# char-ranges
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Similar to the standard library's [`.char_indicies()`], but instead of only
producing the start byte position. This library implements [`.char_ranges()`],
that produce both the start and end byte positions.
Note that simply using [`.char_indicies()`] and creating a range by mapping the
returned index `i` to `i..(i + 1)` is not guaranteed to be valid. Given that
some UTF-8 characters can be up to 4 bytes.
| Char | Bytes | Range |
| :---: | :---: | :----: |
| `'O'` | 1 | `0..1` |
| `'Ø'` | 2 | `0..2` |
| `'∈'` | 3 | `0..3` |
| `'🌏'` | 4 | `0..4` |
_Assumes encoded in UTF-8._
The implementation specializes [`last()`], [`nth()`], [`next_back()`],
and [`nth_back()`]. Such that the length of intermediate characters is
not wastefully calculated.
## Example
use char_ranges::CharRangesExt;
let text = "Hello 🗻∈🌏";
let mut chars = text.char_ranges();
assert_eq!(chars.as_str(), "Hello 🗻∈🌏");
assert_eq!(chars.next(), Some((0..1, 'H'))); // These chars are 1 byte
assert_eq!(chars.next(), Some((1..2, 'e')));
assert_eq!(chars.next(), Some((2..3, 'l')));
assert_eq!(chars.next(), Some((3..4, 'l')));
assert_eq!(chars.next(), Some((4..5, 'o')));
assert_eq!(chars.next(), Some((5..6, ' ')));
// Get the remaining substring
assert_eq!(chars.as_str(), "🗻∈🌏");
assert_eq!(chars.next(), Some((6..10, '🗻'))); // This char is 4 bytes
assert_eq!(chars.next(), Some((10..13, '∈'))); // This char is 3 bytes
assert_eq!(chars.next(), Some((13..17, '🌏'))); // This char is 4 bytes
assert_eq!(chars.next(), None);
## `DoubleEndedIterator`
[`CharRanges`] also implements [`DoubleEndedIterator`] making it possible to iterate backwards.
use char_ranges::CharRangesExt;
let text = "ABCDE";
let mut chars = text.char_ranges();
assert_eq!(chars.as_str(), "ABCDE");
assert_eq!(chars.next(), Some((0..1, 'A')));
assert_eq!(chars.next_back(), Some((4..5, 'E')));
assert_eq!(chars.as_str(), "BCD");
assert_eq!(chars.next_back(), Some((3..4, 'D')));
assert_eq!(chars.next(), Some((1..2, 'B')));
assert_eq!(chars.as_str(), "C");
assert_eq!(chars.next(), Some((2..3, 'C')));
assert_eq!(chars.as_str(), "");
assert_eq!(chars.next(), None);
## Offset Ranges
If the input `text` is a substring of some original text, and the produced
ranges are desired to be offset in relation to the substring. Then instead
of [`.char_ranges()`] use [.char_ranges_offset]\(offset)
or .[char_ranges]\().[offset]\(offset)
use char_ranges::CharRangesExt;
let text = "Hello 👋 World 🌏";
let start = 11; // Start index of 'W'
let text = &text[start..]; // "World 🌏"
let mut chars = text.char_ranges_offset(start);
// or
// let mut chars = text.char_ranges().offset(start);
assert_eq!(chars.next(), Some((11..12, 'W'))); // These chars are 1 byte
assert_eq!(chars.next(), Some((12..13, 'o')));
assert_eq!(chars.next(), Some((13..14, 'r')));
assert_eq!(chars.next_back(), Some((17..21, '🌏'))); // This char is 4 bytes
[`.char_ranges()`]: https://docs.rs/char-ranges/*/char_ranges/trait.CharRangesExt.html#tymethod.char_ranges
[char_ranges]: https://docs.rs/char-ranges/*/char_ranges/trait.CharRangesExt.html#tymethod.char_ranges
[char_ranges()]: https://docs.rs/char-ranges/*/char_ranges/trait.CharRangesExt.html#tymethod.char_ranges
[.char_ranges_offset]: https://docs.rs/char-ranges/*/char_ranges/trait.CharRangesExt.html#tymethod.char_ranges_offset
[offset]: https://docs.rs/char-ranges/0.1.0/char_ranges/struct.CharRanges.html#method.offset
[`CharRanges`]: https://docs.rs/char-ranges/*/char_ranges/struct.CharRanges.html
[`.char_indicies()`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/primitive.str.html#method.char_indices
[`DoubleEndedIterator`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/iter/trait.DoubleEndedIterator.html
[`last()`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/iter/trait.Iterator.html#method.last
[`nth()`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/iter/trait.Iterator.html#method.nth
[`next_back()`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/iter/trait.DoubleEndedIterator.html#tymethod.next_back
[`nth_back()`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/iter/trait.DoubleEndedIterator.html#method.nth_back