use std::fmt::Write; use chatelier::{Adjustment, System}; use chem_eq::Equation; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use reedline_repl_rs::{ clap::{Arg, ArgMatches, Command}, Error, Repl, Result as ReplResult, }; static EQUATION: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { let mut eq = Equation::new("2NH3(g) <-> N2(g) + 3H2(g)").unwrap(); eq.set_concentrations(&[2.0, 1.0, 1.5]).unwrap(); eq }); const VOLUME: f32 = 1.0; fn main() -> ReplResult<()> { let system = System::new(EQUATION.clone()).unwrap(); let mut repl = Repl::new(system) .with_name("Chatelier") .with_version("v0.1.0") .with_description("REPL for modifying chemical equation systems") .with_banner("chatelier repl") .with_stop_on_ctrl_c(true) .with_command( Command::new("concentrations") .about("get concentration info") .arg(Arg::new("compound").help("compound to print concentration of")), print_concentration, ) .with_command( Command::new("units") .about("get units of each compound") .arg(Arg::new("compound").help("compound to print units of")), print_units, ) .with_command(Command::new("reset").about("reset simulation"), reset) .with_command( Command::new("k-expr").about("print k-expression"), print_k_expr, ) .with_command(Command::new("volume").about("print volume"), print_volume) .with_command( Command::new("equation").about("print equation"), print_equation, ) .with_command( Command::new("temperature").about("print temperature"), print_temperature, ) .with_command( Command::new("adjust") .args(&[ Arg::new("type") .help("type of adjustment: c|v|t") .required(true), Arg::new("num").help("new value").required(true), Arg::new("name").help("name of compound"), ]) .about("adjust simulation temperature, volume or concentration"), adjust, ); } fn reset(_args: ArgMatches, context: &mut System) -> ReplResult> { *context = System::new(EQUATION.clone()).unwrap(); Ok(Some("System reset".to_string())) } fn print_concentration(args: ArgMatches, context: &mut System) -> ReplResult> { if let Some(name) = args.get_one::("compound") { Ok(Some(format!( "{} = {}", name, context .equation() .get_concentration_by_name(name) .map(|f| f.to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|_| "not found".to_string()) ))) } else { let mut buf = String::from("Concentrations:\n"); for (name, cnc) in context.equation().name_and_concentration() { writeln!(buf, "\t{} = {}M", name, cnc).unwrap(); } Ok(Some(buf)) } } fn print_units(args: ArgMatches, context: &mut System) -> ReplResult> { if let Some(name) = args.get_one::("compound") { Ok(Some(format!( "{} = {}", name, context .equation() .get_compound_by_name(name) .map(|c| c.get_units(VOLUME)) .map(|u| u.to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| "not found".to_string()) ))) } else { let mut buf = String::from("Units:\n"); for (name, cmp) in context .equation() .compound_names() .zip(context.equation().iter_compounds()) { writeln!(buf, "\t{} = {}", name, cmp.get_units(VOLUME)).unwrap(); } Ok(Some(buf)) } } fn print_k_expr(_args: ArgMatches, context: &mut System) -> ReplResult> { Ok(Some(format!( "Kc = {:?}", context.equation().reaction_quotient() ))) } fn print_volume(_args: ArgMatches, context: &mut System) -> ReplResult> { Ok(Some(format!( "V = {}L", context.equation().volume().unwrap_or(1.0) ))) } fn print_temperature(_args: ArgMatches, context: &mut System) -> ReplResult> { Ok(Some(format!( "T = {}°C", context.equation().temperature().unwrap_or(0.0) ))) } fn print_equation(_args: ArgMatches, context: &mut System) -> ReplResult> { Ok(Some(format!("eq: {}", context.equation()))) } fn adjust(args: ArgMatches, context: &mut System) -> ReplResult> { let num = args.get_one::("num").unwrap().parse::()?; if num < 0.0 { return Ok(Some("Error: num must be positive".to_string())); } let name = args.get_one::("name"); let adjustment = match args.get_one::("type").unwrap().as_str() { "t" => Adjustment::Temperature(num), "v" => Adjustment::Volume(num), "c" => Adjustment::Concentration( name.ok_or_else(|| { Error::MissingRequiredArgument("adjust c".to_string(), "name".to_string()) })?, num, ), _ => { return Err(Error::UnknownCommand( "Invalid type: options are c|v|t".to_string(), )) } }; Ok(Some( context .adjust(adjustment) .map(|_| "Adjusted system".to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|e| e.to_string()), )) }