param ( [switch]$local ) # Define paths and ensure Cargo.toml exists $cargoTomlPath = "./Cargo.toml" if (-Not (Test-Path $cargoTomlPath)) { Write-Output "❌ Cargo.toml not found at path: $cargoTomlPath" Write-Output "Please ensure the script is run from the root directory of your Rust project." exit 1 } # Increment version in Cargo.toml $cargoTomlContent = Get-Content -Path $cargoTomlPath -Raw $versionPattern = 'version\s*=\s*"(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)"' if ($cargoTomlContent -match $versionPattern) { $major = $matches[1] $minor = $matches[2] $patch = [int]$matches[3] + 1 $newVersion = "$major.$minor.$patch" $newCargoTomlContent = $cargoTomlContent -replace $versionPattern, "version = `"$newVersion`"" Set-Content -Path $cargoTomlPath -Value $newCargoTomlContent Write-Output "✅ Updated version to $newVersion in Cargo.toml" } else { Write-Output "❌ Version line not found in Cargo.toml" exit 1 } # Prepare Git commit and tag $publishDate = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd" $commitMessage = if ($local) { "🔧 Bump version to $newVersion ($publishDate)" } else { "🚀 Bump version to $newVersion ($publishDate) and release 📦" } $releaseMessage = "Release v$newVersion ($publishDate)" # Build in release mode Write-Output "🔨 Building the crate in release mode..." cargo build --release # Prepare Git operations git add . git commit -m "$commitMessage" git tag -a "v$newVersion" -m "$releaseMessage" if ($local) { Write-Output "🏠 Running in local mode, skipping publishing to" } else { Write-Output "🎉 Pushing changes and tags to the repository..." git push && git push --tags # Try to publish to and handle failure try { Write-Output "📦 Attempting to publish package to" cargo publish if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) { Write-Output "✨ Package successfully published to!" } else { throw "Publishing failed." } } catch { Write-Output "⚠️ Couldn't publish to Please check the error above." } } Write-Output "🎉 Release v$newVersion completed!"