// @generated #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] pub struct CheckIfEmailExistsRequestProxy { #[prost(string, tag="1")] pub host: ::prost::alloc::string::String, #[prost(uint32, tag="2")] pub port: u32, } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] pub struct CheckIfEmailExistsRequest { #[prost(string, tag="1")] pub to_email: ::prost::alloc::string::String, #[prost(string, tag="2")] pub from_email: ::prost::alloc::string::String, #[prost(string, tag="3")] pub hello_name: ::prost::alloc::string::String, #[prost(message, optional, tag="4")] pub proxy: ::core::option::Option, #[prost(uint64, optional, tag="5")] pub smtp_timeout: ::core::option::Option, #[prost(bool, tag="6")] pub yahoo_use_api: bool, #[prost(uint32, optional, tag="7")] pub smtp_port: ::core::option::Option, } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] pub struct MiscDetails { #[prost(bool, tag="1")] pub is_disposable: bool, #[prost(bool, tag="2")] pub is_role_account: bool, } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] pub struct MxDetails { #[prost(bool, tag="1")] pub accepts_mail: bool, #[prost(string, repeated, tag="2")] pub records: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<::prost::alloc::string::String>, } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] pub struct SmtpDetails { #[prost(bool, tag="1")] pub can_connect_smtp: bool, #[prost(bool, tag="2")] pub has_full_inbox: bool, #[prost(bool, tag="3")] pub is_catch_all: bool, #[prost(bool, tag="4")] pub is_deliverable: bool, #[prost(bool, tag="5")] pub is_disabled: bool, } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] pub struct SyntaxDetails { #[prost(string, optional, tag="1")] pub email_address: ::core::option::Option<::prost::alloc::string::String>, #[prost(string, tag="2")] pub domain: ::prost::alloc::string::String, #[prost(bool, tag="3")] pub is_valid_syntax: bool, #[prost(string, tag="4")] pub username: ::prost::alloc::string::String, } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)] pub struct CheckIfEmailExistsResponse { #[prost(string, tag="1")] pub input: ::prost::alloc::string::String, #[prost(enumeration="Reachable", tag="2")] pub is_reachable: i32, #[prost(message, optional, tag="9")] pub syntax: ::core::option::Option, #[prost(oneof="check_if_email_exists_response::Misc", tags="3, 4")] pub misc: ::core::option::Option, #[prost(oneof="check_if_email_exists_response::Mx", tags="5, 6")] pub mx: ::core::option::Option, #[prost(oneof="check_if_email_exists_response::Smtp", tags="7, 8")] pub smtp: ::core::option::Option, } /// Nested message and enum types in `CheckIfEmailExistsResponse`. pub mod check_if_email_exists_response { #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Oneof)] pub enum Misc { #[prost(message, tag="3")] MiscDetails(super::MiscDetails), #[prost(string, tag="4")] MiscError(::prost::alloc::string::String), } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Oneof)] pub enum Mx { #[prost(message, tag="5")] MxDetails(super::MxDetails), #[prost(string, tag="6")] MxError(::prost::alloc::string::String), } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Oneof)] pub enum Smtp { #[prost(message, tag="7")] SmtpDetails(super::SmtpDetails), #[prost(string, tag="8")] SmtpError(::prost::alloc::string::String), } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord, ::prost::Enumeration)] #[repr(i32)] pub enum Reachable { Unspecified = 0, Safe = 1, Risky = 2, Invalid = 3, Unknown = 4, } impl Reachable { /// String value of the enum field names used in the ProtoBuf definition. /// /// The values are not transformed in any way and thus are considered stable /// (if the ProtoBuf definition does not change) and safe for programmatic use. pub fn as_str_name(&self) -> &'static str { match self { Reachable::Unspecified => "REACHABLE_UNSPECIFIED", Reachable::Safe => "REACHABLE_SAFE", Reachable::Risky => "REACHABLE_RISKY", Reachable::Invalid => "REACHABLE_INVALID", Reachable::Unknown => "REACHABLE_UNKNOWN", } } } include!("check_if_email_exists.v1.tonic.rs"); // @@protoc_insertion_point(module)