //=== JvId3v2Types.pas ======================================================= resourcestring RsEFrameIDSizeCanOnlyBe34 = 'Frame ID size can only be 3 or 4'; //=== JvImageDlg.pas ========================================================= resourcestring RsImageTitle = 'Image Viewer'; //=== JvImageList.pas ======================================================== resourcestring RsResource = 'Resource %s'; RsMappedResource = 'Mapped Resource %s'; RsBitmap = 'Bitmap %s'; RsEWrongImageListMode = 'Wrong image list mode. For this function the mode must be %s'; //=== JvImageWindow.pas ====================================================== resourcestring RsEImagesNotAssigned = 'Images not Assigned!'; //=== JvInspector.pas ======================================================== resourcestring RsJvInspItemValueException = 'Exception '; RsJvInspItemUnInitialized = '(uninitialized)'; RsJvInspItemUnassigned = '(unassigned)'; RsJvInspItemNoValue = '(no value)'; RsStringListEditorCaption = 'String list editor'; RsXLinesCaption = ' lines'; RsOneLineCaption = '1 line'; RsEJvInspItemHasParent = 'Item already assigned to another parent'; RsEJvInspItemNotAChild = 'Specified Item is not a child of this item'; RsEJvInspItemColNotFound = 'Specified column does not belong to this compound item'; RsEJvInspItemItemIsNotCol = 'Specified item is not a column of this compound item'; RsEJvInspItemInvalidPropValue = 'Invalid property value %s'; RsEJvInspDataNoAccessAs = 'Data cannot be accessed as %s'; RsEJvInspDataNotInit = 'Data not initialized'; RsEJvInspDataNotAssigned = 'Data not assigned'; RsEJvInspDataNoValue = 'Data has no value'; RsEJvInspDataStrTooLong = 'String too long'; RsEJvInspRegNoCompare = 'Cannot compare %0:s to %1:s'; RsEJvInspNoGenReg = 'Unable to create generic item registration list'; RsEJvInspPaintNotActive = 'Painter is not the active painter of the specified inspector'; RsEJvInspPaintOnlyUsedOnce = 'Inspector painter can only be linked to one inspector'; RsEInspectorInternalError = 'Internal error: two data instances pointing to the same data are registered'; RsESpecifierBeforeSeparator = 'A specifier should be placed before and after a separator'; RsEDOrDDOnlyOnce = '''d'' or ''dd'' should appear only once'; RsEMOrMMOnlyOnce = '''m'' or ''mm'' should appear only once'; RsEYYOrYYYYOnlyOnce = '''yy'' or ''yyyy'' should appear only once'; RsEOnlyDOrDDAllowed = 'Only ''d'' or ''dd'' are allowed'; RsEOnlyMOrMMAllowed = 'Only ''m'' or ''mm'' are allowed'; RsEOnlyYYOrYYYYAllowed = 'Only ''yy'' or ''yyyy'' are allowed'; RsEOnlyTwoSeparators = 'Only two separators are allowed'; RsEOnlyDMYSAllowed = 'Only ''d'', ''m'', ''y'' and ''%s'' are allowed'; RsEDOrDDRequired = '''d'' or ''dd'' are required'; RsEMOrMMRequired = '''m'' or ''mm'' are required'; RsEYYOrYYYYRequired = '''yy'' or ''yyyy'' are required'; RsEInstanceAlreadyExists = 'Instance already exists with another name'; RsENameAlreadyExistsForInstance = 'Name already exists for another instance'; RsEInstanceNonexistent = 'Instance does not exist'; RsEMethodAlreadyExists = 'Method already exists with another name'; RsENameAlreadyExistsForMethod = 'Name already exists for another method'; RsENamedInstanceNonexistent = 'Instance named ''%s'' does not exist'; RsEMethodNonexistent = 'Method does not exist'; RsENamedMethodNonexistent = 'Method named ''%s'' does not exist'; RsENotSeparately = '%s cannot be created separately'; RsENoNewInstance = '%s does not allow a new instance to be created'; // (rom) converted assertions RsEJvAssertSetTopIndex = 'TJvCustomInspector.SetTopIndex: unexpected MaxIdx <= -1'; RsEJvAssertInspectorPainter = 'TJvInspectorCustomCompoundItem.DivideRect: unexpected Inspector.Painter = nil'; RsEJvAssertDataParent = 'TJvInspectorSetMemberData.New: unexpected ADataParent = nil'; RsEJvAssertParent = 'TJvInspectorSetMemberData.New: unexpected AParent = nil'; RsEJvAssertPropInfo = 'TJvInspectorPropData.New: unexpected PropInfo = nil'; RsEJvAssertClassInfo = 'TJvInspectorPropData.New: unexpected ClassInfo = nil'; RsEJvAssertINIFile = 'TJvInspectorINIFileData.New: unexpected AINIFile = nil'; //=== JvInspXVCL.pas ========================================================= resourcestring RsENoNodeSpecified = 'TJvInspectorxNodeData.New: No node specified'; //=== JvInstallLabel.pas ===================================================== resourcestring RsEListOutOfBounds = 'List index out of bounds (%d)'; //=== JvInterpreter.pas ====================================================== resourcestring RsNotImplemented = 'Function not yet implemented'; RsOleAutomationCall = 'Ole automation call'; RsESorryDynamicArraysSupportIsMadeForO = 'Sorry. Dynamic arrays support is made for one-dimensional arrays only'; RsEUnknownRecordType = 'Unknown RecordType'; RsERangeCheckError = 'Range check error'; RsArrayToArrayAssignment = 'Array to array assignment'; //=== JvInterpreter_Quickrpt.pas ============================================= resourcestring RsENoQuickReportFound = 'TQuickRep component not found on the form'; //=== JvInterpreter_System.pas =============================================== resourcestring RsESizeMustBeEven = 'The size of bounds array must be even!'; //=== JvInterpreterConst.pas ================================================= resourcestring RsEInterpreter0 = 'Ok'; RsEInterpreter1 = 'Unknown error'; RsEInterpreter2 = 'Internal interpreter error: %s'; RsEInterpreter3 = 'User break'; RsEInterpreter4 = 'Re-raising an exception only allowed in exception handler'; RsEInterpreter5 = 'Error in unit ''%0:s'' on line %1:d : %2:s'; RsEInterpreter6 = 'External error in unit ''%0:s'' on line %1:d : %2:s'; RsEInterpreter7 = 'Access denied to ''%s'''; RsEInterpreter8 = 'Expression is too complex - overflow'; RsEInterpreter31 = 'Record ''%s'' not defined'; RsEInterpreter52 = 'Stack overflow'; RsEInterpreter53 = 'Type mismatch'; RsEInterpreter55 = 'Function ''main'' undefined'; RsEInterpreter56 = 'Unit ''%s'' not found'; RsEInterpreter57 = 'Event ''%s'' not registered'; RsEInterpreter58 = 'DFM ''%s'' not found'; RsEInterpreter101 = 'Error in remark'; // (rom) in comment? RsEInterpreter103 = '%0:s expected but %1:s found'; RsEInterpreter104 = 'Undeclared Identifier ''%s'''; RsEInterpreter105 = 'Type of expression must be boolean'; RsEInterpreter106 = 'Class type required'; RsEInterpreter107 = ' not allowed before else'; RsEInterpreter108 = 'Type of expression must be integer'; RsEInterpreter109 = 'Record, object or class type required'; RsEInterpreter110 = 'Missing operator or semicolon'; RsEInterpreter111 = 'Identifier