use charlie_buffalo as cb; const LOG_FILE_PATH: &str = "logs.msgpack"; #[allow(unreachable_code)] fn main() { std::fs::write(LOG_FILE_PATH, "").unwrap(); let logger = cb::concurrent_logger_from(cb::Logger::new( cb::new_dispatcher(Box::from(dispatcher)), cb::new_dropper(Box::from(dropper)) )); let logger_for_panic = logger.clone(); std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(move |infos| { let attributes = match infos.location() { Some(location) => vec![ Level::PANIC.into(), cb::Flag::from("STOP").into(), cb::Attr::new("code", format!("{}:{}", location.file(), location.line())).into(), ], None => vec![Level::PANIC.into()], }; cb::push( &logger_for_panic, attributes, Some(&format!( "{:?}", infos.payload().downcast_ref::<&str>().unwrap_or(&"") )), ); // following is duplicate let result: Vec = rmp_serde::decode::from_read(std::fs::File::open(LOG_FILE_PATH).unwrap()) .unwrap_or_default(); std::fs::write( "logs.converted.json", serde_json::ser::to_vec_pretty(&result).unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); println!( "(please also read file {} and logs.converted.json to see written logs)\n", LOG_FILE_PATH ); })); // manual concurrent push : logger .lock() .unwrap() .push(vec![cb::Flag::from("STARTUP").into()], None); // easier current push : cb::push( &logger, vec![ Level::DEBUG.into(), cb::Attr::new("code", format!("{}:{}", file!(), line!())).into(), cb::Attr::new("functionality", "I'm \"quoting\" for tests ...").into(), ], Some("logger created"), ); cb::push( &logger, vec![ Level::INFO.into(), cb::Attr::new("user_id", &(48625 as usize)).into(), cb::Attr::new("code", format!("{}:{}", file!(), line!())).into(), ], Some("user has log-in"), ); cb::push( &logger, vec![ Level::WARN.into(), cb::Attr::new("logged", true).into(), cb::Attr::new("code", format!("{}:{}", file!(), line!())).into(), cb::Attr::new("credential_level", 'D').into(), ], Some("token cookie is not readable"), ); cb::push( &logger, vec![ Level::ERROR.into(), cb::Attr::new("HTTP-code", &(404 as u16)).into(), cb::Attr::new("route", "/users/16472/friends").into(), cb::Attr::new("code", format!("{}:{}", file!(), line!())).into(), cb::Attr::new( "IPs", vec!["", "localhost", "::1", "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1"], ) .into(), ], Some("this is first ERROR"), ); panic!("Here we voluntary finishing this example with this panic, which will be also logged !"); /* following line needed to run Drop on Arc (otherwise the hard counter stays to 1 at the end of main so drop() is not run) */ let _ = std::panic::take_hook(); } fn dispatcher(log: cb::Log) { let mut new_log = log.clone(); let attributes: Vec<(String, String)> = vec![cb::Attr::new("time", format!("{}", chrono::offset::Local::now())).into()]; for attribute in attributes { new_log.attributes.insert(attribute.0, attribute.1); } match new_log.attributes.get("level") { Some(level) => { if level == Level::PANIC || level == Level::ERROR { eprintln!("{}", &new_log); } else { println!("{}", &new_log); } } _ => { println!("{}", &new_log); } } let mut result: Vec = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(std::fs::read(LOG_FILE_PATH).unwrap_or_default().as_slice()) .unwrap_or_default(); result.push(new_log); std::fs::write(LOG_FILE_PATH, rmp_serde::encode::to_vec(&result).unwrap()).ok(); } fn dropper(logger: &cb::Logger) { logger.push(vec![cb::Flag::from("STOP").into()], None); let result: Vec = rmp_serde::decode::from_read(std::fs::File::open(LOG_FILE_PATH).unwrap()) .unwrap_or_default(); std::fs::write( "logs.converted.json", serde_json::ser::to_vec_pretty(&result).unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); println!( "(please also read file {} and logs.converted.json to see written logs)\n", LOG_FILE_PATH ); } #[derive(serde::Serialize)] enum Level { DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, PANIC, } impl cb::ValueAsString for Level { fn as_string(&self) -> String { format!( "{}", match self { Level::DEBUG => 10, Level::INFO => 20, Level::WARN => 30, Level::ERROR => 40, Level::PANIC => 50, } ) } } impl std::cmp::PartialEq for &String { fn eq(&self, other: &Level) -> bool { *self == &charlie_buffalo::ValueAsString::as_string(other) } } impl std::convert::Into<(String, String)> for Level { fn into(self) -> (String, String) { return (String::from("level"), cb::ValueAsString::as_string(&self)); } }