chatbot ======= An extensible chatbot written in rust. [![Circle CI](]( ## About The construction is inspired by Hubot's extensibility. There is an ever-growing list of [service adapters][] and [message handlers][] as part of the project. To get started, you might make a `main` function that looks like the following. Once you get that running, check out the [documentation][] to add more packaged [message handlers][] or write your own. ```rust #[macro_use(handler)] extern crate chatbot; use chatbot::Chatbot; use chatbot::adapter::CliAdapter; fn main() { let mut bot = Chatbot::new("chatbot_name"); let echo = handler!("EchoHandler", r"echo .+", |_, msg| { Some(msg.to_owned()) }); bot.add_handler(echo); bot.add_adapter(CliAdapter::new());; } ``` ## Plans Check out the [issue tracker][] for an up-to-date list of plans for the chat bot. ## Contributing Contributions are very welcome on this project. To get started, fork the repo and clone it locally. You should be able to just do `cargo run` and get a working ping and github handler on the command line. If you want to run the test program using the Slack adapter, do `cargo run -- --adapter slack`. [service adapters]: [message handlers]: [documentation]: [issue tracker]: [mio]: