# ch56x This crate provides an autogenerated API for access to CH56X peripherals. The API is generated using [svd2rust] with patched svd files containing extensive type-safe support. For more information please see the [main repo]. Refer to the [documentation] for full details. [svd2rust]: https://github.com/rust-embedded/svd2rust [main repo]: https://github.com/ch32-rs/ch32-rs [documentation]: https://docs.rs/ch56x/latest/ch56x/ ## Usage Each device supported by this crate is behind a feature gate so that you only compile the device(s) you want. To use, in your Cargo.toml: ```toml [dependencies.ch56x] version = "0.1.6" features = ["ch56x"] ``` The `rt` feature is enabled by default and brings in support for `riscv-rt`. To disable, specify `default-features = false` in `Cargo.toml`. In your code: ```rust use ch56x::ch56x; let mut peripherals = ch56x::Peripherals::take().unwrap(); let gpioa = &peripherals.GPIOA; gpioa.odr.modify(|_, w| w.odr0().set_bit()); ``` For full details on the autogenerated API, please see: https://docs.rs/svd2rust/0.26.0/svd2rust/#peripheral-api ## Supported Devices | Module | Devices | Links | |:------:|:-------:|:-----:|