# Examples ## Python ```toml [check-config] additional_checks = ["black.toml", "mypy.toml", "tuff.toml"] # Do not use setup.cfg ["setup.cfg".file_absent] # Do not use setup.py ["setup.py".file_absent] # Do not use requirements.txt ["requirements.txt".file_absent] # use poetry as build tool ["pyproject.toml".key_value_present.build-system] requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"] build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api" # prevent from adding .venv and cache to git [[".gitignore".lines_present]] __lines__ = "__pycache__" [[".gitignore".lines_present]] __lines__ = ".cache" [[".gitignore".lines_present]] __lines__ = ".venv" ``` ## Ruff ```toml ["pyproject.toml".key_value_present.tool.ruff] line-length = 120 select = ["ALL"] ignore = [ "D", # pydocstyle "ANN102", # Missing type annotation for {name} in classmethod "ANN101", # Missing type annotation for `self` in method "EM102", # Exception must not use an f-string literal, assign to variable first "TCH", # Use Type Checking Block "TRY003", # Avoid specifying long messages outside the exception class "EM", # Error messages must not use string literal, must not use f-string "FBT", # Do not use positional / default boolean arguments ] ["pyproject.toml".key_value_regex_match.tool.ruff] target-version = "(py310)|(py311)" ["pyproject.toml".key_value_present.tool.ruff.per-file-ignores] "tests/**" = [ "S101", # No usage of assert "INP", # No implicit namespace packages "SLF", # No private member accessed "ARG", # unused arguments "PLR2004", # No usage of magic contants "ANN201", # Missing return type annotation ] "notebooks/**" = ["ALL"] ["pyproject.toml".key_value_present.tool.ruff.isort] force-single-line = true ``` ## Black ```toml ["pyproject.toml".key_value_present.tool.black] line-length = 120 exclude = "(/(notebooks|\\.git|\\.venv)/)" [".pre-commit-config.yaml".entry_present.repos] __items__ = [ { repo = "local", hooks = [ { id = "black", name = "black", language = "system", entry = "poetry run black .", pass_filenames = false, always_run = true }, ] }, ] ``` ## Mypy ```toml ["pyproject.toml".key_value_present.tool.mypy] explicit_package_bases = true namespace_packages = true ignore_missing_imports = true [".pre-commit-config.yaml".entry_present.repos] __items__ = [ { repo = "local", hooks = [ { id = "mypy", name = "mypy", language = "system", entry = "poetry run mypy dvb", pass_filenames = false, always_run = true }, ] }, { repo = "local", hooks = [ { id = "mypy_on_tests", name = "mypy", language = "system", entry = "poetry run mypy tests", pass_filenames = false, always_run = true }, ] }, ] [[".gitignore".lines_present]] __lines__ = ".mypy_cache" ``` ## Bashrc ```toml [".bashrc".file_regex_match] __regex__ = "export KEY=.*" ```