# Contributing to Chat Gipity First off, thank you for considering contributing to Chat Gipity! It's people like you that help sustain and improve our project. ## How Can I Contribute? ### Reporting Bugs If you discover a bug, please open an issue on our [Issue Tracker](https://github.com/divanvisagie/chat-gipity/issues) with the following information: - Steps to reproduce the issue - Expected behavior - Actual behavior - Screenshots, if applicable - Environment details (e.g., OS, Rust version, etc.) ### Suggesting Enhancements We're always open to suggestions for new features and enhancements. To propose an idea, open an issue on our [Issue Tracker](https://github.com/divanvisagie/chat-gipity/issues) and provide: - A clear and descriptive explanation of the enhancement - Why you believe this enhancement would improve the project - Any relevant examples or references ### Pull Requests Pull requests are welcome but not guaranteed to be merged. Before submitting a pull request, please do the following: - **Fork the repository** and create your branch from `main`. - **Ensure your code builds** without any errors by using the `Makefile` or appropriate build commands. - **Write clear and concise commit messages.** - **Include tests** as necessary to verify your changes. - **Update the documentation** as needed (in `docs` or other relevant files). #### Code Review Process Your pull request will be reviewed by the project maintainers. We use the [Code Review Emoji Guide](https://github.com/erikthedeveloper/code-review-emoji-guide) to help facilitate reviews. ### Development Guidelines To keep our codebase consistent and high-quality, please adhere to the following guidelines: - **Code Quality**: Write clean, understandable, and maintainable code. Follow existing code conventions. - **Testing**: Add unit tests and integration tests for your code changes. Ensure all existing and new tests pass. - **Documentation**: Update relevant documentation to reflect your changes. This includes the `README.md`, any files in the `docs` directory, and code comments. ### Communication Feel free to join our [Community Discussions](https://github.com/divanvisagie/chat-gipity/discussions) or reach out via [Contact Information] for any questions or to discuss ideas. We believe in an open and welcoming community and are here to help you contribute in the best way possible. ## License By contributing to Chat Gipity, you understand and agree that your contributions will be licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.0 (GPL-2.0). See the [LICENSE.md](https://github.com/divanvisagie/chat-gipity/blob/main/LICENSE.md) file for more details. ## Changes to This Document This file is a living document and will be changed on a need-to-change basis by the original author of the repository. --- Thank you for taking the time to read through this document. We look forward to your contributions! ---