# chainstate Chainstate is a CLI utility to examine the health of EVM-compatible nodes via JSON-RPC API ## Installation ```cargo install -g chainstate``` ## Usage ``` USAGE: chainstate [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] FLAGS: --endpoints Return working endpoint (tag may be applied to restrict the list) -h, --help Prints help information -s, --server Whether to start HTTP API server -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: -a, --addr In case of server, TCP address to be listened [env: LISTEN=] [default:] --network Check single network address (internally used tags: nosync, nogaps) -n, --networks-file Optional - plain text file, containing the list of RPC addresses to be checked. Tag may be appled to restrict the list [env: NETWORKS_FILE=./networks.txt] [default: ] -t, --tag Filter chains by tag [default: ] ``` ### Check state of single RPC node ``` $ chainstate --network http://localhost:4444/ Dec 20 10:10:16.685 INFO chain 31, block 2451166 ``` ### Check state of multiple RPC nodes To manage multiple nodes, please create plain text file to contain the list of JSON+RPC nodes (path can be preserved in `NETWORKS_FILE` environment variable). Each lines means separate JSON+RPC node. Optional rows starting with `#` can contain the list of comma-separated tags which can be helpful in filtering the list Example of such file: ``` # arbitrum https://arbitrum.xdaichain.com/ # rsk, nosync https://public-node.rsk.co # rsk, nosync https://mainnet.sovryn.app/rpc # rsk, nosync, testnet https://public-node.testnet.rsk.co # avalanche, nosync https://api.avax.network/ext/bc/C/rpc ``` Special tags can be included - `nosync` - means `eth_syncing` to check status of the sync Check state of all networks: ``` chainstate -n networks.txt ``` Check state of all networks filtered by tag: ``` chainstate -n networks.txt -t rsk ``` Check state of all networks not including tag `testnet`: ``` chainstate -n networks.txt -t rsk,-testnet ``` ### Healthy node selection To get working JSON+RPC endpoint URLs in plain text format (one URL - one line), the same principle as getting multiple nodes state is applied, with `--endpoints` flag in addition. ``` chainstate -n networks.txt -t rsk,-testnet --endpoints ``` ## License MIT