candidates: - name: A ticker: A description: Business A market_cap: 238000000000 scenarios: - thesis: Unexpected stuff happens intrinsic_value: 0 probability: 0.05 - thesis: Core business keeps losing earnings power intrinsic_value: 170000000000 probability: 0.3 - thesis: "Business doesn't grow, earnings kept flat" intrinsic_value: 270000000000 probability: 0.5 - thesis: Earnings grow slightly intrinsic_value: 360000000000 probability: 0.15 - name: B ticker: B description: Business B market_cap: 363000000 scenarios: - thesis: Unexpected stuff happens intrinsic_value: 0 probability: 0.05 - thesis: Liquidation value intrinsic_value: 350000000 probability: 0.5 - thesis: Cycle moves upward and the market values the business correctly intrinsic_value: 900000000 probability: 0.45 - name: C ticker: C description: Business C market_cap: 35300000 scenarios: - thesis: > They don't manage to liquidate and it turns out that they're incompetent as they were in the past intrinsic_value: 0 probability: 0.1 - thesis: They manage to liquidate at 25% of similar realized prices in the past intrinsic_value: 33500000 probability: 0.5 - thesis: They manage to liquidate at 50% of similar realized prices in the past intrinsic_value: 135000000 probability: 0.4 - name: D ticker: D description: Business D market_cap: 608000000 scenarios: - thesis: > Assumes depressed normalized earnings, significantly higher future capital expenditures than in the past, inability to pass on the increased costs to customers, and a multiple of 10x. intrinsic_value: 330000000 probability: 0.5 - thesis: > Assumes that the last year earnings are representative of future earnings, with 15x multiple. intrinsic_value: 1000000000 probability: 0.5 - name: E ticker: E description: Business E market_cap: 441000000000 scenarios: - thesis: Unexpected stuff happens intrinsic_value: 0 probability: 0.05 - thesis: > They lose market share and normalized earnings power by 10% a year for five years, after which someone is willing to pay 8x earnings. intrinsic_value: 320000000000 probability: 0.5 - thesis: > They keep growing at 5% a year for five years, after which someone is willing to pay 12x earnings. intrinsic_value: 800000000000 probability: 0.45 - name: F ticker: F description: Business F market_cap: 17600000 scenarios: - thesis: They don't manage to liquidate and just lose all the money intrinsic_value: 0 probability: 0.05 - thesis: > They liquidate without realizing assets in escrow account, assuming significant quarterly cash loss until liquidation intrinsic_value: 10000000 probability: 0.25 - thesis: >- They liquidate everything, assuming reasonable cash loss until liquidation intrinsic_value: 25000000 probability: 0.7