# ch8-isa Chip-8 instruction set and code generation crate # Overview This crate provides a clean interface for generating Chip-8 ROMs given a series of program instructions. # License Licensed under the Lesser GNU General Public License (version 3). # Documentation The documentation may be found on [docs.rs](https://docs.rs/ch8-isa). # Installation This crate works with Cargo and is on [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/ch8-isa). Add it to your `Cargo.toml` like so: ``` [dependencies] ch8-isa = "0.1.1" ``` After adding this crate to your `Cargo.toml`, import it like any other crate and you're on your way to creating a Chip-8 ROM! # Closing Remarks Feedback and suggestions are always appreciated, so if you have an idea for this crate, just open a pull request or issue on Github. Thanks for using `ch8-isa`, and happy programming!