use crate::{args::Args, fmt::Format}; use anyhow::Result; use rsdns::records::Class; use std::time::SystemTime; {% if async == "true" %} {% set as = "async" %} {% set aw = ".await" %} cfg_if::cfg_if! { if #[cfg(feature = "net-tokio")] { use rsdns::clients::tokio::Client; } else if #[cfg(feature = "net-async-std")] { use rsdns::clients::async_std::Client; } else if #[cfg(feature = "net-smol")] { use rsdns::clients::smol::Client; } else { compile_error!("One of the async net features must be enabled!!!"); } } {% else %} {% set as = "" %} {% set aw = "" %} use rsdns::clients::std::Client; {% endif %} pub {{ as }} fn main() -> Result<()> { let mut buf = [0u8; u16::MAX as usize]; let args = Args::get()?; let mut format = Format::new(&args); if args.has_read_path() { return; } let mut client = Client::new(args.config.clone()){{ aw }}?; for qname in args.qnames.iter() { let now = SystemTime::now(); let size = client .query_raw(qname, args.qtype(), Class::IN, &mut buf){{ aw }}?; let elapsed = now.elapsed().expect("time failed"); format.add(Some(qname), Some(args.qtype()), &buf[..size], Some(args.config.nameserver()), Some(now), Some(elapsed))?; } format.done()?; Ok(()) }