redeclared: ''%s'''; RsEInterpreter171 = 'Array index out of bounds'; RsEInterpreter172 = 'Too many array bounds'; RsEInterpreter173 = 'Not enough array bounds'; RsEInterpreter174 = 'Invalid array dimension'; RsEInterpreter175 = 'Invalid array range'; RsEInterpreter176 = 'Array type required'; RsEInterpreter181 = 'Too many actual parameters'; RsEInterpreter182 = 'Not enough parameters'; RsEInterpreter183 = 'Incompatible types: ''%0:s'' and ''%1:s'''; RsEInterpreter184 = 'Error loading library ''%s'''; RsEInterpreter185 = 'Invalid type of argument in call to function ''%s'''; RsEInterpreter186 = 'Invalid type of result in call to function ''%s'''; RsEInterpreter187 = 'Can''t get proc address for function ''%s'''; RsEInterpreter188 = 'Invalid type of argument in call to function ''%s'''; RsEInterpreter189 = 'Invalid type of result in call to function ''%s'''; RsEInterpreter190 = 'Invalid calling convention for function ''%s'''; RsEInterpreter201 = 'Calling ''%0:s'' failed: ''%1:s'''; RsEInterpreter301 = 'Expression'; RsEInterpreter302 = 'Identifier'; RsEInterpreter303 = 'Declaration'; RsEInterpreter304 = 'End of File'; RsEInterpreter305 = 'Class Declaration'; RsEInterpreter306 = 'Integer Constant'''; RsEInterpreter307 = 'Integer Value'; RsEInterpreter308 = 'String Constant'; RsEInterpreter309 = 'Statement'; RsEInterpreter401 = 'Implementation of unit not found'; RsEInterpreter402 = 'Array and Record types are not allowed as procedure/function parameter'; RsEXOrX = ''' or '''; //=== JvInterpreterFm.pas ==================================================== resourcestring RsENoReportProc = 'Procedure "JvInterpreterRunReportPreview" not found'; RsENoReportProc2 = 'Procedure "JvInterpreterRunReportPreview2" not found'; //=== JvJanTreeView.pas ====================================================== resourcestring RsSaveCurrentTree = 'Save Current Tree'; RsSearch = 'Search'; RsSearchFor = 'Search for:'; RsNoMoresFound = 'No more %s found'; RsEInvalidReduction = 'Invalid reduction'; RsEBadTokenState = 'Bad token state'; RsTreeViewFiles = 'TreeView Files'; RsNewNode = 'new node'; RsNew = 'new'; RsRecalculateErr = 'Error in: %s'; //=== JvJoystick.pas ========================================================= resourcestring RsNoJoystickDriver = 'The joystick driver is not present.'; RsCannotCaptureJoystick = 'Cannot capture the joystick'; RsJoystickUnplugged = 'The specified joystick is not connected to the system.'; RsJoystickErrorParam = 'The specified joystick device identifier is invalid.'; RsEJoystickError = 'Unable to initialize joystick driver'; //=== JvJVCLUtils.pas ======================================================== resourcestring RsENotForMdi = 'MDI forms are not allowed'; RsEPixelFormatNotImplemented = 'BitmapToMemoryStream: pixel format not implemented'; RsEBitCountNotImplemented = 'BitmapToMemoryStream: bit count not implemented'; RsECantGetShortCut = 'Target FileName for ShortCut %s not available'; RsEBadGraphicSignature = 'Bad Graphic Signature'; RsEChildControlMissing = 'Child control is nil'; //=== JvLinkedControls.pas =================================================== resourcestring RsEOwnerLinkError = 'Cannot link to owner control'; //=== JvLinkLabel.pas ======================================================== resourcestring RsEUnableToLocateMode = 'Unable to locate specified node'; RsETagNotFound = 'TJvCustomLinkLabel.UpdateDynamicTag: Tag not found'; //=== JvLinkLabelParser.pas ================================================== resourcestring RsENoMoreElementsToReturn = 'TElementEnumerator.GetNextElement: No more elements to return'; RsEUnsupportedState = 'TDefaultParser.ParseNode: Unsupported state'; //=== JvLinkLabelTextHandler.pas ============================================= resourcestring RsENoMoreWords = 'TWordEnumerator.GetNext: No more words to return'; RsEUnsupported = 'TTextHandler.EmptyBuffer: Unsupported TParentTextElement descendant encountered'; //=== JvLinkLabelTools.pas =================================================== resourcestring RsECannotBeInstantiated = 'This class cannot be instantiated'; //=== JvLinkLabelTree.pas ==================================================== resourcestring RsETNodeGetNodeTypeUnknownClass = 'TNode.GetNodeType: Unknown class'; RsENoMoreNodesToReturn = 'No more nodes to return'; RsENoMoreRecordsToReturn = 'No more records to return'; RsEWordInfoIndexOutOfBounds = 'TStringNode.GetWordInfo: Index out of bounds'; //=== JvListView.pas ========================================================= resourcestring RsETooManyColumns = 'TJvListView.GetColumnsOrder: too many columns'; //=== JvLoginForm.pas ======================================================== resourcestring RsRegistrationCaption = 'Registration'; RsAppTitleLabel = 'Application "%s"'; RsHintLabel = 'Type your user name and password to enter the application'; RsUserNameLabel = '&User name:'; RsPasswordLabel = '&Password:'; RsUnlockCaption = 'Unlock application'; RsUnlockHint = 'Type your password to unlock the application'; //=== JvMail.pas ============================================================= resourcestring RsAttachmentNotFound = 'Attached file "%s" not found'; RsRecipNotValid = 'Recipient %s has invalid address'; RsNoClientInstalled = 'There is no MAPI-enabled client on the machine'; RsNoUserLogged = 'There must be a user logged before call this function'; //=== JvMemoryDataset.pas ==================================================== resourcestring RsEMemNoRecords = 'No data found'; // 'Registro ya existente.'; RsERecordDuplicate = 'Record already exists.'; // 'Registro no encontrado.'; RsERecordInexistent = 'Record not found.'; // 'No se pudo agregar el registro.'; RsEInsertError = 'Unable to append the record.'; // 'No se pudo modificar el registro.'; RsEUpdateError = 'Unable to modify the record.'; // 'No se pudo eliminar el registro.'; RsEDeleteError = 'Unable to erase the record.'; //=== JvMouseGesture.pas ===================================================== resourcestring RsECannotHookTwice = 'JvMouseGesture Fatal: You cannot hook this event twice'; //=== JvMRUList.pas ========================================================== resourcestring RsEErrorMruCreating = 'Unable to create MRU'; RsEErrorMruUnicode = 'Windows NT required for Unicode in MRU'; //=== JvMRUManager.pas ======================================================= resourcestring RsEDuplicatesNotAllowedInMRUList = 'Duplicates not allowed in MRU list'; //=== JvMTComponents.pas ===================================================== resourcestring RsENoThreadManager = 'No