# Release * [ ] Update version in `Cargo.toml`. * [ ] Update `CHANGELOG.md` with version and publication date. * [ ] Run tests: `cargo test --all-features`. * [ ] Run linting: `cargo clippy --all-features`. * [ ] Run fmt: `cargo fmt --check`. * [ ] Stage changes: `git add Cargo.lock Cargo.toml CHANGELOG.md`. * [ ] Create git commit: `git commit -m "release: bumps version to v0.1.0"`. * [ ] Create git tag: `git tag v0.1.0`. * [ ] Push release: `git push && git push --tags`. * [ ] Publish the new crate: `cargo publish --all-features`. * [ ] Go to the Releases page in Github, create a Release for this tag, and copy the notes from the `CHANGELOG.md` file.