use changesets::{Change, ChangeType, UniqueId, Versioning}; use tempfile::tempdir; #[test] fn create_change() { let basic_programmatic = Change { unique_id: UniqueId::from("basic_programmatic"), versioning: Versioning::from(("my_package", ChangeType::Minor)), summary: String::from("### This is a summary"), }; let multiple_packages = Change { unique_id: UniqueId::from("multiple_packages"), versioning: Versioning::try_from_iter([ ("my_package", ChangeType::Minor), ("my_other_package", ChangeType::Major), ]) .unwrap(), summary: String::from("### This is a summary"), }; let dir = tempdir().unwrap(); let basic_change_path = basic_programmatic.write_to_directory(&dir).unwrap(); let multiple_change_path = multiple_packages.write_to_directory(&dir).unwrap(); let contents = std::fs::read_to_string(basic_change_path).unwrap(); assert_eq!( contents, "---\nmy_package: minor\n---\n\n### This is a summary\n" ); let contents = std::fs::read_to_string(multiple_change_path).unwrap(); // Order of packages is not guaranteed, they are semantically the same in YAML let first_possibility = "---\nmy_package: minor\nmy_other_package: major\n---\n\n### This is a summary\n"; let second_possibility = "---\nmy_other_package: major\nmy_package: minor\n---\n\n### This is a summary\n"; assert!( contents == first_possibility || contents == second_possibility, "Contents were not as expected: {}", contents ); } #[test] fn load_change() { let dir = tempdir().unwrap(); let change_path = dir.path().join(""); std::fs::write( &change_path, "---\nmy_package: minor\n---\n\n### This is a summary\n", ) .unwrap(); let change = Change::from_file(&change_path).unwrap(); assert_eq!(change.unique_id.to_string(), "a_change"); assert_eq!(change.summary, "### This is a summary"); assert_eq!( change.versioning, Versioning::from(("my_package", ChangeType::Minor)) ); }