ThreadManager specified'; RsEOperatorNotAvailable = 'Operation not available while thread is active'; RsECannotChangePropertySection = 'Cannot change property of active section'; RsECannotChangePropertyBuffer = 'Cannot change property of active buffer'; //=== JvMTData.pas =========================================================== resourcestring RsEMethodOnlyForMainThread = '%s method can only be used by the main VCL thread'; //=== JvMTSync.pas =========================================================== resourcestring RsESemaphoreFailure = 'Semaphore failure (%d)'; RsESemaphoreAbandoned = 'Semaphore was abandoned'; RsEThreadAbandoned = 'Thread was abandoned'; //=== JvMTThreading.pas ====================================================== resourcestring RsECurThreadIsPartOfManager = 'Current MTThread is part of the MTManager'; RsECheckTerminateCalledByWrongThread = 'CheckTerminate can only be called by the same thread'; RsEThreadNotInitializedOrWaiting = 'Cannot run: thread is not Initializing or Waiting'; RsECannotChangeNameOfOtherActiveThread = 'Cannot change name of other active thread'; RsEReleaseOfUnusedTicket = 'Release of unused ticket'; //=== JvMultiHttpGrabber.pas ================================================= resourcestring RsErrorConnection = 'Unable to connect'; RsMultiAgent = 'TJvMultiHTTPGrabber Delphi Component'; //=== JvNavigationPane.pas =================================================== resourcestring RsEUnsupportedButtonType = 'ButtonType not supported'; //=== JvNTEventLog.pas ======================================================= resourcestring RsLogError = 'Error'; RsLogWarning = 'Warning'; RsLogInformation = 'Information'; RsLogSuccessAudit = 'Success Audit'; RsLogFailureAudit = 'Failure Audit'; RsLogUserSIDNotFound = 'User SID not found'; //=== JvObjectPickerDialog.pas =============================================== resourcestring RsEAttributeIndexOutOfBounds = '%d is not a valid attribute index'; RsESelectionIndexOutOfBounds = '%d is not a valid selection index'; //=== JvOfficeColorButton.pas ================================================ resourcestring RsDragToFloating = 'Drag to floating'; //=== JvOfficeColorForm.pas ================================================== resourcestring RsColorWindow = 'Color Window'; // (rom) probably the same as RsDragToFloating RsDragToFloat = 'Drag to float'; //=== JvOfficeColorPanel.pas ================================================= resourcestring RsNoneColorCaption = 'No Color'; RsDefaultColorCaption = 'Automatic'; RsCustomColorCaption = 'Other Colors...'; //=== JvOracleDataset.pas ==================================================== resourcestring RsODSOpenFetch = 'Open / Fetch : '; RsODSCurrentRecord = 'Current Record : '; RsODSRowsFetchedContinue = '%d rows fetched. Continue ? '; RsODSContinueYes = '&Yes'; RsODSContinuePause = '&Pause'; RsODSContinueNo = '&No'; RsODSContinueClose = '&Close'; RsODSContinueAll = '&All'; RsODSGotoLastFetchRecords = 'Goto Last - Fetch Records'; RsODSFetchRecords = 'Fetch Records'; RsODSOpenQueryFetchRecords = 'Open Query - Fetch Records'; RsODSFetchRecordsCancel = 'Fetch Records - Cancel'; RsODSOpenQuery = 'Open Query'; RsODSOpenQueryCancel = 'Open Query - Cancel' ; RsODSRefreshQueryFetchRecords = 'Refresh Query - Fetch Records'; RsODSRefreshQuery = 'Refresh Query'; RsODSRefreshQueryCancel = 'Refresh Query - Cancel'; //=== JvPageSetup.pas ======================================================== resourcestring RsEInvalidValue = 'Value must be greater than zero'; //=== JvPainterQBForm.pas ==================================================== resourcestring RsPainterQuickBackdrops = 'Painter Quick Backdrops'; RsEnterName = 'Enter Name:'; RsNoItemSelected = 'No item selected!'; RsErrorInPresets = 'Error in Presets'; //=== JvParameterList.pas ==================================================== resourcestring RsErrParameterMustBeEntered = 'Parameter "%s" must be entered!'; RsHistorySelectPath = 'History'; RsDialogCaption = ''; RsCancelButton = '&Cancel'; RsHistoryLoadButton = '&Load'; RsHistorySaveButton = '&Save'; RsHistoryClearButton = 'Cl&ear'; RsHistoryLoadCaption = 'Load Parameter Settings'; RsHistorySaveCaption = 'Save Parameter Settings'; RsHistoryClearCaption = 'Manage Parameter Settings'; RsENoParametersDefined = 'TJvParameterList.ShowParameterDialog: No Parameters defined'; RsEAddObjectWrongObjectType = 'TJvParameterList.AddObject: Wrong object type'; RsEAddObjectSearchNameNotDefined = 'TJvParameterList.AddObject: SearchName not defined'; RsEAddObjectDuplicateSearchNamesNotAllowed = 'TJvParameterList.AddObject: Duplicate SearchNames ("%s") not allowed'; RsECreateWinControlsOnWinControlDuplicateBeforeAfterNotAllowed = 'TJvParameterList.CreateWinControlsOnWinControl: %s "%s" already used'; //=== JvParameterListParameter.pas =========================================== resourcestring // RsErrParameterMustBeEntered = 'Parameter %s must be entered!'; RsErrParameterIsNotAValidNumber = 'Parameter %0:s: %1:s is not a valid number value!'; RsErrParameterMustBeBetween = 'Parameter %0:s: %1:s must be between %2:s and %3:s!'; RsErrParameterFileDoesNotExist = 'Parameter %0:s: The file "%1:s" does not exist!'; RsErrParameterFileExistOverwrite = 'Parameter %0:s: The file "%1:s" exists! Overwrite?'; RsErrParameterDirectoryNotExist = 'Parameter %0:s: The directory "%1:s" does not exist!'; //=== JvParameterListTools.pas =============================================== resourcestring RsSelectCaption = 'Select...'; //=== JvParserForm.pas ======================================================= resourcestring RsNewObject = 'New'; //=== JvPatchForm.pas ======================================================== resourcestring RsJvPatcherEditorComparingFilesd = 'Jv - Patcher Editor: Comparing files %d%%'; RsJvPatcherEditorEndStep = 'Jv - Patcher Editor: end step ...'; RsErrJvPatcherEditorInvalidFilename = 'Invalid filename(s). Please specify valid filenames for both source and destination and try again.'; //=== JvPcx.pas ============================================================== resourcestring RsPcxExtension = 'pcx'; RsPcxFilterName = 'PCX Image'; RsEPcxUnknownFormat = 'PCX: Unknown format'; RsEPcxPaletteProblem = 'PCX: Unable to retrieve palette'; RsEPcxInvalid = 'PCX: Invalid PCX file'; //=== JvPerfMon95.pas ======================================================== resourcestring RsWrongOS = 'TJvPerfMon95 component is intended for Win95/98 only'; RsECantOpenPerfKey = 'Performance registry key not found'; RsECantStart = 'Cannot start performance statistics (%s)'; RsECantStop = 