use std::{env, thread, time, io, process}; use std::io::Write; use std::collections::HashMap; // this will produce a binary which is used by // integration tests to check if all the parts // wrapped in CheckedCommand, etc. are there // not that it is created through the `` // script, so no cargo integration available! // (but also not needed) fn main() { // skip name of this bin and take first provided arg let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); assert!(args.len() >= 2); match args[1].as_str() { "hang" => do_hang(), "echo_line" => echo_line(), "check" => run_checks(&args[2..]), "noop" => {}, "print" => { println!("test123") }, "output_with_err" => output_with_err(), "noop_err" => { process::exit(113); } e => panic!("unexpected subcommand: {}", e) } } fn output_with_err() { println!("test123"); process::exit(100); } fn do_hang() { for _ in 0..10 { thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_secs(1)); } panic!("hang is expected to be killed, why wasn't it?"); } fn echo_line() { let mut line = String::new(); io::stdin().read_line(&mut line).unwrap(); write_out(io::stdout(), &*line); //emmit twice on err to make a difference write_out(io::stderr(), &*line); write_out(io::stderr(), &*line); } fn write_out(mut v: W, line: &str) { let len = write!(&mut v, "{}", line).unwrap(); v.flush().unwrap(); } macro_rules! map { ($($key:expr => $val:expr),*) => {{ let mut map = HashMap::new(); $(map.insert($key.into(), $val.into());)* map }} } fn run_checks(args: &[String]) { //check current_dir/arg/args assert_eq!(args, &[ env::current_dir().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().to_string(), "one".into(), "two".into(), "three".into()]); let envs: HashMap = env::vars().collect(); // for env_clean, env_remove, env and envs let expected: HashMap = map! { "key1" => "one", "key2" => "two", "key3" => "three" }; assert_eq!(expected, envs); }