# Command-Line Help for `changen` This document contains the help content for the `changen` command-line program. **Command Overview:** * [`changen`↴](#changen) * [`changen new`↴](#changen-new) * [`changen validate`↴](#changen-validate) * [`changen generate`↴](#changen-generate) * [`changen release`↴](#changen-release) * [`changen show`↴](#changen-show) * [`changen remove`↴](#changen-remove) ## `changen` Changelog generator **Usage:** `changen ` ###### **Subcommands:** * `new` — Create a new changelog file with an accepted syntax * `validate` — Validate a changelog syntax * `generate` — Generate release notes. By default, generate from the last release in the changelog to HEAD * `release` — Generate a new release. By default, use the last tag present in the repo, sorted using the [semver](https://semver.org/) format * `show` — Show a releases on stdout. By default, show the last release * `remove` — Remove a release ## `changen new` Create a new changelog file with an accepted syntax **Usage:** `changen new [OPTIONS]` ###### **Options:** * `-p`, `--path ` — Path to the changelog file Default value: `CHANGELOG.md` * `-f`, `--force` — Override of existing file ## `changen validate` Validate a changelog syntax **Usage:** `changen validate [OPTIONS]` ###### **Options:** * `-f`, `--file ` — Path to the changelog file Default value: `CHANGELOG.md` * `--format` — Format the changelog * `--map ` — Path to the commit type to changelog section map * `--ast` — Show the Abstract Syntax Tree * `--stdout` — Print the result on the standard output ## `changen generate` Generate release notes. By default, generate from the last release in the changelog to HEAD **Usage:** `changen generate [OPTIONS]` ###### **Options:** * `-f`, `--file ` — Path to the changelog file Default value: `CHANGELOG.md` * `--map ` — Path to the commit type to changelog section map * `--parsing ` — Parsing of the commit message Default value: `smart` Possible values: `smart`, `strict` * `--exclude-unidentified` — Don't include unidentified commits * `--exclude-not-pr` — Don't include commits which are not attached to a pull request * `--provider ` — We use the Github api to map commit sha to PRs Default value: `github` Possible values: `github`, `none` * `--repo ` — Needed for fetching PRs. Example: 'wiiznokes/changen'. Already defined for you in Github Actions * `--omit-pr-link` — Omit the PR link from the output * `--omit-thanks` — Omit contributors' acknowledgements/mention * `--stdout` — Print the result on the standard output * `--specific ` — Generate only this commit, or tag * `--milestone ` — Include all commits of this milestone * `--since ` — Include all commits in \"since..until\" * `--until ` — Include all commits in \"since..until\" ## `changen release` Generate a new release. By default, use the last tag present in the repo, sorted using the [semver](https://semver.org/) format **Usage:** `changen release [OPTIONS]` ###### **Options:** * `-f`, `--file ` — Path to the changelog file Default value: `CHANGELOG.md` * `-v`, `--version ` — Version number for the release. If omitted, use the last tag present in the repo * `--previous-version ` — Previous version number. Used for the diff * `--provider ` — We use the Github link to produce the tags diff Default value: `github` Possible values: `github`, `none` * `--repo ` — Needed for the tags diff PRs. Example: 'wiiznokes/changen'. Already defined for you in Github Actions * `--omit-diff` — Omit the commit history between releases * `--force` — Override the release with the same version if it exist, by replacing all the existing release notes * `--header
` — Add this text as a header of the release. If a header already exist, it will be inserted before the existing one * `--merge-dev-versions ` — Merge older dev version into this new release Default value: `auto` Possible values: - `auto`: Yes if the version is stable, no otherwise - `no` - `yes` * `--stdout` — Print the result on the standard output ## `changen show` Show a releases on stdout. By default, show the last release **Usage:** `changen show [OPTIONS]` ###### **Options:** * `-f`, `--file ` — Path to the changelog file Default value: `CHANGELOG.md` * `-n ` — -1 being unreleased, 0 the last release, ... Default value: `0` * `-v`, `--version ` — Show a specific version. Also accept regex. Example: 1.0.0-* ## `changen remove` Remove a release **Usage:** `changen remove [OPTIONS] <-n |--version >` ###### **Options:** * `-f`, `--file ` — Path to the changelog file Default value: `CHANGELOG.md` * `--stdout` — Print the result on the standard output * `-n ` — -1 being unreleased, 0 the last release, ... * `-v`, `--version ` — Remove a specific version. Also accept regex. Example: 1.0.0-*
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