'Cannot stop performance statistics (%s)'; RsEKeyNotExist = 'Specified key "%s" does not exist'; //=== JvPickDate.pas ========================================================= resourcestring RsNextYearHint = 'Next Year|'; RsNextMonthHint = 'Next Month|'; RsPrevYearHint = 'Previous Year|'; RsPrevMonthHint = 'Previous Month|'; //=== JvPlugin.pas =========================================================== resourcestring RsEFmtResNotFound = 'Resource not found: %s'; //=== JvPluginManager.pas ==================================================== resourcestring RsEErrEmptyExt = 'Extension may not be empty'; RsEPluginPackageNotFound = 'Plugin package not found: %s'; RsERegisterPluginNotFound = 'Plugin function %0:s not found in %1:s'; RsERegisterPluginFailed = 'Calling %0:s in %1:s failed'; //=== JvPoweredBy.pas ======================================================== resourcestring RsURLPoweredByJCL = 'http://jcl.delphi-jedi.org/'; RsURLPoweredByJVCL = 'http://jvcl.delphi-jedi.org/'; //=== JvProfilerForm.pas ===================================================== resourcestring RsTotalElapsedTimedms = '%0:s - total elapsed time: %1:d (ms)'; RsTextFormatsasctxtinfdocAllFiles = 'Text formats|*.asc;*.txt;*.inf;*.doc|All files|*.*'; RsDefCaption = 'Profiler 32 Report'; RsDefHeader = 'Profiler 32 run %0:s by "%1:s" (machine %2:s).'; RsEMaxNumberOfIDsExceededd = 'Max number of ID''s exceeded (%d)'; RsEMaxStackSizeExceededd = 'Max stack size exceeded (%d)'; //=== JvProgramVersionCheck.pas ============================================== resourcestring RsPVFailedUnableToConnectTo = 'Failed: Unable to connect to %s'; RsPVFailedUnableToGet = 'Failed: Unable to get %s'; RsPVDownloadFailed = 'Failed: %s'; RsPVDefaultVersioninfoFileName = 'versioninfo.ini'; RsPVTempFileNameExtension = '.temp'; RsPVSiceB = '%6f B'; RsPVSiceKB = '%6.2f KB'; RsPVSiceMB = '%6.2f MB'; RsPVSiceGB = '%6.2f GB'; RsPVCReleaseTypeAlpha = 'Alpha'; RsPVCReleaseTypeBeta = 'Beta'; RsPVCReleaseTypeProduction = 'Production'; RsPVCDownloading = 'Downloading ...'; RsPVCDialogCaption = '%s Upgrade Check'; RsPVCDialogExecuteButton = '&Execute'; RsPVCNewVersionAvailable = 'A new version (%0:s) of %1:s is available!'; RsPVCChooseWhichVersion = 'Which &version do you want to install?'; RsPVCChooseOperation = '&Choose Operation'; RsPVCOperationIgnore = 'I&gnore'; RsPVCOperationDownloadOnly = 'Download/Copy &Only'; RsPVCOperationDownloadInstall = 'Download/Copy and &Install'; RsPVCWhatNewInS = 'What''s new in %s'; RsPVCChangesBetween = 'Changes between %0:s and %1:s'; RsPVCFileDownloadNotSuccessful = 'The file download was not successful!' + sLineBreak + 'Please try again manually.'; RsPVCDownloadSuccessfulInstallManually = 'The file download was successful.' + sLineBreak + 'Install manually from: %s'; RsPVCErrorStartingSetup = 'Error starting the setup process.'; RsPVCDownloadSuccessfullInstallNow = 'The file download was successful.' + sLineBreak + 'Do you want to close and install?'; RsPVInfoButtonCaption = 'Info'; RSProgramVersionInfo_PropertyHint_ProgramReleaseDate = 'Date of Release '; RSProgramVersionInfo_PropertyHint_ProgramSize = 'Size of the installer in bytes '; RSProgramVersionInfo_PropertyHint_ProgramReleaseType = 'Release type of the version.'#13#10+ 'In the update dialog there are only the highest version numbers for each type visible.'#13#10+ 'The type must be higher then AllowedReleaseType property of the TJvProgramVersionCheck component'; RSProgramVersionInfo_PropertyHint_VersionDescription = 'This is a description field which could be shown in the update dialog via the version info button.'; RSProgramVersionInfo_PropertyHint_ProgramVersion = 'Program version in the format
... This property is compared with the fileversion properties of the current application.'; RSProgramVersionInfo_PropertyHint_ProgramLocationFileName = 'File name of the installer file '; RSProgramVersionInfo_PropertyHint_ProgramLocationPath = 'Path where the installer of the version could be found. This could be a absolute path or a relative path to the location of the version list'; RSProgramVersionInfo_PropertyHint_LocalInstallerParams = 'List of parameters for the execution of the installer file'; RSProgramVersionInfo_PropertyHint_DownloadPassword = 'Flag to define whether a password is required for the download or not'; RSProgramVersionInfo_ObjectHint = 'Class to collect all informations about a program version'#13#10+ 'These informations will be stored in a file on the remote site'; RSProgramVersionHistory_PropertyHint_alpha = 'Auto calculated version number of the highest alpha version'; RSProgramVersionHistory_PropertyHint_beta = 'Auto calculated version number of the highest beta version'; RSProgramVersionHistory_PropertyHint_Production = 'Auto calculated version number of the highest production version'; RSProgramVersionHistory_ObjectHint = 'Class to define a list of program version informations. This class is used '+ 'to detect which versions are available. Allso the informations will be used '+ 'in the version info dialog'; RSProgramVersionHistory = 'Program Version History'; //=== JvPropertyStore.pas ==================================================== resourcestring RsJvPropertyStoreMutexStorePropertiesProcedureName = 'TJvCustomPropertyStore.StoreProperties:'; RsJvPropertyStoreMutexLoadPropertiesProcedureName = 'TJvCustomPropertyStore.LoadProperties:'; RsJvPropertyStoreMutexLoadStorePropertiesProcedureName = 'TJvCustomPropertyStore.LoadStoreProperties:'; RsJvPropertyStoreEnterMutexTimeout = '%s: Mutex Timeout'; //=== JvPropertyStoreEditor.pas ==================================================== resourcestring RSPropertyStoreEditorDialogButtonOk = '&Ok'; RSPropertyStoreEditorDialogButtonCancel = '&Cancel'; RSPropertyStoreEditorListButtonInsert = '&Insert'; RSPropertyStoreEditorListButtonCopy = '&Copy'; RSPropertyStoreEditorListButtonEdit = '&Edit'; RSPropertyStoreEditorListButtonDelete = '&Delete'; RSPropertyStoreEditorListButtonUp = '&Up'; RSPropertyStoreEditorListButtonDown = 'Do&wn'; RSPropertyStoreEditorListButtonSortUp = 'Sort &Asc'; RSPropertyStoreEditorListButtonSortDown = 'Sort Desc'; RSPropertyStoreEditorDialogCaptionEditProperties = 'Edit Properties'; RSPropertyStoreEditorDeleteEntry = 'Delete Entry?'; //=== JvPrvwRender.pas ======================================================= resourcestring RsEAPrintPreviewComponentMustBeAssigne = 'A PrintPreview component must be assigned in CreatePreview!'; RsEARichEditComponentMustBeAssignedInC = 'A RichEdit component must be assigned in CreatePreview!'; RsECannotPerfromThisOperationWhilePrin = 'Cannot perfrom this operation while printing!'; RsEPrinterNotAssigned = 'Printer not assigned!'; RsENoPrintPreviewAssigned = 'No PrintPreview assigned!'; //=== JvRas32.pas ============================================================ resourcestring RsRasDllName = 'RASAPI32.DLL'; RsERasError = 'RAS: Unable to find RasApi32.dll'; //=== JvRegistryTreeview.pas ================================================= resourcestring RsDefaultCaption = '(Default)'; RsMyComputer = 'My Computer'; RsDefaultNoValue = '(value not set)'; RsUnknownCaption = '(Unknown)'; //=== JvRichEdit.pas ========================================================= resourcestring RsRTFFilter = 'Rich Text Format (*.rtf)|*.rtf'; RsTextFilter = 'Plain text (*.txt)|*.txt'; RsEConversionError = 'Conversion error %.8x'; RsEConversionBusy = 'Cannot execute multiple conversions'; RsECouldNotInitConverter = 'Could not initialize converter'; RsEDiskFull = 'Out of space on output'; RsEDocTooLarge = 'Conversion document too large for target'; RsEInvalidDoc = 'Invalid document'; RsEInvalidFile = 'Invalid data in conversion file'; RsENoMemory = 'Out of memory'; RsEOpenConvErr = 'Error opening conversion file'; RsEOpenExceptErr = 'Error opening exception file'; RsEOpenInFileErr = 'Could not open input file'; RsEOpenOutFileErr = 'Could not open output file'; RsEReadErr = 'Error during read'; RsEUserCancel = 'Conversion cancelled by user'; RsEWriteErr = 'Error during write'; RsEWriteExceptErr = 'Error writing exception file'; RsEWrongFileType = 'Wrong file type for this converter'; //=== JvSAL.pas ============================================================== resourcestring RsEBooleanStackOverflow = 'Boolean stack overflow'; RsEBooleanStackUnderflow = 'Boolean stack underflow'; RsEProgramStopped = 'Program stopped'; RsEUnterminatedIncludeDirectiveNears = 'Unterminated include directive near %s'; RsEOngetUnitEventHandlerIsNotAssigned = 'OngetUnit event handler is not assigned'; RsECouldNotIncludeUnits = 'Could not include unit %s'; RsEUnterminatedCommentNears = 'Unterminated comment near %s'; RsEUnterminatedProcedureNears = 'Unterminated procedure near %s'; RsEVariablesAllreadyDefineds = 'Variable %0:s already defined;%1:s'; RsEVariablesIsNotYetDefineds = 'Variable %0:s is not yet defined;%1:s'; RsEProceduresNears = 'Procedure %0:s near %1:s'; RsEUndefinedProcedures = 'Undefined procedure %s'; RsECouldNotFindEndOfProcedure = 'Could not find end of procedure'; //=== JvSALCore.pas ========================================================== resourcestring RsEVariablesIsNotInitialized = 'Variable %s is not initialized'; RsEDivisionByZeroError = 'Division by zero error'; RsEMissingendselect = 'Missing "endselect"'; //=== JvSchedEvtStore.pas ==================================================== resourcestring RsEStructureStackIsEmpty = 'Structure stack is empty'; RsEScheduleIsActiveReadingANewSchedule = 'Schedule is active. Reading a new schedule can only be done on inactive schedules'; RsEScheduleIsActiveStoringOfAScheduleC = 'Schedule is active. Storing of a schedule can only be done on inactive schedules'; RsENotImplemented_ = 'not implemented'; RsENotASchedule = 'Not a schedule'; RsEUnknownScheduleVersions = 'Unknown schedule version ($%s)'; RsEUnexpectedStructure = 'Unexpected structure'; RsEIncorrectIdentifierFound = 'Incorrect identifier found'; RsEIncorrectStructure = 'Incorrect structure found'; //=== JvScheduledEvents.pas ================================================== resourcestring RsECannotRestart = 'Cannot restart: Event is being triggered or is executing'; //=== JvScrollMax.pas ======================================================== resourcestring RsRightClickAndChooseAddBand = 'Right click and choose "Add band"'; { (rom) deactivated see DefineCursor in JvScrollMax.pas RsECannotLoadCursorResource = 'Cannot load cursor resource'; RsETooManyUserdefinedCursors = 'Too many user-defined cursors'; } RsETJvScrollMaxBandCanBePutOnlyIntoTJv = 'TJvScrollMaxBand can be put only into TJvScrollMax component'; RsETJvScrollMaxCanContainOnlyTJvScroll = 'TJvScrollMax can contain only TJvScrollMaxBand components'; RsEControlsNotAChildOfs = 'Control %0:s not a child of %1:s'; //=== JvSegmentedLEDDisplay.pas ============================================== resourcestring RsEInvalidClass = 'Invalid class'; RsEInvalidMappingFile = 'Invalid mapping file'; RsEDuplicateDigitClass = 'Duplicate DigitClass registered'; //=== JvSegmentedLEDDisplayMapperFrame.pas =================================== resourcestring RsTheCurrentCharacterHasBeenModifiedA = 'The current character has been modified. Apply changes?'; RsTheCurrentMappingHasBeenModifiedSav = 'The current mapping has been modified. Save changes to file?'; RsSegmentedLEDDisplayMappingFilessdms = 'Segmented LED display mapping files (*.sdm)|*.sdm|All files (*.*)|*.*'; RsSelectCharacter = 'Select character...'; RsSpecifyANewCharacter = 'Specify a new character'; //=== JvSHFileOperation.pas ================================================== resourcestring RsENoFilesSpecifiedToTJvSHFileOperatio = 'No files specified to TJvSHFileOperation Execute function'; //=== JvSpeedbar.pas ========================================================= resourcestring RsEAutoSpeedbarMode = 'Cannot set this property value while Position is bpAuto'; //=== JvSpeedbarSetupForm.pas ================================================ resourcestring RsCustomizeSpeedbar = 'Customize Speedbar'; RsAvailButtons = '&Available buttons:'; RsSpeedbarCategories = '&Categories:'; RsSpeedbarEditHint = 'To add command buttons, drag and drop buttons onto the SpeedBar.' + ' To remove command buttons, drag them off the SpeedBar.'; //=== JvSpellChecker.pas ===================================================== resourcestring RsENoSpellCheckerAvailable = 'No IJvSpellChecker implementation available!'; //=== JvSpellerForm.pas ====================================================== resourcestring RsENoDictionaryLoaded = 'No dictionary loaded'; //=== JvSpin.pas ============================================================= resourcestring RsEOutOfRangeFloat = 'Value must be between %0:g and %1:g'; //=== JvStatusBar.pas ======================================================== resourcestring RsEInvalidControlSelection = 'Invalid control selection'; //=== JvSticker.pas ========================================================== resourcestring RsEditStickerCaption = 'Edit sticker'; //=== JvStringHolder.pas ===================================================== resourcestring RsENoItemFoundWithName = 'No item found with name "%s"'; //=== JvStrings.pas ========================================================== resourcestring RsECannotLoadResource = 'Cannot load resource: %s'; RsEIncorrectStringFormat = 'Base64: Incorrect string format'; //=== JvSyncSplitter.pas ===================================================== resourcestring RsEInvalidPartner = 'TJvSyncSplitter.SetPartner: cannot set Partner to Self!'; //=== JvSysRequirements.pas ================================================== resourcestring RsSysRequirementsCaption = 'System Requirements for %s'; RsMinColorDepthReq = 'The color depth must be at least %1:d bits per pixel, but is only %0:d bits per pixel.'; RsMaxColorDepthReq = 'The color depth cannot be more than %1:d bits per pixel, but is %0:d bits per pixel.'; RsBetweenColorDepthReq = 'The color depth must be between %1:d and %2:d bits per pixel, but is %0:d bits per pixel.'; RsMinScreenXReq = 'The horizontal screen resolution must be at least %1:d pixels, but is only %0:d pixels.'; RsMaxScreenXReq = 'The horizontal screen resolution cannot be more than %1:d pixels, but is %0:d pixel.'; RsBetweenScreenXReq = 'The horizontal screen resolution must be between %1:d and %2:d pixels, but is %0:d pixel.'; RsMinScreenYReq = 'The vertical screen resolution must be at least %1:d pixels, but is only %0:d pixels.'; RsMaxScreenYReq = 'The vertical screen resolution cannot be more than %1:d pixels, but is %0:d pixel.'; RsBetweenScreenYReq = 'The vertical screen resolution must be between %1:d and %2:d pixels, but is %0:d pixel.'; RsMinRefreshReq = 'The video refresh rate must be at least %1:d Hertz, but is only %0:d Hertz.'; RsMaxRefreshReq = 'The video refresh rate cannot be more than %1:d Hertz, but is %0:d Hertz.'; RsBetweenRefreshReq = 'The video refresh rate must be between %1:d and %2:d Hertz, but is %0:d Hertz.'; RsWindowsVersionReq = 'This version of Windows is not supported.'; RsSystemFontSmallReq = 'The system does not use small fonts.'; RsSystemFontBigReq = 'The system does not use big fonts.'; //=== JvSystemPopup.pas ====================================================== resourcestring RsEAlreadyHooked = 'TJvSystemPopup.Hook: already hooked'; //=== JvTFDays.pas =========================================================== resourcestring RsEInvalidPrimeTimeStartTime = 'Invalid PrimeTime StartTime'; RsEInvalidPrimeTimeEndTime = 'Invalid PrimeTime EndTime'; RsEColumnIndexOutOfBounds = 'Column index out of bounds'; RsERowIndexOutOfBounds = 'Row index out of bounds'; RsEMapColNotFoundForAppointment = 'Map column not found for appointment'; RsECorruptAppointmentMap = 'Corrupt appointment map'; RsEGridGranularityCannotBeGreater = 'Grid granularity cannot be greater ' + 'than the time block granularity'; RsETimeBlockGranularityMustBeEvenly = 'Time block granularity must be evenly ' + 'divisible by the grid granularity'; RsETimeBlocksMustBeginExactlyOn = 'Time blocks must begin exactly on ' + 'a grid time division'; RsEGridEndTimeCannotBePriorToGridStart = 'GridEndTime cannot be prior to GridStartTime'; RsEGridStartTimeCannotBeAfterGridEndTi = 'GridStartTime cannot be after GridEndTime'; RsEInvalidRowd = 'Invalid row (%d)'; RsEThereIsNoDataToPrint = 'There is no data to print'; RsENoPageInfoExists = 'No page info exists. ' + 'Document must be prepared'; RsEATimeBlockNameCannotBeNull = 'A time block name cannot be null'; RsEAnotherTimeBlockWithTheName = 'Another time block with the name "%s" already exists'; RsEATimeBlockWithTheNamesDoesNotExist = 'A time block with the name "%s" does not exist'; //=== JvTFGantt.pas ========================================================== resourcestring RsThisIsTheMajorScale = 'This is the Major Scale'; RsThisIsTheMinorScale = 'This is the Minor Scale'; //=== JvTFGlance.pas ========================================================= resourcestring RsECellDatesCannotBeChanged = 'Cell Dates cannot be changed'; RsECellMapHasBeenCorrupteds = 'Cell map has been corrupted %s'; RsECellObjectNotAssigned = 'Cell object not assigned'; RsEInvalidColIndexd = 'Invalid col index (%d)'; RsEInvalidRowIndexd = 'Invalid row index (%d)'; RsEApptIndexOutOfBoundsd = 'Appt index out of bounds (%d)'; RsECellCannotBeSplit = 'Cell cannot be split'; RsEASubcellCannotBeSplit = 'A subcell cannot be split'; RsGlanceMainTitle = '(Title)'; //=== JvTFGlanceTextViewer.pas =============================================== resourcestring RsEGlanceControlNotAssigned = 'GlanceControl not assigned'; //=== JvTFManager.pas ======================================================== resourcestring RsECouldNotCreateCustomImageMap = 'Could not create CustomImageMap. ' + 'Appointment not assigned'; RsECouldNotCreateAppointmentObject = 'Could not create Appointment object. ' + 'ScheduleManager not assigned'; RsEScheduleManagerNotificationFailedSc = 'ScheduleManager notification failed. ScheduleManager not assigned'; RsEScheduleNotificationFailed = 'Schedule notification failed. ' + 'Schedule not assigned'; RsEInvalidStartAndEndTimes = 'Invalid start and end times'; RsEInvalidStartAndEndDates = 'Invalid start and end dates'; RsEAppointmentNotificationFailed = 'Appointment notification failed. ' + 'Appointment not assigned'; RsECouldNotCreateNewAppointment = 'Could not create new appointment. ' + 'Appointment with given ID already exists'; RsEInvalidTriggerForRefreshControls = 'Invalid Trigger for RefreshControls'; RsEInvalidScopeInReconcileRefresh = 'Invalid Scope in ReconcileRefresh'; RsECouldNotRetrieveSchedule = 'Could not retrieve schedule. ' + 'ScheduleManager not assigned'; RsECouldNotReleaseSchedule = 'Could not release schedule. ' + 'ScheduleManager not assigned'; RsECouldNotCreateADocumentBecauseA = 'Could not create a document because a ' + 'document already exists'; RsECouldNotFinishDocumentBecauseNo = 'Could not finish document because no ' + 'document has been created'; RsEDocumentDoesNotExist = 'Document does not exist'; RsEDocumentPagesCannotBeAccessedIf = 'Document pages cannot be accessed if ' + 'printing directly to the printer'; RsEDocumentPagesAreInaccessibleUntil = 'Document pages are inaccessible until ' + 'the document has been finished'; RsECouldNotRetrievePageCount = 'Could not retrieve page count ' + 'because document does not exist'; RsEOnlyAFinishedDocumentCanBePrinted = 'Only a finished document can be printed'; RsEThereAreNoPagesToPrint = 'There are no pages to print'; RsEDocumentMustBeFinishedToSaveToFile = 'Document must be Finished to save to file'; RsEThisPropertyCannotBeChangedIfA = 'This property cannot be changed if a ' + 'document