use num_bigint::BigUint; use std::io::stdin; use chaum_pedersen_auth::ZKP; #[path = "../protos/"] mod zkp_protocol; use zkp_protocol::{ auth_client::AuthClient, AuthenticationAnswerRequest, AuthenticationChallengeRequest, RegisterRequest, }; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let mut buf = String::new(); let (alpha, beta, p, q) = ZKP::get_constants(); let zkp = ZKP { alpha: alpha.clone(), beta: beta.clone(), p: p.clone(), q: q.clone(), }; let mut client = AuthClient::connect("") .await .expect("could not connect to the server"); println!("✅ Connected to the server"); println!("Please provide the username:"); stdin() .read_line(&mut buf) .expect("Could not get the username from stdin"); let username = buf.trim().to_string(); buf.clear(); println!("Please provide the password:"); stdin() .read_line(&mut buf) .expect("Could not get the username from stdin"); let password = BigUint::from_bytes_be(buf.trim().as_bytes()); buf.clear(); let (y1, y2) = zkp.compute_pair(&password); let request = RegisterRequest { user: username.clone(), y1: y1.to_bytes_be(), y2: y2.to_bytes_be(), }; let _response = client .register(request) .await .expect("Could not register in server"); println!("✅ Registration was successful"); println!("Please provide the password (to login):"); stdin() .read_line(&mut buf) .expect("Could not get the username from stdin"); let password = BigUint::from_bytes_be(buf.trim().as_bytes()); buf.clear(); let k = ZKP::generate_random_number_below(&q); let (r1, r2) = zkp.compute_pair(&k); let request = AuthenticationChallengeRequest { user: username, r1: r1.to_bytes_be(), r2: r2.to_bytes_be(), }; let response = client .create_authentication_challenge(request) .await .expect("Could not request challenge to server") .into_inner(); let auth_id = response.auth_id; let c = BigUint::from_bytes_be(&response.c); let s = zkp.solve(&k, &c, &password); let request = AuthenticationAnswerRequest { auth_id, s: s.to_bytes_be(), }; let response = client .verify_authentication(request) .await .expect("Could not verify authentication in server") .into_inner(); println!("✅Logging successful! session_id: {}", response.session_id); }