exists'; RsECouldNotCreateTJvTFPrinterPageLayou = 'Could not create TJvTFPrinterPageLayout ' + 'because aPrinter must be assigned'; RsEInvalidFooterHeightd = 'Invalid Footer Height (%d)'; RsEInvalidHeaderHeightd = 'Invalid Header Height (%d)'; //=== JvTFSparseMatrix.pas =================================================== resourcestring RsEMatrixMustBeEmpty = 'Matrix must be empty before setting null value'; //=== JvTFUtils.pas ========================================================== resourcestring RsEResultDoesNotFallInMonth = 'Result does not fall in given month'; RsEInvalidMonthValue = 'Invalid Month Value (%d)'; RsEInvalidDayOfWeekValue = 'Invalid value for day of week (%d)'; //=== JvTFWeeks.pas ========================================================== resourcestring RsWeekOf = 'Week of %s'; //=== JvThreadDialog.pas ===================================================== resourcestring RsENotATJvThread = 'TJvCustomThreadDialogForm.SetConnectedThread: A thread must be a TJvThread-Component'; //=== JvThumbImage.pas ======================================================= resourcestring RsEUnknownFileExtension = 'Unknown file extension %s'; RsFileFilters = '|PCX Files(*.pcx)|*.pcx|Targa Files(*.tga)|*.tga'; RsPcxTga = '*.pcx;*.tga;'; //=== JvThumbnails.pas ======================================================= resourcestring RsUnknown = 'Unknown'; //=== JvTimer.pas ============================================================ resourcestring RsCannotChangeInTimerEvent = 'Cannot change %s in the timer event'; //=== JvTimeLimit.pas ======================================================== resourcestring RsExpired = 'The test period has expired, please register this application'; //=== JvTimeList.pas ========================================================= resourcestring RsEOwnerMustBeTJvTimerList = 'Owner of TJvTimerEvents must be a TJvTimerList'; //=== JvTipOfDay.pas ========================================================= resourcestring RsCloseCaption = '&Close'; RsNextCaption = '&Next Tip'; RsTipsTitle = 'Tips and Tricks'; RsTipsHeaderText = 'Did you know...'; RsTipsCheckBoxText = '&Show Tips on Startup'; RsStoreShowOnStartUp = 'Show_On_Startup'; // (p3) Spaces in XML node names is not valid XML... //=== JvToolEdit.pas ========================================================= resourcestring RsBrowseCaption = 'Browse'; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} RsDefaultFilter = 'All files (*.*)|*.*'; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} {$IFDEF UNIX} RsDefaultFilter = 'All files (*)|*'; {$ENDIF UNIX} { Polaris patch } RsEDateMinLimit = 'Enter a date before "%s"'; RsEDateMaxLimit = 'Enter a date after "%s"'; //=== JvTurtle.pas =========================================================== resourcestring RsErrorCanvasNotAssigned = 'Canvas not assigned'; RsEmptyScript = 'Empty script'; RsInvalidIntegerIns = 'Invalid integer in %s'; RsInvalidColorIns = 'Invalid color in %s'; RsInvalidCopyMode = 'Invalid copy mode'; RsInvalidPenMode = 'Invalid pen mode'; RsInvalidTextIns = 'Invalid text in %s'; RsMissingFontname = 'Missing fontname'; RsNumberExpectedIns = 'Number expected in %s'; RsNumberStackUnderflow = 'Number stack underflow'; RsNumberStackOverflow = 'Number stack overflow'; RsMissingAfterComment = 'Missing "}" after comment'; RsErrorIns = 'Error in %s'; RsDivisionByZero = 'Division by zero'; RsInvalidParameterIns = 'Invalid parameter in %s'; RsSymbolsIsNotDefined = 'Symbol %s is not defined'; RsMissingAfterBlock = 'Missing "]" after block'; RsStackUnderflowIns = 'Stack underflow in %s'; RsSymbolExpectedAfterIf = 'Symbol expected after if'; RsCanNotTakeSqrtOf = 'Can not take sqrt of 0'; RsNotAllowedIns = '0 not allowed in %s'; RsNeedMinimumOfSidesIns = 'Need minimum of 3 sides in %s'; RsMaximumSidesExceededIns = 'Maximum 12 sides exceeded in %s'; RsTokenExpected = 'Token expected'; RssDoesNotExist = '%s does not exist'; RsDivisionByZeroNotAllowedInIn = 'Division by zero not allowed in in-'; RsStackOverflow = 'Stack overflow'; RsStackUnderflow = 'Stack underflow'; //=== JvTypes.pas ============================================================ resourcestring RsClBlack = 'Black'; RsClMaroon = 'Maroon'; RsClGreen = 'Green'; RsClOlive = 'Olive green'; RsClNavy = 'Navy blue'; RsClPurple = 'Purple'; RsClTeal = 'Teal'; RsClGray = 'Gray'; RsClSilver = 'Silver'; RsClRed = 'Red'; RsClLime = 'Lime'; RsClYellow = 'Yellow'; RsClBlue = 'Blue'; RsClFuchsia = 'Fuchsia'; RsClAqua = 'Aqua'; RsClWhite = 'White'; RsClMoneyGreen = 'Money green'; RsClSkyBlue = 'Sky blue'; RsClCream = 'Cream'; RsClMedGray = 'Medium gray'; //Standrad colors RsClBrown = 'Brown'; RsClOliveGreen = 'Olive Green'; RsClDarkGreen = 'Dark Green'; RsClDarkTeal = 'Dark Teal'; RsClDarkBlue = 'Dark Blue'; RsClIndigo = 'Indigo'; RsClGray80 = 'Gray 80%'; RsClDarkRed = 'Dark Red'; RsClOrange = 'Orange'; RsClDarkYellow = 'Dark Yellow'; RsClBlueGray = 'Blue Gray'; RsClGray50 = 'Gray 50%'; RsClLightOrange = 'Light Orange'; RsClSeaGreen = 'Sea Green'; RsClLightBlue = 'Light Blue'; RsClViolet = 'Violet'; RsClGray40 = 'Gray 40%'; RsClPink = 'Pink'; RsClGold = 'Gold'; RsClBrightGreen = 'Bright Green'; RsClTurquoise = 'Turquoise'; RsClPlum = 'Plum'; RsClGray25 = 'Gray 25%'; RsClRose = 'Rose'; RsClTan = 'Tan'; RsClLightYellow = 'Light Yellow'; RsClLightGreen = 'Light Green'; RsClLightTurquoise = 'Light Turquoise'; RsClPaleBlue = 'Pale Blue'; RsClLavender = 'Lavender'; // windows system colors RsClScrollBar = 'Scrollbar'; RsClBackground = 'Desktop background'; RsClActiveCaption = 'Active window title bar'; RsClInactiveCaption = 'Inactive window title bar'; RsClMenu = 'Menu background'; RsClWindow = 'Window background'; RsClWindowFrame = 'Window frame'; RsClMenuText = 'Menu text'; RsClWindowText = 'Window text'; RsClCaptionText = 'Active window title bar text'; RsClActiveBorder = 'Active window border'; RsClInactiveBorder = 'Inactive window border'; RsClAppWorkSpace = 'Application workspace'; RsClHighlight = 'Selection background'; RsClHighlightText = 'Selection text'; RsClBtnFace = 'Button face'; RsClBtnShadow = 'Button shadow'; RsClGrayText = 'Dimmed text'; RsClBtnText = 'Button text'; RsClInactiveCaptionText = 'Inactive window title bar text'; RsClBtnHighlight = 'Button highlight'; RsCl3DDkShadow = 'Dark shadow 3D elements'; RsCl3DLight = 'Highlight 3D elements'; RsClInfoText = 'Tooltip text'; RsClInfoBk = 'Tooltip background'; RsGradientActiveCaption ='Gradient Active Caption'; RsGradientInactiveCaption ='Gradient Inactive Caption'; RsHotLight ='Hot Light'; RsMenuBar ='Menu Bar'; RsMenuHighlight ='Menu Highlight'; //=== JvUrlGrabbers.pas ====================================================== resourcestring RsFileNotFoundFmt = 'File "%s" not found'; //=== JvUrlListGrabber.pas =================================================== resourcestring RsENoGrabberForUrl = 'There is no grabber capable of handling URL: %s'; RsEAtLeastOneGrabberRunning = 'There is at least one grabber running, you cannot change the URLs.'; RsEGrabberNotStopped = 'The grabber is not stopped, you cannot change its URL.'; RsJediAgent = 'JEDI-VCL'; RsDefaultOutputFileName = 'output.txt'; //=== JvValidateEdit.pas ===================================================== resourcestring RsEBaseTooBig = 'Base > 36 not supported'; RsEBaseTooSmall = 'Base must be greater than 1'; //=== JvValidators.pas ======================================================= resourcestring RsEInsertNilValidator = 'Cannot insert nil validator'; RsERemoveNilValidator = 'Cannot remove nil validator'; RsEValidatorNotChild = 'Validator is not owned by this component'; RsEInvalidIndexd = 'Invalid index (%d)'; //=== JvVirtualKeySelectionFrame.pas ========================================= resourcestring RsNoValidKeyCode = 'This is not a valid key code'; RsInvalidKeyCode = 'Invalid key code'; //=== JvWinampLabel.pas ====================================================== resourcestring RsEInvalidSkin = 'Invalid skin'; //=== JvWinDialogs.pas ======================================================= resourcestring //SDiskFullError = // 'TJvDiskFullDialog does not support removable media or network drives.'; RsEFunctionNotSupported = 'This function is not supported by your version of Windows'; RsEInvalidDriveChar = 'Invalid drive (%s)'; { make Delphi 5 compiler happy // andreas RsEUnsupportedDisk = 'Unsupported drive (%s): JvDiskFullDialog only supports fixed drives';} //=== JvWinHelp.pas ========================================================== resourcestring RsEOwnerForm = 'Owner must be of type TCustomForm'; //=== JvWizard.pas =========================================================== resourcestring RsFirstButtonCaption = 'To &Start Page'; RsLastButtonCaption = 'To &Last Page'; RsFinishButtonCaption = '&Finish'; RsWelcome = 'Welcome'; RsTitle = 'Title'; RsSubtitle = 'Subtitle'; RsEInvalidParentControl = 'The Parent should be TJvWizard or a descendant'; RsEInvalidWizardPage = 'The pages belong to another wizard'; //=== JvWizardCommon.pas ===================================================== resourcestring RsETilingError = 'Tiling only works on images with dimensions > 0'; //=== JvWizardRouteMapSteps.pas ============================================== resourcestring RsActiveStepFormat = 'Step %0:d of %1:d'; RsBackTo = 'Back to'; RsNextStep = 'Next Step'; //=== JvXmlDatabase.pas ====================================================== resourcestring RsEUnknownInstruction = 'Unknown Instruction %s'; RsEUnexpectedEndOfQuery = 'Unexpected end of query'; RsEUnexpectedStatement = 'Unexpected statement %s'; //=== JvXPBar.pas ============================================================ resourcestring RsUntitled = 'untitled'; RsUntitledFmt = '(%0:s %1:d)'; RsHintShortcutFmt = '%0:s (%1:s)'; //=== JvXPCore.pas =========================================================== resourcestring RsCopyright = 'Design eXperience. (c) 2002 M. Hoffmann Version '; RsCopyright2 = 'Design eXperience II - (c) 2002 M. Hoffmann Version '; RsVersion = '2.0.1'; // always increase version number on new releases! //=== JvYearGrid.pas ========================================================= resourcestring RsYearGrid = 'YearGrid'; RsEnterYear = 'Enter year (1999-2050):'; RsInvalidYear = 'invalid year'; RsYear = '&Year...'; RsEdit = '&Edit'; RsColor = '&Color...'; RsNoColor = '&No Color'; RsSaveAllInfo = '&Save All Info'; RsSaveFoundInfo = 'Save Found Info'; RsBorderColor = '&Border Color...'; RsBookMarkColor = 'Book&Mark Color...'; RsFindItem = '&Find...'; RsClearFind = 'Clear Find'; RsYearGridFind = 'YearGrid Find'; RsEnterSeachText = 'Enter seach text:'; RsFounds = 'Found %s'; RsToday = 'Today '; //=== JvDBFilterExpr ========================================================= resourcestring RsInvalidFilterNodeKind = 'Invalid filter node kind'; RsUnknownFilterOperation = 'Unknown filter operator'; RsUnknownFilterFunction = 'Unknown filter function "%s"'; RsMissingFilterFunctionParameters = 'Missing filter function parameters for "%s"'; //=== JvPanel ================================================================ resourcestring RsDestroyingArrangeSettingsNotAllowed = 'Your code tried to destroy the TJvPanel.ArrangeSettings ' + 'objects leaving the panel in a broken state. Please fix your code by adding'#13#10#13#10 + ' if not ((Components[I] is TJvArrangeSettings) or'#13#10 + ' (Components[I] is TJvPanelHotTrackOptions)) then'#13#10#13#10 + 'or by using the Controls[] array property if possible.'; //=== not taken into JVCL ==================================================== { resourcestring // MathParser SParseSyntaxError = 'Syntax error'; SParseNotCramp = 'Invalid condition (no cramp)'; SParseDivideByZero = 'Divide by zero'; SParseSqrError = 'Invalid floating operation'; SParseLogError = 'Invalid floating operation'; SParseInvalidFloatOperation = 'Invalid floating operation'; // JvDBFilter SExprNotBoolean = 'Field ''%s'' is not of type Boolean'; SExprBadNullTest = 'NULL only allowed with ''='' and ''<>'''; SExprBadField = 'Field ''%s'' cannot be used in a filter expression'; // JvDBFilter expression parser SExprIncorrect = 'Incorrectly formed filter expression'; SExprTermination = 'Filter expression incorrectly terminated'; SExprNameError = 'Unterminated field name'; SExprStringError = 'Unterminated string constant'; SExprInvalidChar = 'Invalid filter expression character: ''%s'''; SExprNoRParen = ''')'' expected but %s found'; SExprExpected = 'Expression expected but %s found'; SExprBadCompare = 'Relational operators require a field and a constant'; } {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} const UnitVersioning: TUnitVersionInfo = ( RCSfile: '$URL: https://jvcl.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jvcl/tags/JVCL3_39/run/JvResources.pas $'; Revision: '$Revision: 12594 $'; Date: '$Date: 2009-11-03 13:38:16 +0100 (mar., 03 nov. 2009) $'; LogPath: 'JVCL\run' ); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} implementation {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} initialization RegisterUnitVersion(HInstance, UnitVersioning); finalization UnregisterUnitVersion(HInstance); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} end.